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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: RC kid on February 27, 2008, 12:43:49 pm

Title: White V39
Post by: RC kid on February 27, 2008, 12:43:49 pm
I was considering painting a V39 white. I am not sure yet whether I will just paint the door and the top white or if I will paint the whole darn thing white. I am leaning towards solid white with the big 'coke in hand' decals on the front and sides. What do you think.

Title: Re: White V39
Post by: davethebirdman on February 27, 2008, 12:56:30 pm

If this is for your own personal use I think its a great idea.

If you intend selling I'd think again. My limitted knowledge would suggest that un educated people want the two tone colour and as a seller you need to look to your broadest market...


Title: Re: White V39
Post by: MoonDawg on February 27, 2008, 01:57:26 pm

  I will just paint the door and the top white

      This way only  the bottom of the front door needs to be repainted before selling.


Title: Re: White V39
Post by: SIGNGUY on February 27, 2008, 02:44:59 pm
I have a Vendo 39 that had been painted white then a 7up sign tacked over the coke logo to make it a 7up vendor... didn't look all that bad... and have seen a couple of Vendo 81's that where all white color scheme... red letters and some decals... didn't look too bad either.
If for personal use, do whatever you like best, but like Dave said if for resale right away.. stick with the more common design that the average consumer would like to buy.
Here is a picture of my white v39 that was 7up.

Title: Re: White V39
Post by: RC kid on February 27, 2008, 04:53:42 pm
Great replies. I was worried about resale later. I have two V39s that I plan on restoring. My plan was to do the first one all red and then pin strip it, simular to some of the machines I have seen on the web sites. Then the other would be for my own personal use. It is my own personal machine that I was considering painting white. But nothing is set in stone.

How about cans vs bottles. I have bottle drums for both machines and they both work perfect. Is it worth replacing the drum with a modified after market drum capable of dispensing cans. My current plan was to restore it with the original drum and leave the can capable drum as an option.

I am somewhat new to this stuff as I have never purchased a machine with the intent of reselling it. But I have been an advid admirer and collector since 1989. This site is excellent and I am using this site for both entertainment and education. I am learning a lot. Thanks guys for all of your input.

P.S. I am actually finding parts much easier now that I have found this site. I am finishing a Vendo 110 that I have had for over 13 years. Its been painted for 12 of those. But it was missing the shelves. Now I have them. Soon I will be restoring a Pepsi Vendo 110. I can't wait to get started on it.

Title: Re: White V39
Post by: davethebirdman on February 28, 2008, 02:46:43 am


you are busy..

Personally I'd leave the pinstripes off. I think a machine looks so much smarter without them.
But that's a matter of individual taste.

The can drum.... Not sure how easy it would be to get hold of one at a reasonable price.
The original drum will only vend the small bottles (as you know) the modified drum for the later
V-39's will alllow the larger bottles bum first.

I'd love a can conversion drum for my V-39 but price and shipping make it a very expensive optional extra.


Title: Re: White V39
Post by: sodaman on February 28, 2008, 10:48:18 am
I've restored around 600 machines, and about 65% of the people that had a choice,  those that bought the machines before I finished with them, preferred non pinstriped machines. 

Title: Re: White V39
Post by: collecture on February 28, 2008, 11:11:57 am
The original drum will only vend the small bottles (as you know) the modified drum for the later
V-39's will alllow the larger bottles bum first.

You got it backwards Dave -

The original drum will hold the small Coke bottles 'bum' first and the modified drum will hold the King Size (10 oz.) bottles crown first.

Title: Re: White V39
Post by: sodaworks on February 28, 2008, 11:40:34 am
If you decide to paint the 38 in reverse colors be sure to post pictures. I think it would look pretty cool. I have some 110 parts from a machine that I am parting out. The coin door, mech,bezel are gone.

Title: Re: White V39
Post by: MoonDawg on February 28, 2008, 12:33:52 pm
You got it backwards Dave -

The original drum will hold the small Coke bottles 'bum' first and the modified drum will hold the King Size (10 oz.) bottles crown first.

      I understood Dave best, he described dispensing bum first, which is unusual for
most soda machines.
      I'm sure I used a good many 39's when I was growing up but I can't remember 
ever opening that door and grabbing a bottle by the base.

Title: Re: White V39
Post by: Kilroy on February 28, 2008, 12:51:26 pm
if you open the door  of a 39 with the  original drum, you will grab the bottle by the cap end.

The drums that accomodate 12 ozs bottles were/are  loaded with cap end  ytoward the back of the machine, and   you grab the bottle by it's bum.


