SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: memorylane on September 24, 2008, 01:15:58 pm

Title: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: memorylane on September 24, 2008, 01:15:58 pm
Congratulations Funtronics Inc. 32 Wonderful years!  Steve and Nancy have retired and another Congratulations to the new owners that will be taking over. They will be up and going on Monday and the new number for Funtronics will be 217-857-1759 so lets all make them feel welcome. I'm sure they will do great and Steve seems to think so as well. Get the word out and anyone calling the old Funtronics Inc. number 301-371-5246 can leave a message to Steve and Nancy. Lets all wish them a wonderful retirement. God only knows how much we have all needed his advice over the years.
Thank you Steve and Nancy and good luck with everything. Curtis Kauffman, Memory Lane Restorations.

Title: Re: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: Pat Pixley on September 24, 2008, 01:49:16 pm
Well Congratulations Steve & Nancy for all the good things you have done
and all the help that you have provided .
Now go out there and enjoy your retirement.  :happydrinkers:

Pat Pixley

Title: Re: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: Seven181 on September 24, 2008, 01:53:51 pm
Congrads Steve and Nancy! Have a great time enjoying life!!! We appriciate everything you have done!!!

Brian Adkins

 :drinking: :happydrinkers:

Title: Re: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: Larry on September 24, 2008, 01:54:28 pm
POp a top, kick back, and enjoy!! :drinking:

Whose the new owner?

Title: Re: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: collecture on September 24, 2008, 03:37:31 pm
Wow - that just blows me away!
I talk to Steve all the time and he never mentioned a word about it, but I guess it all makes sense now. Steve has been sending me boxes and boxes of SD and LD rejectors and rejector parts over the past few months saying "If I can use them - great!".
Well - congrats Steve!! One of these days I'll get there too! ENJOY!!  :happydrinkers:

Title: Re: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: jasmine64 on September 24, 2008, 05:52:43 pm
Whats the info on the new owners?

Now...will Steve be bored retired???

Title: Re: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: sodaworks on September 24, 2008, 05:54:09 pm
Gonna miss talking to Steve and Nancy. Hope they enjoy retirement.

Title: Re: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: Jim on September 24, 2008, 07:15:14 pm
WOW is right ! ! !
I guess a Congrats is in order and I hope the best for retirement ! ! !
My hat's off to them both for serving the soda machine enthusiast community with great service all of these years ! ! !

I'm curious to know who the new owner(s) are...

Title: Re: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: memorylane on September 24, 2008, 09:40:16 pm
The new owners are Rod and Janet from IL. New number 217-857-1759 I'll be talking with Steve on Friday, I have to stop buy his place. I'll be sure to pass along to Steve and Nancy all the kind things everyone has been saying, I'm sure this was a hard thing for him to let go of. He is Coca Cola. I'll tell you, I didn't even know untill they came from the closing and I see Steve often, he and Nancy are at my place once a week if not more. He will not be gone, This stuff is in his blood and once it gets in, your hooked. Steve and I are planning on doing a few projects togather and start back into a few more shows, it's always nice to have the company. I'll give you guys an up date if I here anything. 

Curtis, Memory Lane Restorations

Title: Re: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: collecture on September 24, 2008, 09:50:05 pm
Rod? Heuerman??

Title: Re: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: coke_and_stuff on September 24, 2008, 09:55:20 pm
First off I wish Steve and Nancy the best of luck, Is Funtronics being moved to IL?


Title: Re: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: davethebirdman on September 25, 2008, 01:46:04 am


Could you please pass my regards to Steve... He has been very helpful with the handful of machines I have restored... I live in England so he has always known I was not going to be a big buy customer but that has never stopped him talking to me (sometimes for 45 mins) and passing on great information and even better stories... I last spoke with him about a month ago and we tried to set the world right... He was well miffed with the current eccomomic climate. A well educated man who has probably seen "The writing on the wall" and has got out at the right time...

I wish him well in everything he does he's been an invaluable source and a font of knowledge for me, 3000 miles away...


