SMC Discussion Areas

Restorations => General => Topic started by: Eric on January 29, 2009, 08:21:24 pm

Title: Chrome Fabricator
Post by: Eric on January 29, 2009, 08:21:24 pm
Anyone know of one?
I have a strip that goes along the front of a cooler vertical... and need another...
it's held on by 3 clips on the bacl similar to an 81 strip
Would rather not use the chrome plastic stripping... would like to find someone
that could maybe fabricate this piece first... if price isn't crazy $$$$.
I thought Antiquities made their own 81 strips but don't see if they do it any longer....
(they have a great site but I am horrible at finding anything on it)
anyway... thought someone may know. :help:

Title: Re: Chrome Fabricator
Post by: collecture on January 29, 2009, 09:10:43 pm
I've taken steel pieces that had been painted - stripped them and then had them chromed. Why can't you fab a piece from steel and then send it out to be chromed? It is pieces that have pitted, etc that need special attention, but a nice new piece of steel will turn out nice with almost any decent chrome plating company. I have a company here in town that does a nice job until it comes to filling the pits and they are fairly inexpensive. I took a couple of large door rejector mainplates to him (broken down - 4 pieces) and he charged me $25 for all four.

What are the size dimensions, etc of your piece?

Title: Re: Chrome Fabricator
Post by: johnieG on January 29, 2009, 09:28:51 pm
Also, many auto chrome trim restorers can straighten, removed dents, etc from stainless steel trim, such as whats found on a Vendo V63, etc.  check Hemmings motor news for them, just a thought.

Title: Re: Chrome Fabricator
Post by: Eric on January 29, 2009, 11:16:58 pm
I'll dig it out and take a picture of it... the edges are rolled under like the trim
off an old car... it's off the Orange Squeeze cooler (S&S cooler or early Quikold)
it goes to a point on both ends... about 16-18" long... one is missing the one I have
is rough.... would like to add them to the cooler when I restored it... thought they
may not be too expensive to make was looking to find a place to get a price.
thanks guys....

Title: Re: Chrome Fabricator
Post by: Eric on January 29, 2009, 11:21:06 pm
Just found this killer site with all these good images of machines...
hope they don't mind... but it's these 2 front pieces that  cover the seams