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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Pat Pixley on May 18, 2003, 09:46:35 pm

Title: It was free for the taking
Post by: Pat Pixley on May 18, 2003, 09:46:35 pm
I have a friend who drives a tow truck ,who was at this house to pick up a car the people asked if he could take a old pop machine ,He said no but let me make a phone call. (to your's truly) So I Have this Kelvinator 180 in my garage .          
Now I need some help.  In Jeffs book it states that It can be used either as a wet or dry box.  Question  Wet as in water
and how much water ?  
Second  Does any body have a manual on this monster.

Third  does any one have one restored ?

This one is in great body shape compressor & electric
not so good.

Any Help would be great

Thanks Pat


Title: It was free for the taking
Post by: Jim on May 20, 2003, 08:19:49 am
Hey Pat,

Another excellent find! And Free to boot!

Can't assist with a manual...
As far as the water level is concerned, check for a small horizontal embossed hash mark on the liner. If this isn't present, I would stand up some bottles and fill with water until the level is just below the bottle neck of the shortest bottle(s).

Title: It was free for the taking
Post by: Pat Pixley on May 20, 2003, 08:18:09 pm
Hey thanks Jim, For the info. I did forget to say there is a electric fan  in there  also. (make's this one a Dry Chest cooler) there was no mark.

I also talked to Steve Jebb today on this . There was a rack in there like a 55 slider with a coin mech. inside .  Steve has talked me  into putting a evaporator into the chest area
so the will be the next thing to find is a donar machine
with a good compessor  . This  chest cooler has great
potential .

Pat  P.   :D