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The Coin Return => Other Coin-Op's => Topic started by: Kilroy on March 25, 2009, 08:21:56 pm

Title: While the boards were down
Post by: Kilroy on March 25, 2009, 08:21:56 pm
I spent waaay to much time flagging posts on the Detroit Craiglst.  Oh, and scored my buy of the week, maybe of the year - a 1948 Seeburg 148, aka "A Trashcan"

90% restored,  I think I'll have it playing this weekend. Missing  the coin mech, I hope it will easier to find than a LD coin mech. The seller's father purchused it from a a bar in Detroit, I wish i knew what one,  maybe then we'd know the sotry of the bullet hole in the side...


Not a 1015 or a RC 81, but for the condition it was in and the asking price, i contacted the seller  in 10 minutes after it was posted, at his house within 20 minutes with cash.

Title: Re: While the boards were down
Post by: Pat Pixley on March 25, 2009, 09:00:06 pm
Very cool Kilroy  so how many jukes do you have now ??

Title: Re: While the boards were down
Post by: collecture on March 25, 2009, 09:09:00 pm
Are you missing the whole mech or just the rejector?
I can probably assemble you a rejector if you have a pic of one.

Title: Re: While the boards were down
Post by: David D on March 25, 2009, 09:09:24 pm
congrats that's a really nice looking jukebox.

Title: Re: While the boards were down
Post by: Kilroy on March 25, 2009, 09:12:44 pm
This is the first and only 78 player,  I've posted pics of the restoration of the  Seeburg HF100G, waiting in the wings is a Wurlitzer 1400, and a Wurlitzer 1015 OMT. I've had but sold a Rockola 1436, 1422 and 1428. Vinyl on a turntable, my second passion, next to a  round top soda machine.

Picking up the 1015, and a Vendo 56 was a blast, ran into an ice storm in Indiana, followed us home, the entre trip took almost 22 hrs.  I mention this because I bought them from Rod, who now runs Funtronics. Didn't get to meet Rod personally, he was out of town that Saturday, but his son showed us some of the projects he was working on and machines completed , I was drooling and awed. When I heard he bought Funtronics, I knew it would be in great hands.

Title: Re: While the boards were down
Post by: dr galaga on March 25, 2009, 09:43:10 pm
Nice looking juke.  I'm not much in to the Trashcans, but I do like this one.

Title: Re: While the boards were down
Post by: SIGNGUY on March 25, 2009, 10:06:26 pm
Nice looking Juke, not my favorite one, but once restored, the do look nice.
I some day will own a 1015 (original) someday... the wife even said OK.. so there you go.

Title: Re: While the boards were down
Post by: Kilroy on March 25, 2009, 10:10:53 pm
I prefer the visibles, one day I'll have a 1015,  and I was thinking of changing the gears  on  the wurly 1400 back to play 78's,  but  with new plastics, all the chrome replated, the amp rebuilt for $400, I couldn't pass  this one up.

Title: Re: While the boards were down
Post by: SIGNGUY on March 25, 2009, 10:12:25 pm
WOW 400... I would have jumped at that as well... He has to have more into that in parts? and chrome? wow..

Title: Re: While the boards were down
Post by: davethebirdman on March 26, 2009, 12:42:15 am

Bloody Hell... and we were only talking about trashcans the other day...
Personally I think they are a great machine...

Good score...


Title: Re: While the boards were down
Post by: johnieG on March 26, 2009, 07:29:34 am
Nice 'Juke! Check over at Games People Play in Mt.Clemens, MI. Big John Buve' has a few trashcans that might have a coinmech to donate to yours..