SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => Estimated Values => Topic started by: Mickm on April 22, 2008, 08:58:07 am

Title: Vendo 56 Round top
Post by: Mickm on April 22, 2008, 08:58:07 am
I am new here but love the site.
I am purchasing a Vendo 56, I am told it operates perfectly and needs nothing. It is in original condition and has been in storage for serveral years.The owner says there is a small rust hole on the right side about 1" in dia. I was wondering if you can tell me what it is worth. Just a piece of mind thing I guess.

Title: Re: Vendo 56 Round top
Post by: SIGNGUY on April 22, 2008, 11:28:50 am
From the small photos, it's hard to tell condition. but overall looks pretty nice. I'ts complete as far as I can tell and with the glass door, makes it more desirable.
The Rust hole that you mentioned could be problematic,,, as that is a sign of moisture that has set between the inner lining and the bottom tray area above the compressor... I'd put your hand up in there and feel around for more rust holes.. if that is the case then you have to gut the machine and reapar that area as it will continue to rust as you use it and won't insulate as well..
There is one on ebay right now for 1500 and I've seen them for as low as 750 up to 2500 for nice originals...
If I found one near me today in the condition that yours is, I'd probalby spend 1200- 1500 on it..
Hope this helps.

Title: Re: Vendo 56 Round top
Post by: Mickm on April 22, 2008, 04:00:12 pm
Thanks for the reply and input SIGNGUY. The guy I am buying it from restores these professionally. He put rust prohinitor on the area and a patch. The assures me this area would not be an issue for many many years.
This machine fits perfectly where I want it to go and is the style of machine I want.
I am probably paying premium price but he assures me it is ready to plug in and get cold.
I thank you for your valuable time and expertise.