SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => Other Coin-Op's => Topic started by: Larry on August 14, 2008, 12:58:46 pm

Title: Finished my United bowling machine
Post by: Larry on August 14, 2008, 12:58:46 pm
Well, I finished my United ball bowler.  Too bad it has to go.  Off to Ebay land.  Hopefully, this can pay some debts. :hopefull:

I already have one in my basement that works great.  I was debating about putting a second one down there to make an actual bowling alley, but the wife vetoed that idea.  In reality, the basement is too small. :darn:

Anyway, here it is.   :biggrin:

Title: Re: Finished my United bowling machine
Post by: Pat Pixley on August 14, 2008, 03:06:18 pm
Larry it looks real cool, to bad the wife used the power of veto on you .   I wish you luck on selling it on ebay :smile:

Title: Re: Finished my United bowling machine
Post by: SIGNGUY on August 14, 2008, 03:11:14 pm
Would you like a Check or cash when I pick it up.. TOO cool... what kind of $$ are we expecting for something like this? feel free to share or if you could email or call me..
I wanna run it by the little Ms's.... I think she'd think it's cool, but space might be an issue!
looks awesome.. love the videos too.

Title: Re: Finished my United bowling machine
Post by: Larry on August 14, 2008, 03:55:15 pm
Thanks for the inputs.  I thought most people would stop reading my one million words or less essay on everything you need to know about this bowling machine, but were afraid to ask.  So I figured I'd join the modern age and show a clip or two on my main emphasiss.

The video was a trip, I had my twelve year old as the cameraman on the first one.  I wasn't sure how to load it, but after I did something, not sure what, it worked.  The YouTube part was easy, it was transfering it from the video to a file that throws me off.

My reserve is $1,600.  We'll see what happens.  It already reached over halve that in the first fifteen hours or so.  I figure it should stabalize for the next few days.  I would like to watch the last five minutes, but unfortunately I have the auction ending on Monday.  I was going to go seven days, but figured five was enough.  However, I forgot that it was Monday Night Raw.  I bought tickets for my kids for that Monday WWE wrestling match.  So me and the Misses are taking the boys to the Allstate Arena to see the show.

I just hope I don't get those last minute questions from a potential buyer.  Hey, there's one for your "don't you hate it when" post

Don't you hate it when you give someone seven days to ask a question about an item and in the last five minutes they want you to take more pictures and answer another question??  I was trying to think of one of those yesterday when I was reading all of yours.  Hah!  I got one. 8) 8) 8) :tounge:

Title: Re: Finished my United bowling machine
Post by: Marvin on August 14, 2008, 04:00:06 pm

What's your brother in law price?  That blows a pinball machine out of the water.


Title: Re: Finished my United bowling machine
Post by: Larry on August 14, 2008, 04:14:26 pm
Whatever it ends up going on Ebay is the discount rate.  I don't believe in stopping an auction.  I hate when people do that to me.  So give it your best bid and hopefully you will win it.  You can't beat the free support. 

Tell you what, if you find one (preferably a United), I will personally talk you through a restoration (as long as the parts are all there).  You just have to have some electrical and mechanical knowledge.  Not much, just enough to become dangerous.   Plus, I will need a copy of the schematic.  Deal or no deal??  Where's Howie when you need him?

Title: Re: Finished my United bowling machine
Post by: dr galaga on August 14, 2008, 05:36:36 pm
Niiiice game! (
Too bad they are so darn big though.  Good luck with it.

Title: Re: Finished my United bowling machine
Post by: Marvin on August 14, 2008, 11:07:53 pm
I wasn't meaning stop the auction...  What is your reserve?  I have no idea what something like this is even worth.

Title: Re: Finished my United bowling machine
Post by: Larry on August 14, 2008, 11:24:57 pm

It's met! :jawdrop:  $1,600.00.

