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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: buschgator on March 04, 2009, 09:02:31 pm

Title: The Search
Post by: buschgator on March 04, 2009, 09:02:31 pm
Out of curiosity, what methods do you guys use to find items (other than ebay and craigslist)?  Soda machines?  Candy machines?  Jukeboxes?  you get the idea


Title: Re: The Search
Post by: mznb1u on March 04, 2009, 09:07:03 pm
Compile your regular searches that you will do on E-bay or CL everyday!  The day you skip is the day you will miss the big deal.  :down:  Missed a Stoner Theatre for $75 last Summer!  :veryangry:

Also, make people that you know aware of the fact that you are collecting and what you are collecting.  They can be great eyes and ears for you.

 :drinking: Tim :drinking:

Title: Re: The Search
Post by: buschgator on March 04, 2009, 09:08:46 pm
But do you have other avenues?  How did you guys find these things before craigslist and ebay existed?


Title: Re: The Search
Post by: Kilroy on March 04, 2009, 09:14:48 pm
Let friends now you are looking. Some one will know  some one with a machine in the garage or someone downsizing.
Stop at garage sales or flea markets.  Lot more misses than hits, but the thrill is in the chase.
Members here have had luck simply by posting  an ad on the local supermarket bulletin board or local newspaper.

Title: Re: The Search
Post by: buschgator on March 04, 2009, 09:20:17 pm
Thanks.  They all sound like good ideas. 

I'm not sure if this is of any help, but I use this one site called

You are able to select multiple locations at once and it compiles them all from craigslist.  That way if you have surrounding ares you want to look through, you don't have to go to each individual craigslist site.

Title: Re: The Search
Post by: Eric on March 04, 2009, 09:23:25 pm
I scanned a bunch of machines and coolers that I'm looking for and made a poster with the little
phone numbers hanging from the bottom and a large number in case the little ones are all torn off
then I kept those in my glove box and every...EVERY flea market and antique store I stopped at
I left one.... got a Cav 72, a couple sliders and Westinghouse coolers from that...
Also business cards, run ads in those free papers at gas stations, We have a Senior Times paper
for yes senior folks, I ran a ad in that and got 2 Vendo 39s... Tell everyone you know
to look.... Talk about it to folks at auctions when you go.... find out about old bottling plants
in your area (if there were any) then see if any old timers are still around... got a 83 that way...

I also see guys at shows with T-shirts made up with I collect.. or Buying....
I'm thinking of doing that.... have a t-shirt made do the distressed soda logo on the front and
I collect... on the back

good luck!

Title: Re: The Search
Post by: Pat Pixley on March 04, 2009, 09:34:10 pm
I have let all my friend know plus alot of my client's know that I collect,
Then I alway see what JohnieG  has, And have bought a few machines
off of him :smile:.  But friend  are a great source .
And like Eric said posting something in the store or hardware  works
great. :smile:.

Title: Re: The Search
Post by: MoonDawg on March 04, 2009, 09:50:45 pm

But do you have other avenues?  How did you guys find these things before craigslist and ebay existed?


         Oh, do I remember getting up at 4:00 am......driving 90 miles to the swap meet,
walking another 20 miles of rows of car parts and junk until I found one machine to restore.

         Be Thankful for E-bay and C/L, but you will have major competition there too.

         Like the other guys have way is to let everyone you are in contact with, know you like this "junk".      Then you will start finding it on your doorstep :biggrin:! 

Title: Re: The Search
Post by: loman4ec on March 05, 2009, 12:48:34 am
My best way was newspapers. I would run on sundays in the antique section for looking for old vending machines and arcade games. I bought a lot of machines like that. Also there are thousands of small classified sites that are local for any area. I posted in all that I could find. That is how I just got this deal on a 44 for $450. He say a 5 year old add online and emailed me. You never know.

Title: Re: The Search
Post by: buschgator on March 05, 2009, 09:24:25 am
Did you say you found that 44 in jacksonville, FL? 

If only I had started this hobby a few weeks sooner it could have been mine.  I live in Jax.