Title: Re: White V39
Post by: collecture on February 28, 2008, 01:12:05 pm
if you open the door  of a 39 with the  original drum, you will grab the bottle by the cap end.

The drums that accomodate 12 ozs bottles were/are  loaded with cap end  ytoward the back of the machine, and   you grab the bottle by it's bum.

The modified drum will not hold the 12oz. Coke bottles as they are too large in diameter - only the 10oz. bottles (aka King Size) will fit.

Title: Re: White V39
Post by: RC kid on February 28, 2008, 04:18:02 pm
Sodaman- Good information on the wants of the customer. Plus, it will save time and money not pin stripping the machine.

Sodaworks- What is ment by service colors?

Title: Re: White V39
Post by: GreginNM on February 28, 2008, 05:04:08 pm
I think he meant "reverse" colors.

Title: Re: White V39
Post by: sodaworks on February 28, 2008, 08:49:44 pm
Sodaman- Good information on the wants of the customer. Plus, it will save time and money not pin stripping the machine.

Sodaworks- What is ment by service colors?

Sorry typo. Reverse colors

Title: Re: White V39
Post by: RC kid on February 28, 2008, 08:54:09 pm
Thanks for all of the input. I am going to start disassembling a V39 tomorrow. I will decide on the colors later, but I am definately basing my decision off the input from all of you on this forum. I will keep you posted. Thanks again

Title: Re: White V39
Post by: loman4ec on February 28, 2008, 10:20:12 pm
I like the idea of the red and white cabinet with a white door. It will look like a cavalier. It will be what you want plus if you do ever decide to sell it it will be easy to repaint the bottom of the door. Good idea Glen.

Title: Re: White V39
Post by: sodaman on February 29, 2008, 09:49:09 am
I would have to check to make sure, but I have both the later drum that holds king size bottles and the new drum and if  I recall correctly, the original has holes in the back that takes in the crown only, and the small bottles are still inserted bottom first.

Title: Re: White V39
Post by: sodaman on February 29, 2008, 09:56:25 am
Do what you want but white does not have a good resale future.  I had a V39 that had been redone by the 7UP people,  mashed in the coke embossing and painted it white with green trim and the person that done it did a high quality job but I had a terrible time trying to move it, I finally took everything off, drum, mech, etc. and sold the shell with coin door for $275.

Title: Re: White V39
Post by: MoonDawg on February 29, 2008, 10:57:26 am

Great replies. I was worried about resale later. I have two V39s that I plan on restoring.

      So, how much time and $$$ do you plan on investing in these restorations
and how much $$$ do you plan on selling them for?      All these figures may
dissapoint you.  :darn:

     You could build one and use it for yourself while you try and sell it. Then you will
learn what people like and dislike about it and apply that feedback into your next machine.

Title: Re: White V39
Post by: collecture on February 29, 2008, 11:04:36 am
I would have to check to make sure, but I have both the later drum that holds king size bottles and the new drum and if  I recall correctly, the original has holes in the back that takes in the crown only, and the small bottles are still inserted bottom first.
Yes, you are correct.
The holes in the rear plate are of a size the will allow the King Size (10oz.) bottle to be loaded crown first up to about the shoulder leaving 1/4"-1/2" of the base of the bottle for the patron to grab hold of. The holes in the rear plate are not as big as the bum of the 6 1/2oz. bottles and they are still loaded bum first allowing the patron to grab the crown.

Title: Re: White V39
Post by: GreginNM on March 03, 2008, 06:27:37 pm
Well, the white door V-39 that I remember seeing the other week on ebay is back today.  I couldn't remember where I saw it, so I didn't pipe up earlier!   :blush:  This one is here in Central Texas.  I think it looks really nice...definitely different than the ordinary.  I believe this is exactly what you (RC Kid) were talking about doing.


Title: Re: White V39
Post by: RC kid on March 03, 2008, 07:09:39 pm
Exactly! And I believe this is the one I saw that sparked my interest in this paint scheme. I think it looks cool, as well as different, without being some flakey color like purple or pink. You know what I mean?


Title: Re: White V39
Post by: SIGNGUY on March 03, 2008, 11:56:07 pm
I think that looks pretty cool as well... something a little different for the Coke guys in all of us that isn't ALL red.... you got me thinking now on my v39 restoration...hmmmmm

Can't wait to see yours if you go that route!!

Good luck!

Title: Re: White V39
Post by: Kilroy on March 04, 2008, 06:32:13 am
It's the only time I think i've ever seen the bottle hand decal on a machine, and didn't think, :wow, that's cheesy",

A white door andred body  scheme is beginning to grow on me... hmmmm I have a 39,,....