SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: mznb1u on February 23, 2009, 11:26:12 pm

Title: E-Bay Reminders and related e-mails
Post by: mznb1u on February 23, 2009, 11:26:12 pm
Has anyone been noticing a lag in the receipt of e-mails, reminders and bid confirmations from E-Bay lately?  :veryangry: I have a cell phone/pda with Mobile Windows so I have my work and personal e-mail come directly to the phone.  The past week or so, I have noticed that bid confirmations and reminders are gettng to me late--to the point that I have missed out on final bid opportunities. :darn:  I just got a confirmation (about 20 minutes ago) for a bid that I placed Saturday at 5:45 PM!?  :oops:

Obviously, this could be a Verizon or an ISP issue but I thought I would check here to see if anyone has experienced the same problem.  :glare: My other e-mails seem to be coming through just fine.


 :drinking: Tim :drinking:

Title: Re: E-Bay Reminders and related e-mails
Post by: Kilroy on February 24, 2009, 07:43:18 am
I haven't noticed  any lags,  still getting reminders on my watched items ending in timely  fashion ,  haven't bid in a while, so can't comment on that aspect.
I do suggest a good, and ususally free sniping tool.  It's like   Ronco rotesserie  oven, set it and forget it  8)

Title: Re: E-Bay Reminders and related e-mails
Post by: loman4ec on February 24, 2009, 09:46:20 am
The only thing I have had bad problems with is ebay running really really slow. Both the singapore and USA version. Even simple searches have sometimes taken long times. Whats up?