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Trouble-Shooting => Coin Mechanisms => Topic started by: ducatihummer on March 18, 2008, 08:27:42 am

Title: Modifying a WC44 Coin Mech so it works on a vendo 81 or 110?
Post by: ducatihummer on March 18, 2008, 08:27:42 am
I received a coin mech for my large door vendo 81. it seams to be a wc44 change giver. From reading some past posts it seems it will work fine. the only differance is it has no SO Flag trip and the hole on the back of the shaft is 1/4 inch on the vertical instead of 1/8 inch on the horizontal. is there a way to get the flag to work, and do I need to do I need to drill a new hole in the shaft for it to work?

Also I have another large door coin mech with the small door small door coin mech? I was wondering what I was missing on it for it to work. I know I need the rejector, but I think it's missing parts for the flag to work also. Are these parts avalible? Any help is welcome. Thanks. Here is a pic of that coin mech.

Title: Re: Modifying a WC44 Coin Mech so it works on a vendo 81 or 110?
Post by: collecture on March 18, 2008, 08:57:32 pm
I received a coin mech for my large door vendo 81. it seams to be a wc44 change giver. From reading some past posts it seems it will work fine. the only differance is it has no SO Flag trip and the hole on the back of the shaft is 1/4 inch on the vertical instead of 1/8 inch on the horizontal. is there a way to get the flag to work, and do I need to do I need to drill a new hole in the shaft for it to work?

The shaft should be the same length with the only difference being the hole for the linkage pin. You should drill a new hole. Make sure the hole is centered, straight and not wallowed out otherwise you'll have problems. I take all my shaft modifications to a machine shop to do.
For the SO flag to work with the WC mech, you'll need to have an extension arm attached to what is called the 'Coin Blockout Link Actuationg Assembly', which is the long skinny piece with the small pivot at the bottom sticking into the change tube.

Also I have another large door coin mech with the small door small door coin mech? I was wondering what I was missing on it for it to work. I know I need the rejector, but I think it's missing parts for the flag to work also. Are these parts avalible? Any help is welcome. Thanks. Here is a pic of that coin mech.
It is not missing anything - those type mechs are called straight sale mechs - usually the machine had a decal saying "Do Not Deposit Coin If bottles Are Not Visible" because money cannot be returned once inserted in the machine. The SO Flag was stationary and said "Use Correct Change" through the window always.

Title: Re: Modifying a WC44 Coin Mech so it works on a vendo 81 or 110?
Post by: ducatihummer on March 19, 2008, 09:03:25 pm
Thanks collecture. is it hard to find an extension arm for it, or is it something I'll need to make?

on my second question. does this mech use the same slug rejector as a small coin door line a v39? Do most people prefer this type or the regular large coin door mech? I have a friend that has the regular one that he said he would just swap out with me. I don't know what one is better to have? I don't have a slug rejector for either so I'd need to get one of them also. Thanks again for all your help. 

Title: Re: Modifying a WC44 Coin Mech so it works on a vendo 81 or 110?
Post by: collecture on March 19, 2008, 10:55:27 pm
Is it hard to find an extension arm for it, or is it something I'll need to make?

I'll have to check, but I might have an extra arm for the 81 change-giver.

on my second question. does this mech use the same slug rejector as a small coin door line a v39? Do most people prefer this type or the regular large coin door mech? I have a friend that has the regular one that he said he would just swap out with me. I don't know what one is better to have? I don't have a slug rejector for either so I'd need to get one of them also. Thanks again for all your help.

The LD SD mech you have pictured above uses a SD rejector like the 39.
I don't think there is any preference as long as it works and is correct for the machine.
I used to like the SD LD version because it was easy to set to free vend with the turn of a screw, but I recently came up with a way to set the LD mechs for free vend just as easy.
I posted a tip on this in the Tips and Tutorials section.,com_smf/Itemid,29/topic,7667.0/

I will say this - the SD mechs and LD SD mechs are easier to work on than the change-givers.

Title: Re: Modifying a WC44 Coin Mech so it works on a vendo 81 or 110?
Post by: collecture on March 19, 2008, 11:30:43 pm
I took a quick peek and it looks like I do have an extra 81/110 Coin Blockout Link Actuating Assembly,


I am currently restoring about 6 LD mechs and 2 SD mechs - everything is broken down and I will be taking everything to the plating company tomorrow.

Give me a couple of weeks to get everything back, assembled and accounted for - shoot me a PM then to remind me. I don't want to say I definately do just yet, but I am 75% sure.