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Trouble-Shooting => Refrigeration => Topic started by: Seb1 on June 22, 2008, 09:52:06 pm

Title: cooling problem
Post by: Seb1 on June 22, 2008, 09:52:06 pm

I bought a used machine. When I went to test it, it was cooling properlly. After we shipped back to our garage, we leave it stand for at least 24 hours. Then we plugged in. It is not cooling since then.

  At first glance, i 've though it's a termostat,so after intensive search , i've located the Thermostat. I've turned it all to MAX , the condenser Fan is spinning nicely, but there is no cool air going into the cans rack. I couldn't see the evaperator fan, but I can feel warm air going up to the racks.
the compressor works fine, it gets quiet warm when touched.
I have notice some leak of water under part of evaporator coils. When I've looked at the compressor, i can see copper pipes. One pipe is coming from the compressor ,is a very short ,not connecting to any system of the machine, and  it is blocked (solded). What could this pipe for?

how to diagnose the issue? is it freon or evaperator fan not working?

Any help would be approciated.
Here are some info about the machine:
Model:RVCD 400-5
amps 10.5
R12 oz =9

Title: Re: cooling problem
Post by: 90grad on June 23, 2008, 08:37:53 am
I have notice some leak of water, but unable to figure out where is it from..

Are you sure it's water and not oil?  The liquid could be refrigerant, which could explain the problem.

Title: Re: cooling problem
Post by: Seb1 on June 23, 2008, 11:05:46 am
it doesn't seems like oil. rather watery. But not very clear with something whitish. If it is actually refrigerant leak. How can I stop the leaking? Do I need to  re-fill?

here are some pictures of the machine.

Best Regards,


Title: Re: cooling problem
Post by: Seb1 on June 23, 2008, 03:03:35 pm
I read some of the posts in the forum. It seems there should have two fans

I only saw the condenser fan. we did saw water come under the condenser coil, I wonder if evaperator is cold, but the evaperator fan not working properly, then cause frost. Probably that's where the water come from. Is my guessing reasonable? when I feel in the soda rack, I felt some warm air,at least room tempreture air, not cold at all, but not too much air flow.

Title: Re: cooling problem
Post by: 90grad on June 23, 2008, 07:02:28 pm
There are two fans - one for the condenser and one for the evaporator.  The evap fan should run all the time, and the condenser fan only runs when the compressor is on.

Title: Re: cooling problem
Post by: Seb1 on June 25, 2008, 08:46:54 am
I finally removed the tray where cans slide out. Then I saw the evaperator. I turn on the machine, the evaperator fan is working, I saw frost on the left side pipe connect to the evaperator after several minutes, but then the frost stopped spreading, instead it retreat a little bit, and balances somewhere. Is it possible that the pipe in the evaperator has leak or blocked somehow? or not enough freon?

At lease one thing we find out, compressor is working, all fans are working, thermostat is working. The water is actually coming from the frost on the pipe connected to evaperator.

If it is evaperator's problem, can we just change the evaperator? or do something to prevent the leak?

thank you

Title: Re: cooling problem
Post by: MoonDawg on June 25, 2008, 10:27:11 am
      You may have a drop of water in the freon, it will cool at first (like when you
first looked at the machine) then that water turns into ice and blocks the flow of
freon. If so, the system should be evacuated and recharged.

Title: Re: cooling problem
Post by: Seb1 on June 25, 2008, 12:27:48 pm
thank you moondawg. I am really a newbie. if there is water in freon, does it mean there is a leak somewhere?