Title: Re: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: 90grad on September 25, 2008, 05:28:49 am
Wow!!  Thanks for everything, Steve & Nancy.  Steve and I had actually another connection besides Coke stuff.  He lives in the county I grew up in and he lives in the housing development across from my aunt.  We also share a good friend named Jack Heller.

Steve/Nancy, all my best for a GREAT retirement and a huge THANK YOU for all you've done.  Without your hard work and dedication, many of these great machines we all have would not have been able to be saved and preserved. God bless. :happydrinkers:

Title: Re: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: mznb1u on September 25, 2008, 05:43:50 am
I have only been at this hobby less than a year but Steve was always very helpful everytime that I contacted him whether I was buying something or not!

Congrats on your retirement!  :drinking:


Title: Re: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: Ltransam on September 25, 2008, 07:19:54 am

 Steve & Nancy have been OUTSTANDING !! In the world of Soda Machines . Enjoy your Retirement .Travel and enjoy each others company . And piddle doing the things you Like .

And when you get Board .Hum Maybe Do a Book .On Storys for the hunt for Machines Or A NEW price Guide   Hint Hint  :smile: 

 But Please Try & Stop by here once and awhile  :drinking:


Title: Re: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: Sodak Bob on September 25, 2008, 08:17:42 am
I agree, Congrats to them - They have always helped me no matter how big or small the project. I just talked to Steve last week and I guess this suprises me - but good for them....  Bob

Title: Re: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: cormy on September 25, 2008, 09:01:05 am
I'm happy to hear the company will be continuing. Back when I was really into restoring machines Funtronics made it all possible. High quality parts and great service. Hope to see Steve at some shows in future. Thanks for everything..

Title: Re: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: GreginNM on September 25, 2008, 10:02:38 am
I'll throw in my Congrats as well!  I still have my Funtronics catalog from '92 when I first started working on machines...Steve was a big help for a new guy trying to figure things out.  Enjoy your retirement!

Title: Re: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: memorylane on September 25, 2008, 10:56:21 am
I just talked with Steve, he called a few min. ago. He wants to thank everyone for there support. I'm going to print everyones kind words and put everything into a scrap book for Steve and Nancy. I will be with Steve and the new owners on Friday at Steves warehouse, I will be sure to take alot of photos of everyone and post them later on Friday for everyone to see.
Thanks, Curtis Kauffman, Memory Lane Restorations.

Title: Re: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: Kilroy on September 25, 2008, 11:40:07 am
Always late, but I wish to  send my congratulations and thanks to Steve.
You made the hobby fun.

Title: Re: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: SIGNGUY on September 25, 2008, 02:49:23 pm
Maybe a corny Idea, but maybe kind of fun, except for Eric, who I'll ask to put it together.
Everyone should take a photo of them, with a machine that you restored with parts from Funtronics, and maybe Eric, (resident Computer graphic arts designer) could put them in a collage.
Just a thought, would kind of be fun to see all of us together in some photo as well, since most of us have never met?
thoughts, feel free to criticize! :glare: :tounge:

Title: Re: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: memorylane on September 25, 2008, 03:28:57 pm
I'm in, where do we e-mail the photo? Would this be something that I could copy and get to Steve and Nancy.

Title: Re: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: Pat Pixley on September 25, 2008, 08:18:08 pm
John I like the idea of all of us getting together some time , some place in the middle
of the country at one of the member home  , do a cook out and a little bit of a
swap meet maybe.
kind of what Big Cheese does for his petroleum show & swap meet & he does it twice a
year :smile:.

Then a great Group photo would be cool.

Title: Re: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: Marvin on September 25, 2008, 09:53:43 pm
All the best in your retirement.  I always enjoyed talking with Steve he was a great help in the restoration of my machines.

All the best of luck with the new owners also.


Title: Re: Congratulations Funtronics Inc.
Post by: globalcompressors on September 25, 2008, 10:30:12 pm
If it wern't for Steve...I wouldn't be where I am today. I can't thank Steve enough, and from the bottom of my heart...Have a Great Retirement! Thank you, for so much advice, friendship, and business, sent my way over the years. You will truly be missed. Enjoy your deserve it!

Eric :smile: