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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Ltransam on March 23, 2008, 10:34:26 pm

Title: Had To have IT !
Post by: Ltransam on March 23, 2008, 10:34:26 pm

        So I'm walking around a Antique Mall yesterday and I see this Sign . I say to myself Hum I'v seen one like it on e-bay sold for around $700-800 . But did'nt it light up ? Did'nt it have flaking on the front ?? Could'nt remember So I check the price $425 Hum ?? The wife comes over looks at me & Says you gona get it ? Was I  dreaming ?? She Asked Me & I did'nt even think it she would Aprove !! I said naaww & I walked away .But went back Twice .Finely She said BUY IT IF YOU LIKE IT !!  I said Naww alittle high $ She marches over to the Counter & asked them to check with the Seller.They call the Dealer I make a offer $375   Done !!! Bought it . Get it Home Clean it Up fix the Spiner & Light  Dated Inside Jan 7/53  The Reverse Painted Glass is PERFECT !!  I really Love watching it Spin > But not while Drinking  :tounge:
I know it's not Soda & I DON'T !!! need to star collecting this stuff But thought it was Cool .

Title: Re: Had To have IT !
Post by: loman4ec on March 24, 2008, 02:27:00 am
Thats really a good looking sign. Good score! You going to keep it or see what it takes on ebay?

Title: Re: Had To have IT !
Post by: Jim on March 24, 2008, 07:06:04 am
Enjoy it for a little while before parting with it...
Pretty neat light-up too ! ! !
Nice find!

Title: Re: Had To have IT !
Post by: SIGNGUY on March 24, 2008, 08:53:33 am
That's Pretty Cool....I"m sure you'll get an email from Eric... I believe that is his last name??
not sure on spelling..

Very cool...I love motion signs.

Title: Re: Had To have IT !
Post by: cormy on March 24, 2008, 10:27:35 am
That sign is in great shape, looks almost new. I love spinning signs and lights.

Title: Re: Had To have IT !
Post by: GreginNM on March 24, 2008, 10:29:12 am
Great looking sign, Leonard!!  I know a number of guys that would be all over something like that...I've been a beer can and breweriana collector for 30 years.  That's from a different part of the country than where I did most of my collecting, but I know the type of sign.  You got a great deal in my mind!  Isn't it great when the other half throws you a curve ball like that and actually encourages a purchase?!?  My V-39 that I got back in December came that way...I happened to mention that I found it on Craigslist and that it was a great deal on the machine I had always wanted.  Next thing I know, she has already bought it and was asking me when we could go pick it up!!!  I was used to the "you don't need anything else" answer!   :down:  

Don't get hooked, or you will be like me with a beer room, a soda room, and a radio room!!

Title: Re: Had To have IT !
Post by: sodaworks on March 24, 2008, 02:49:21 pm
Great find leonard!

Title: Re: Had To have IT !
Post by: dr galaga on March 25, 2008, 10:27:33 am
Very cool.  It kind of goes with the paneling in the background!

Title: Re: Had To have IT !
Post by: mznb1u on March 25, 2008, 10:16:46 pm
Nice sign!  I drank a lot of Wiedy's during my college days at UM!

Title: Re: Had To have IT !
Post by: Ltransam on March 28, 2008, 06:28:27 pm

 THANKS GUYS  :happydrinkers:

           Yea it's Cool I just sit there & Stare  :wow:  It pretty big 15 1/2 across . Wiedamanns is a Local Beer .But the Orginial Plant closed 20-30Years ago .They sold off the Label & I think someone else dose it now.

And Yes Greg it's Wierd  :Oo: When the War Dept Helps. But I think ?? Maybe it Because I bought her a Car (Convertible ) For Chrismas 3 years ago .And She gave me a 2 year Buying Time Which I really have not cashed in on . Because of on going Issues >Mainly Grand Kids  :smile: It's ALL abought them !!! To Me
