SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Pat Pixley on March 03, 2008, 04:45:05 pm

Title: It's Show Time Again
Post by: Pat Pixley on March 03, 2008, 04:45:05 pm
Well it that time of year to see who going to Chicago for Chicagoland Show ,
and also who going to go to Kalamazoo for Pinball at the Zoo .

Johnie G & myself are going to the Zoo we have a booth there,
I know Kilroy (Jim) said he will be there and some others.
so who going to what or not going at all :smile:.

Title: Re: It's Show Time Again
Post by: davethebirdman on March 03, 2008, 04:56:20 pm

Well I almost got to Chicago (will have to make do with Boston)

If anyone is going to the show could I please ask you to look out for one of those coin boxes when coke went up a penny and maybe a Atlas Hot Nut Vendor... I can paypal money immeidately paying all associated fees etc... Can give you a cell phone number that can be rung day or night

Also need a coin box for the J50. Have tried the sponsers without much luck..

Pat/Johnie G - good luck with the ZOO Show...


Title: Re: It's Show Time Again
Post by: Kilroy on March 03, 2008, 05:27:31 pm
I'll be at K-Zoo with my  friend Randy. Now to get around to telling his wiife  we are  making another road trip to (hopewfully0 pick up  some mpore machines....

Chicago is still a maybe for November, don't think  I'm going to make  the April show.