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Restorations => General => Topic started by: obs48167 on June 14, 2009, 06:36:26 am

Title: clear coat decal question
Post by: obs48167 on June 14, 2009, 06:36:26 am
I'm using vinyl decals, should the unit be clear coated before or after they are applied?

Thank you for your time

Title: Re: clear coat decal question
Post by: RC kid on June 14, 2009, 09:06:28 am
You can apply them before or after clear coating. If you apply them after clear coating they tend to not stand out as decals and look more like they were painted on. But if they are applied after clear coating they can be remove, with the proper technique, without damaging the paint. Keep in mind though, you probably will never need to remove them.

Try both techniques on an old junk yard hood and see which works best for you.
Paint the hood coca-cola red with your base coat paint or single stage enamel paint, and then apply any decals you like on the right side of the hood. Clear coat over the entire hood. You may need to apply several coats of clear coat depending on how thick your vinyl decals are. Two coats should work, but three may be needed to ensure an even flow over the edges of the decals. Then when the paint has cured to the point you can safely apply more decals, place decals on the left side of the hood, and compare the results. This experience will prove more valuable then anything you read in a manual. 

Title: Re: clear coat decal question
Post by: loman4ec on June 14, 2009, 09:17:44 am
if you clear over the top be careful. Spray several thin mist coats over the vinyl or water release decals first. The thinner in the paint will melt them but if you build up a barrier over them with mist coats first then you can normally lay the paint on. It will looks better to clear over them.

Title: Re: clear coat decal question
Post by: MoonDawg on June 14, 2009, 10:20:12 am
       Just as with embossed letters, too much clear too fast will collect and want to
run.  Best to lay each side flat and lay the clear thick on a horizontal surface.

Title: Re: clear coat decal question
Post by: RC kid on June 14, 2009, 10:57:18 am
Excellent advise about the misting of the paint. As with all painting I usually mist the paint and wait five to ten minutes till it becomes tacky, then I apply a coat and wait. If There are any issues a little elbow grease and some fine steel wool will take care of it. Although, it is better to get it right without the polishing. And I would not want to rub down any clear that is painted over the decals, doing that may damage the decals should you rub too hard or too long, and force you into doing major corrections.

Again, use an old hood and practice a little before moving onto the actual project. It will ay off. And you do not have to use your expensive red to practice with. Any color will do.

Title: Re: clear coat decal question
Post by: Yarochrehc on June 19, 2009, 10:34:53 pm
I Have done it both ways, also I've cleared coated first appliad the decal and then cleared over every thing again and it turned out great. Still use caution as stated above when clearing over the decal.