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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: collecture on May 21, 2008, 04:49:02 pm

Title: Holy Moly!!
Post by: collecture on May 21, 2008, 04:49:02 pm
Driving home from a couple errands today.
Stopped at a light - motorcyclist behind me in the center lane - light turns green - everyone proceeds.
A police car turns into the right hand lane behind me - the motorcyclist gooses the motorcycle past me in the right hand lane - policeman turns on his lights and the motorcycle guns it more probably up 100 mph or more.
Less than 1/2 mi from the light, a car turns in front of the motorcycle and he T-bones it. I am probably 150 ft behind the accident - debris goes flying everywhere up to 40 ft high or so. He was wearing a helmut, but that did not do him any good - DOA! The motorcycle was in 100's of pieces. I don't think he even had a chance to hit his brake and he landed about 50 ft. away next to a wall. The man in the car was taken to the hospital, but will be fine.
Attached is a CP pic of the Acura


Title: Re: Holy Moly!!
Post by: bubba on May 21, 2008, 04:58:03 pm
Wow.. that sucks to hear about the rider, but its a**holes like him that really cause problems for people who just want to enjoy riding a bike..

Title: Re: Holy Moly!!
Post by: Eric on May 21, 2008, 07:11:09 pm
Sad .. at least he didn't kill someone in the car too... Seems in most cases.... they walk away and someone innocent is hurt or killed.... Glad you weren't hurt....

Title: Re: Holy Moly!!
Post by: MoonDawg on May 21, 2008, 07:23:47 pm
    Something tells me you won't sleep too well tonight Tom...U will have flashbacks of that accident that happened right in front of you.  :darn:

Title: Re: Holy Moly!!
Post by: collecture on May 21, 2008, 07:48:15 pm
Something tells me you won't sleep too well tonight Tom...U will have flashbacks of that accident that happened right in front of you.

I got pretty thick skin Glen - don't gross out too easily. There really wasn't much blood involved (that I saw).
Story made the news this evening
News isn't the most accurate - I was the last witness to leave and none of them gave an interview while I was there.
Sad - the motorcyclist was a mere 21-years-old.

Title: Re: Holy Moly!!
Post by: halehouse on May 21, 2008, 08:04:53 pm
Wow, a bike did THAT?!  Makes me wonder, why run?  Sounds like he wanted the police to chase him?  Dumb.

Title: Re: Holy Moly!!
Post by: Ocelp on May 21, 2008, 09:15:17 pm
Sad to hear... as a 20+ year sportbike rider, I hate hearing about young riders doing things like that.  I have always been an advocate for graduated motorcycle licenses, and mandatory training.  I think it takes a few years of experience riding before somone should hop on a high power machine.  On the other hand you can't always protect an idiot from himself.  I feel for those he left behind, and the driver of the car he hit.

Title: Re: Holy Moly!!
Post by: Pat Pixley on May 21, 2008, 09:47:39 pm
Wow. .that is so sad to see someone cut down in their life  :down:                             because they got stupid .
And you saw this all unfold in front of you   :oh:.
Tom glad you were not mixed up in that.


Title: Re: Holy Moly!!
Post by: collecture on May 21, 2008, 09:57:22 pm
And you saw this all unfold in front of you

It is not something I'll forget anytime soon!

Title: Re: Holy Moly!!
Post by: sodaworks on May 22, 2008, 11:38:52 am
About a mile from my house on Frday night we saw lots of police activity and later learned that a couple of guys were street racing there bikes and decided to run from the cops as well. One got away the other crashed at 120+ and was DOA. He should of taken the ticket!

Title: Re: Holy Moly!!
Post by: Jim on May 22, 2008, 08:32:30 pm
I just responded to a call last week on the interstate(I-95) where 5 guys where doing 140+ and a car changed lanes in front of them; four went down, one of those hit the car and then hit the retention wall(splat). He didn't go home! The others went to local hospitals with varying injuries. The remaining two guys had someone come and pick then up with their bikes; they couldn't ride home... I guess it was a little too close to hitting home...
On the other hand you can't always protect an idiot from himself.
This pretty much sums it up. At work, we pretty much refer to these type individuals as "Organ Donors"
On the flip side, tragic and unexplainable to the family of the deceased... What a shame ! ! !

Title: Re: Holy Moly!!
Post by: collecture on May 22, 2008, 09:20:52 pm
What is the quote? - "Why is youth wasted on the young?" - something like that!

What I really cannot understand is why a passenger in a car is required by law to wear a seatbelt, but a motorcyclist is not required to wear a helmut! Some of our laws are A**-backwards!
Not that a helmut would do any good in a 100+mph accident, but...

Title: Re: Holy Moly!!
Post by: halehouse on May 22, 2008, 09:43:04 pm
How many states don't require helmets?

May 2008

Current US motorcycle and bicycle helmet laws | History of US motorcycle helmet laws

Laws requiring all motorcyclists to wear a helmet are in place in 20 states and the District of Columbia
Laws requiring only some motorcyclists to wear a helmet are in place in 27 states
There is no motorcycle helmet use law in 3 states (Illinois, Iowa, and New Hampshire)
Some bicyclists are required by law to wear a helmet in 21 states and the District of Columbia
There is no bicycle helmet use law in 29 states

Title: Re: Holy Moly!!
Post by: Creighton on May 22, 2008, 09:48:20 pm
Glad the kids didn't see that Tom and you are safe.

Here is the helmet law breakdown.


Title: Re: Holy Moly!!
Post by: collecture on May 22, 2008, 10:11:39 pm
Glad the kids didn't see that Tom and you are safe.

The wife and I were talking about that last night - thankfully I was driving alone at the time!

Title: Re: Holy Moly!!
Post by: Ocelp on May 23, 2008, 12:34:23 am
Here in BC helmets are mandatory for motorcyclists & cyclists, having been hit by an inatentive lane changer on the highway I am thankfiul I was wearing a helmet & leathers & walked away.  I can't imagine not wearing them.  I always shake my head at the squids wearing shorts with a chick on the back wearing shorts, tank to and a full face helmet.