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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: MCarter on June 28, 2008, 06:03:57 pm

Title: Anyone ever had this done?
Post by: MCarter on June 28, 2008, 06:03:57 pm
Guys well u remember i bought a 81 & dole on Craigslist this week. Well i just got screwed !! The guy sold it for 50 bucks more than we agreed on and i was on vacation so i could not get it this weekend so was going to have my friend pick it up this weekend and pay him cash. The guy told me some guy came and looked at and offered 50 bucks more. I guess you can't trust anyones word these days.  :veryangry:

Title: Re: Anyone ever had this done?
Post by: Marvin on June 28, 2008, 06:15:18 pm
That just kills me.  With all of the BS in the world all a man has left is his word.  What a dirty dog for not keeping his end of the deal.  Especailly over $50.00  If it was thousands I could understand but the least he could have done was call you first.


Title: Re: Anyone ever had this done?
Post by: Creighton on June 28, 2008, 06:50:25 pm
That sucks. Have had the same problem here. Very upsetting.
The only solution I've found is to get someone there as soon as the you see the listing.
Not always possible and darn shame when some folks don't honor their word.

Title: Re: Anyone ever had this done?
Post by: collecture on June 28, 2008, 08:53:06 pm
That really bites Matt!
I had a similar situation lately too! A rusty SD V-110 off CL in LA for $300...made an offer to part out and ship to me...everything was good to go...seller emailed that family was upset he was selling the machine- blah, blah, blah...couple days later I get a call from him and he sounds confused like and starts calling me by the wrong name - I said is this about the Coke machine and he says "yeah, but let me call you right back" callback!
I didn't really care, but tell me the freakin' truth and give me the option to counter offer!

Title: Re: Anyone ever had this done?
Post by: johnieG on June 28, 2008, 09:04:04 pm
What a "coincident" I too had contacted this guy about the same two machines via Craigs list & & got a reply saying it had been sold, ( just about the time you posted you had just snagged the pair) so I figured "oh well, I snooze , I looze"  so by judging by the timeline, I saw your post here at SMC & also figured that it was you who had bought them.

This morning I receive an Email asking If I'd go $100 above the old asking price!  :glare:

so it looks like our "friend" is getting greedy & playing people for the highest offer.

Indeed, he sucks... :veryangry:    :censored:

Title: Re: Anyone ever had this done?
Post by: Sodaman101 on June 28, 2008, 09:30:26 pm
Thats beyond lame,  :glare: However didn't someone here say they saw the machines and they weren't " all that great" anyway( rust fire etc)? Perhaps I am mistaken with the real worth of such a 50's machine in that state of repair ?   :oh: Not nice indeed.....

Title: Re: Anyone ever had this done?
Post by: Ltransam on June 29, 2008, 08:17:55 am

           That sucks  :censored:!!! All i can say it's NOT ME !! I like Johnie did talk to him abought 10 - 15 min probaly after you struck the deal /He said it was sold then . So as allways Money Talked  :darn: :censored: 

I hate people that can't stick to there Word !!!!   


Title: Re: Anyone ever had this done?
Post by: mznb1u on June 29, 2008, 02:53:51 pm
That really sucks.  As I mentioned in my post on the other thread, he never said anything about having an interested buyer.  If he had I would have never made the trip to Toledo.  That is also why I warned you to make sure he did not sell them out from under you before you made the trip to Toledo.

The guy did mention that he was going through a divorce and he had a lot of things to sell.  Still should have given you the courtesy of a counter-offer.

I guess you can't count on integrity anymore.


Title: Re: Anyone ever had this done?
Post by: Pat Pixley on June 29, 2008, 09:58:19 pm
Matt, I also contacted this guy and the person I bought the Pepsi machine
from and I was figuring the first one to contact me I was going with
and you can see the Pepsi won  But I did talk to this guy he know where
my sister in-law works  and talked about some of the other land marks
around there .
I  had also talked to JohnieG about this today and he said someone got burned
sorry to here about it.

 This guy is a real S  :censored:t head for pulling a stunt like this
thats just wrong. :veryangry:.

Title: Re: Anyone ever had this done?
Post by: coke_and_stuff on June 29, 2008, 10:02:08 pm
Yeah that does suck, I already had plans to pick up a machine down in MS, or I would have shot up to Toledo. Its happened to me a few times.


Title: Re: Anyone ever had this done?
Post by: jasmine64 on July 03, 2008, 04:52:21 pm
Been there. He still wont talk to me when I see him. Must be feeling a bit a guilty.

Title: Re: Anyone ever had this done?
Post by: sodaman on July 04, 2008, 05:27:23 am
There's a whole lot of those type of guys around anymore, a few years ago a vocal agreement or a handshake and that's all it took, a guy had the integrity to honor the deal no matter what he was offered later.  I tried on the Delf Double, went up to $888 but didn't get it.  I guess my 2 triples will have to make out without a little buddy..........