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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Pat Pixley on September 29, 2008, 08:18:29 pm

Title: Soda Jerk Works would like to know
Post by: Pat Pixley on September 29, 2008, 08:18:29 pm
I just talked to Sharon Jebb tonight and
they are going to do a lid gasket for
a American Vendor for $30 or so
and they wanted some input on this.
 Sharon said she would like to read this by
Friday or Saturday
 so let them know what you think. :smile:

 A Ya or Na  or are they crazy or what
so let them know.

Title: Re: Soda Jerk Works would like to know
Post by: SIGNGUY on September 29, 2008, 08:51:37 pm
 8) I just love it when girls talk pop machine parts.... :glare: :oops: :laugh:
Sorry I have no opion on that part as I dont own one and not sure how common that machine might be..

Title: Re: Soda Jerk Works would like to know
Post by: collecture on September 29, 2008, 09:12:41 pm
I've only seen two or three American Vendors and wouldn't think it would be cost effective as a specific machine use. If it is similar to a V-23 gasket or any other gaskets, then maybe they could sell it by the foot for the buyer.

Title: Re: Soda Jerk Works would like to know
Post by: Pat Pixley on September 29, 2008, 10:07:39 pm
Well this is what they need to know .
myself I've not seen one before, but
you never know one may come up tomorrow                                                                      and I could get it and it would need this
gasket 8).

Please keep posting

Title: Re: Soda Jerk Works would like to know
Post by: Jim on September 30, 2008, 04:29:09 am
I would agree with Tom...
If there's a similarity with another gasket for another model, then I would say, yes. However, I think this model may have a unique gasket and this warrants the question. Reproduce or not?
Personally, I don't see these machines restored very often so I think the cost return may take a long time to recover...

Title: Re: Soda Jerk Works would like to know
Post by: Chedki on September 30, 2008, 08:57:15 am
Lid gaskets for the Quikold Standard and Juniors would be nice ! I know Eric would buy a bunch of them !  :biggrin:
So would I for my Nichol Kola Quikold Standard.

Title: Re: Soda Jerk Works would like to know
Post by: GreginNM on September 30, 2008, 09:15:38 am
I've seen 2 or 3 on ebay in the past several months, but that's about it.  I would agree, it's one of those where you may go your whole time collecting without seeing one.  Just as soon as you have the opportunity to get one, you will need a gasket and it would be great to have one available.  If it wasn't too expensive to reproduce, then go for it...if it has a high initial cost and is unique, then it may not be the best plan unless you just want to have some out there to have a complete inventory.  My thoughts.

Title: Re: Soda Jerk Works would like to know
Post by: Pat Pixley on September 30, 2008, 10:54:18 am
Now I know I will get a call on this when sharon reads this.
I think they need to turn their attention to doing La Crosse
parts  :biggrin:

  And you may be right Chedki the Quikold  gasket
may do well.


Title: Re: Soda Jerk Works would like to know
Post by: SIGNGUY on September 30, 2008, 11:01:23 pm
I'd second the quickcold gasket before this other one... seems alot more of the quickcolds pop up than the atlas.

Title: Re: Soda Jerk Works would like to know
Post by: Pat Pixley on October 01, 2008, 08:52:27 pm
I just got off the phone with Sharon, and she has said for some one to go ahead
and send one of those Quikold  gaskets to her and they will see what they can do, Also if there are two different style let them know which one  you want.

 Also they are taking preorders for Vendo 56's & 63's main door gaskets.

Title: Re: Soda Jerk Works would like to know
Post by: Eric on October 01, 2008, 10:34:51 pm
There are 2 different types of gaskets for the Quikold... they are close... the older one I believe is a little thicker and more rounded...
One I have is excellent condition and am worried on sending it
if it dissapeared or was damaged I would be screwed! as it's all I have for the
junior and.. the other.... I'd have to see if I have any of it left it was so dry rotted it crumbled...
I contacted a place back in May ( A Bob Schults at Premier Seals  Manufacturing in Akron OH to be exact).....that could reproduce it... but I'd have had to buy 100s of feet of it
there was a one time tool charge at $475 but there was a 300' minimun at $1.08 a foot
I still have their qoute and info....
it is kinda along the way of pushing play-doh through a gasket shaped hole...
I need enough for 4 coolers and I know a few other guys that have these coolers that
need some as well...
So  Quikold yes!.... that other cooler... not for me thanks...

here's the side view I built and sent the company...

Title: Re: Soda Jerk Works would like to know
Post by: Pat Pixley on October 02, 2008, 08:21:29 am
Eric Give Steve & sharon a call  talk to them see if they can do so your
not worried .