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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: loman4ec on April 25, 2009, 10:12:53 pm

Title: Electric bottle stack to mechanical conversion????
Post by: loman4ec on April 25, 2009, 10:12:53 pm
Is it possible to convert an electric V56 bottle stack to mechanical? If it is possible are the parts reproduced? If not will the mechanical parts on an V81 mechanical stack work to convert the 56? I am thinking about converting the transitional V56 that I converted to electric back to mechanical :)

Title: Re: Electric bottle stack to mechanical conversion????
Post by: collecture on April 25, 2009, 10:51:55 pm
I do not have any personal experience with the conversion, but I'm fairly certain I have heard it is possible. Not aware of any parts being made, but surely some guys here might have what you need including myself. I'll check, but I'm pretty sure most 81 and 56 stack parts are the same.

It sounds like you going through some serious soda machines withdrawals...recently you are buying stuff...sniffing out deals from across the world....making parts....talking better come home for your own good!

Title: Re: Electric bottle stack to mechanical conversion????
Post by: loman4ec on April 26, 2009, 02:31:51 am
Yes I am having withdraws. I have bought a V44, VMC81 square top, Guts to a VMC44 and a Seeburg C. This is all within the past two months. I have three places to store machines for free. My grandpa who lives on the south side of Indy sold his boat as he is getting older and couldn't take it out anymore so we have room in his garage. That is where the seeburg and the 44 are. My Grandma has a big empty barn and she lives on the east side of indy. and my Mom's boyfriend has a 5 car garage and a ton of space in Dayton Ohio. He said i can buy and store as many machines as I want there. He just took a road trip to pick up a square top mechanical VMC 81. I have been thinking about looking for a stripped V81D and use this machine as parts. Every now and then you see machines missing coin mechs and shelves and sometime bottle stacks. Well this machine has everything to complete one. However I think I am going to convert my Transitional VMC56 back to mechanical vend. Use this coin mech and buy a new coin door. Hopefully I can convert the bottle stack to mechanical. Then I will sell off the other parts. I have attached pics of the mechanical 81 I just got. Its an ugly machine.

I am coming home in late June -early July and I need to keep myself busy. I can't wait to tear this machine apart and start selling parts again. I just don't know the values of anything anymore. Someone chime in and help me out with the value of the parts for a round to V81 parts. These pics are from the seller. They are bad but I will get better once I am home

Title: Re: Electric bottle stack to mechanical conversion????
Post by: MoonDawg on April 26, 2009, 05:01:53 am
       Here is a perfect opportunity to answer a question and place a request.

       Yes the mechanical and electric stacks are identical except for 1 part that
to my knowledge has not been reproduced. It is the triangle shaped piece in the
picture below. It is indexed by a cup at the bottom of the bottle stack which
I believe is being re-produced.
       I have converted a few electric to manual but had to make this part by
hand. The cups I got from a 110 stack but I think this cam was reversed and couldn't
be used on a 56 or 81. I could be mistaken.
       Josh, you may be in the position to have these made if someone has an extra
for prototype. This part was always shown in the Funtronics catalog and refered to
as "comming soon" but to my knowledge never arrived.

Title: Re: Electric bottle stack to mechanical conversion????
Post by: loman4ec on April 26, 2009, 05:42:35 am
The cup would be hard to make as it is pressed and my shop doesn't have that capability. However the triangle is different. I can take it off of this machine when I get home and see how difficult it is to make. It should be easy. I don't think I can do the cup though unless I send it off to my guy in China and the minimum quantity will be 500 pcs. I don't know that there is the demand for 500 pcs. Its easier for you all to make calls in the us than me. Can you guys check with funtronics and soda jerk and see what is made and what is not. Whats not I will see what I can do to make them.

Title: Re: Electric bottle stack to mechanical conversion????
Post by: Ltransam on April 26, 2009, 08:53:37 am

             Hey , Guys

       Remember My Guys work in a Machine SHOP  :tounge: Heres A couple of thing 's the guys did for me . Mills 400 did me a Favor  So I came up with this .Now SOMETIME'S if were busy it takes awhile to get things done & Sometime We just can't make an Item (Because Of THe Machine We Have )   But So faw the Guys Have Made a TON of stuff I'v needed for Machines . So IF ?? I had One I MIGHT ??? beable to make one NO Promises .. In Time


Title: Re: Electric bottle stack to mechanical conversion????
Post by: loman4ec on April 26, 2009, 09:08:25 am
Well funtronics has the cup just not the part Glen posted a pic of. Leonard, When I am home I will remove the part from my 81 stack and bring it to you when we meet for a beer or 10 :)
Here is the quote from the funtronics catalog for the vending cup:

"32. Cam Cylinder.......... Reproduction vend cam cylinder for Vendo and Vendorlator 56, 81 & 110. Comes with special mounting screw. Necessary for converting electric machines
back to crank handle operation ..$48.00"

So all we need is the other piece.

Title: Re: Electric bottle stack to mechanical conversion????
Post by: coke_and_stuff on April 26, 2009, 10:04:56 pm
I probably have this piece you need as with the springs etc. I do not howver have any vend cams. I would not cut up that 81 stack as they are hard to find. 56 mechanicals are easy to find and alot harder to sell.

current prices on your 81 parts

Stack $350.00
Shelves with slides $200.00
Bottle Door $100.00
Mechanical Linkage $80.00
Coin mech $250-350.00
Press down handle $75.00

Lightbar, coin chute, correct change flag are all different than a roundtop

Cooling Unit will fit a V56 but hard to sell I have a good tested original unit here ive been trying to sell for $100.00 for months

The last comple V56 mechanical stack sold for $75.00


Title: Re: Electric bottle stack to mechanical conversion????
Post by: MoonDawg on April 26, 2009, 11:40:45 pm

 I would not cut up that 81 stack as they are hard to find.

     Joey is right, borrow the cam for reproduction purposes, but don't cut up that stack  :darn:

Title: Re: Electric bottle stack to mechanical conversion????
Post by: loman4ec on April 27, 2009, 12:41:47 am
No I didn't plan to cut it up!!! Does it have to be cut up to remove the parts? Joey please confirm if you have another spare because I would really like to sell the stack when I get home. I would prefer to complete a RT81 myself but I just don't think it will happen. I would rather sell the V81 parts and the VMC44 bottle stack and coin door and maybe use that money toward another machine. I am not sure but I think the VMC 44 bottle stack should sell well on ebay. I am keeping the coin mech on the 81 but I will have another non change giving LD mech on the way next week.

Title: Re: Electric bottle stack to mechanical conversion????
Post by: coke_and_stuff on April 29, 2009, 12:29:07 am
It took me awhile to dig through all my bins but I do have most of the parts needed, If not all.
