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The Coin Return => Other Coin-Op's => Topic started by: pepsidixienarco on March 02, 2009, 12:34:28 am

Title: 1957 rockola juke box
Post by: pepsidixienarco on March 02, 2009, 12:34:28 am
Hi there I have a rock juke box 200 selection, but the carrier thing with the pins, is not selecting anymore, any tricks.  I can't remember the model off hand something like 1955 I'll check.  Thanks.

Title: Re: 1957 rockola juke box
Post by: pepsidixienarco on May 09, 2010, 09:17:38 am
I was wondering if I can use some cleaner on the pins.  I got it working ok like 15 years ago, by cleaning the pins a little.

It will spin the carrier when you hit a selection, but it will not select a record.

Title: Re: 1957 rockola juke box
Post by: bubba on May 09, 2010, 09:21:22 am
There are a few spray contact cleaners that would probably work. I have one by CRC that works well. Spray it on, wipe it with a cloth and the rest evaporates. Try not to use any sandpaper as it takes off the coating on the pins.

Title: Re: 1957 rockola juke box
Post by: pepsidixienarco on May 09, 2010, 09:36:01 am
Excellent thanks a lot.

Title: Re: 1957 rockola juke box
Post by: davethebirdman on May 09, 2010, 10:07:00 am

I also have a rockola and they are very well known for sticking pins. Try working them loose with your fingers before you actually start spraying anything. The pins particularly those on the bottom get sticky over time and a little freeing with your fingertips could do the trick.Power off obviously although I have on occasion been inpatient enough to do it with the power on.

Try to avoid something like WD40.. It will do the trick in ther short term but causes problems later on.

You can remove the pin bank and clean it on the bench. Lots of hard work and not a job for a novice.

Whilst there are lots of people here with Jukes and great knowledge there are other Jukebox forums on the net.

Best of luck


Title: Re: 1957 rockola juke box
Post by: TomFromJersey on May 09, 2010, 10:07:54 am
Just be sure not to use WD-40.

Title: Re: 1957 rockola juke box
Post by: Pat Pixley on May 09, 2010, 02:19:06 pm
You will want to talk to Kilroy he does Juke Boxes.

Title: Re: 1957 rockola juke box
Post by: pepsidixienarco on May 10, 2010, 09:03:59 am
Thanks guys, great info.  I think you nailed the problem.  I got it working 15 years ago or more now, and it sat in a basement that was not finished, and had no dehumidifier, so I think the contacts were dirty, and gunked up.  I broke them free, and brushed them with a soft tooth brush, and it was fine for a couple years.  Well it was at my dads house, and it stopped working 2 years ago, and he sprayed wd40 on it, and like you say that is when it stopped working shortly after that.

So if the wd40 caused another problem what might it be?
Can I still get them cleaned up with contact cleaner or is it shot?
Also when you say "take the bank out", do you mean the carriage thing with the pins on it?


Title: Re: 1957 rockola juke box
Post by: Kilroy on May 10, 2010, 10:03:51 am
WD40 will gum up and harden, and cancel the 'fixes' you did.
Do the pins move when a selection is made?  does the credit counter decrease?

Title: Re: 1957 rockola juke box
Post by: pepsidixienarco on May 10, 2010, 11:16:09 am
the pins move freely by hand, but not when you hit the button.  I cleaned on it today a little, and I got it to pick up one selection, but that is is it.

As for the clearing.  I don't think so because it keeps cycling for ever like it is searching for a selection.


Title: Re: 1957 rockola juke box
Post by: Kilroy on May 10, 2010, 01:22:40 pm
K, talked to the  mech  guy and swell friend with pick up, and  he reminded me of a problem I had with a 1436.  Rock-ola has 2 coils ( well early ones at least ) called write in  and write out, the arms  on both should be able to move freely, clean them if they aren't.

Title: Re: 1957 rockola juke box
Post by: pepsidixienarco on May 10, 2010, 01:53:37 pm
Thanks, i have heard something in the past about that terminology, but I am not sure what part is not making the contacts kick out.

I had a guy look at it quick one time, and he pulled the box that holds the plays, and said that needed to be cleared, then he did spun this gear, and plugged it back in, and all of the sudden the thing cycled both ways, and stopped.  Then we could pick a selection and it would search again.

I am not sure how to get it cleared, because at this point it will just keep spinning the records left, and right picking one up.

Is it the drum itself with the contacts in, that has a problem making them kick out?
If I move one manually than it will catch it, and play it.