SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => Estimated Values => Topic started by: Skeleton Man on October 19, 2008, 06:25:26 pm

Title: Vendo V-216 (I think)
Post by: Skeleton Man on October 19, 2008, 06:25:26 pm
I stumbled upon this machine in my weekly browse.. Going by the pictures on SMC, it looks like a V216..  Is this some giant 400lb beast or is it actually worth something ?

It's a little further out of my way (like 3+ hours) so I won't bother unless it's worth collecting.


P.S. Sorry to be posting so frequently - has opened a whole new door on finding machines - looking to see if there are any deals to be had before the snow falls.

Title: Re: Vendo V-216 (I think)
Post by: collecture on October 19, 2008, 08:28:38 pm
Not really collectible because of size, but if the price is right and you like it - that's all that really matters when collecting.
I checked what the weight was on SMC and it was N/A, but I knew I had an original manual and it is a monster at 460 lbs.

So Jim -  I have attached a scan from my original V-80, V-144, V-216 manual showing the various specifics of each machine so you can update some information.
One other thing I noticed and I'm not sure how much work would be decide.
When you put a value for the precool capacity a machine like the V-80, V-144 or the V-216 - if it is known not to have any precool (like the V-80 or the V-216), then instead of saying "N/A'; say "None'. Leave the 'N/A' to facts you do not know.
Just a thought!

Title: Re: Vendo V-216 (I think)
Post by: loman4ec on October 19, 2008, 08:45:17 pm
They are huge machines but I think they are really good looking. Markito had one in his garage when I went to visit. It is a really nice looking machine. I like the stainless with the "refresh Yourself".

Title: Re: Vendo V-216 (I think)
Post by: Skeleton Man on October 19, 2008, 10:09:43 pm
I'll take a pass on it. I'd need like 4 -6 guys and a full size pickup just to transport it. Not to mention at over 6ft tall I'm not sure I'd get it in my garage.

My Cav64 on the other hand was able to fit into the back of a chevy minivan (seats removed of course) with minimal effort (transportation costs: $20 gas and $5 in coffee).

I'll keep hunting - I want another smaller slant shelf..  waiting on pics for a V63, they're saying it's complete and asking $140 but I want photos.. ($140 I will consider if it has all the shelves)