Title: Re: Finished my United bowling machine
Post by: Pat Pixley on August 14, 2008, 11:34:32 pm
WOW thats great Larry  I hope you hit $2000  for it   :smile:.

Title: Re: Finished my United bowling machine
Post by: Ltransam on August 15, 2008, 07:52:27 am

Larry ,
             Thats AWSOME !!!!! Trade You a Twin Rilfe for it  :laugh: :laugh:

     Just Kidding I wish I hade Room & $$ I own it Very cool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Title: Re: Finished my United bowling machine
Post by: SIGNGUY on August 15, 2008, 08:29:43 am
My Nam is yach sumash from penssyvania, I wil sent you a mony ordr for 5000. us dollars for you ra machine. pleaze give me your maling address and I willl git you a cashers check for the Money and have my shiiper pick it up from you.. if this is ok, please respond to me. I think you have nice machine, i would very much like to have it.


Title: Re: Finished my United bowling machine
Post by: mznb1u on August 15, 2008, 08:45:39 am

That is very cool!  I am an avid bowler and would love to have one of those for my game-room.  I don't think I could get that appropriation past the "war department" right now though.  :down:

Excellent work and the videos show the buyers that they are getting a machine that was really restored!

Tim :happydrinkers:

Title: Re: Finished my United bowling machine
Post by: Larry on August 15, 2008, 09:22:40 am
Thanks guys for the compliments!!! :biggrin: :biggrin:

Yach Sumash,

Comrade for 5000 I have a strong wife I could throw in, She's strong like bull, with good child bearing hips.  Also, I have two strapping young boys, who would make good fram hands.  Straight backs and good feet......Wait a dollars.......with this way, the deals off. :tounge:

That Twin Rifle does sound nice :oh:  Unfortunately, she (I don't need to give any names) keeps watching the auction and is penning in what can be paid up.  Don't count your chickens before they're hatched, I always heard.  Hey speaking of chickens.....Yach Sumash,  how about the machine for 5,000 chickens? :laugh:

Title: Re: Finished my United bowling machine
Post by: Kilroy on August 15, 2008, 09:31:33 am

Title: Re: Finished my United bowling machine
Post by: SIGNGUY on August 15, 2008, 02:30:00 pm
I just love those scam emails... I try to play them along as far as I can... I got 2 of them on the email now wanting to buy my pop machines...So far I've agreed to one of them to send me the money... I want to see this "check" they are sending me.. It's being mailed to my Post office box.. as not to have some "Shipper" come to my door to pick something up.

SO far good to go...

It's fun to mess with them..

Title: Re: Finished my United bowling machine
Post by: GreginNM on August 15, 2008, 03:30:31 pm
Excellent!!   :laugh:  Keep us posted on how that one goes!  They drive me nuts, especially since they think we are so stupid.

Title: Re: Finished my United bowling machine
Post by: Ltransam on August 18, 2008, 10:38:37 pm

             Again NICE Bowler !!! Glad it did well for you  :drinking:


Title: Re: Finished my United bowling machine
Post by: Larry on August 19, 2008, 11:16:30 am
Thanks Leonard.  My wife is very happy. 

This should pay for my kids school supplies, and fees.  Plus it should knock out a few credit cards.

Let's see how the Vendo 110 makes out.  Plus, I still have to sell my Stoner gum and candy machines.  I'll be happy to break even on them.  I should have my head above water after these last sales.

(Then it's time to buy)  Shhhhh, don't tell the wife.

Title: Re: Finished my United bowling machine
Post by: Marvin on August 19, 2008, 07:01:22 pm
Thats great.  I wish I had the money and room for that.  It is for sure on my list.

Title: Re: Finished my United bowling machine
Post by: SIGNGUY on August 19, 2008, 10:29:59 pm
Awesome Larry, Glad you got as much as you did out of it,, it's worth every penny and then some after you had gone through it...
Someday... Someday... if I can ever get more space.. :hopefull: