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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: SIGNGUY on January 04, 2008, 09:37:00 am

Title: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: SIGNGUY on January 04, 2008, 09:37:00 am
Did anyone else get this email from Paypal, Sorry couldnt' attach it,
But it basically says that the IRS, has instructed Paypal to turn over it's records effective January 10th,2008.  I didnt' think this was some hoax, as it didn't have me click on a link or ask me to respond, just a note from Paypal?
Anyone else get this... I'm hoping it's a general notice and not just singling me out? Yikes!

Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: loman4ec on January 04, 2008, 09:49:55 am
I didn't get one and I use paypal a lot. When I was selling machines in Tennessee and in Florida I was worried about the same thing as I sold a lot of machines that year. If your not a business and it is just a hobby I can't imagine them getting fussy about it.

Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: collecture on January 04, 2008, 10:11:00 am
I did not get one!

Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: MoonDawg on January 04, 2008, 11:42:08 am
      Before the IRS comes after us they better start at the beginning, all those
people who buy and sell old stamps or rare coins.

Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: SIGNGUY on January 04, 2008, 11:50:55 am
Yeah I agree... I am not too worried about it,,, as I have maybe $1000 a year on paypal, and it is just a hobby... just found it interesting and wondering if I was the only one singled out?
we'll see

Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: dr galaga on January 04, 2008, 12:32:42 pm
I have not received this email either.  I looked on PP's site and did not see anything.

Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: memorylane on January 04, 2008, 01:13:21 pm
I, have never seen this E-mail either. I looked in my messages on my ebay and nothing there. They always say, if it's not in your my ebay messages, it didn't come from paypal or Ebay. Never answer or open anything in your mail, untill you check my messages first. There are so many people out there, trying to rip you off, you can't be too safe.

Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: Seven181 on January 04, 2008, 01:28:34 pm
I have received nothing. To memorylane's point, it would come in your Ebay mail as well.


Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: bubba on January 04, 2008, 02:23:55 pm
I just googled it and Snopes it, and neither came back with anything current. The IRS won a legal battle for people who were using PP to put money in foreign accounts, but that was back in 2006. Nothing newer than that came up. I would think if it were real, it would be in the news...

Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: Kilroy on January 04, 2008, 03:27:58 pm
Paypal is owned by Ebay,  but I've received messages from one and not the other, expecially since not ll payypal users   have Ebay accounts, and vice versa.

Check the headers of the mail  you received, it's a lot of gibberish, but  you should bre able to tell if  it actually came from Paypal. Addidionally, report it to Paypal  as a possible spoof.

Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: SIGNGUY on January 04, 2008, 04:32:55 pm
Here is the email: it was from no other gibberish... and didn't ask me to click on anything or stuff like that? so what would the advantage be of someone sending this as a scam, as they didn't ask me to do anything? HMMM..

Oh well, i'll just wait and see.

Notice of IRS Summons

Dear John Nelson,

PayPal has received a summons from the United States Internal Revenue Service requiring us to produce various account records, including data related to your PayPal account.   PayPal understands the summons relates to the IRS' offshore compliance program in which the IRS has sought information about offshore credit card accounts from a number of companies. 

Your privacy is extremely important to PayPal.  PayPal is obligated, however, to turn over the requested data.  PayPal has been ordered by the United States District Court for the Northern District of California to provide the information to the IRS, and PayPal expects to begin providing this information to the IRS on January 10, 2008.  The summons and court order both issue from the United States District Court in an action entitled: In The Matters of the Tax Liabilities of John Does, Case No. CV-05-04176-JW.

If you have any concerns about the disclosure of this information, you should consult with your tax or legal advisor.   You may have rights in connection with the summons, including the right to seek to prevent the IRS from obtaining some or all of the information.  The statute of limitations that limits the time in which the IRS may assert tax liabilities against you may be suspended beginning on the date which is six months after the IRS served the summons upon PayPal and continuing until PayPal finally resolves its response to the IRS.   See 26 U.S.C. § 7609(e)(2).   

PayPal cannot provide you with legal advice.  If you have questions concerning the summons and court order, we encourage you to contact the IRS, your tax advisor and/or your attorney.

If you wish to contact the Internal Revenue Service regarding this matter, they can be reached at (215) 516-4777. 

Thank You,

The PayPal Legal Team

Copyright© 2008 PayPal, Inc. All rights reserved.  PayPal is located at 2211 N. First St., San Jose, CA 95131 USA 

Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: MoonDawg on January 04, 2008, 05:27:19 pm
       Wow're in trouble  :jawdrop:


     Just kidding! :biggrin:
     Looks to me as it's just Paypal in hot water and IRS wants random samples of their
invoicing practices. Your name got drawn from a hat and Paypal was obligated to notify
     As long as your bank is here in the USA you have nothing to worry about.

Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: dr galaga on January 04, 2008, 05:56:19 pm
You should forward the whole email to

Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: cormy on January 04, 2008, 08:48:07 pm
Glad I don't have a pay pal account :oh:

Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: vend_dr on January 05, 2008, 05:29:28 pm
I agree that if it is a real email that your name was chosen at random. I use Paypal quite often and did not receive that email.

Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: collecture on January 05, 2008, 05:42:51 pm
The fact that they addressed you by your full name would indicate that it is a valid email. Wouldn't hurt to verify with PayPal the validity of the email. I am sure there is a contact email for this type matter on their website.

I agree with Moondawg though that if you do not have any offshore accounts, you probably have nothing to worry about, but, to be safe, possible consult your accountant or lawyer over the matter if necessary so you are prepared at least (if the email is valid).

Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: vend_dr on January 05, 2008, 05:47:42 pm
I just google this Tax Liabilities of John Does, Case No. CV-05-04176-JW. and it seems many people have gotten that same email.

While reading some of the questions about this I came across this

We received an e-mail and called the phone number and it sounded official but the message machine was full. We did a reverse phone number search and the number comes back as a Verizon (Cell Phone) in PA. We then contacted the I.R.S. and it appears this is not legitimate. We can't find a US District Court case that matches the case number or the names. The IRS believes it is a phishing scheme and asks that you forward the e-mail to
I would also suggest you forward it to as well.
posted by sowder at 4:32 PM on January 3

Not sure what to make of it all.

Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: bubba on January 06, 2008, 12:01:23 am
wow... Thats amazing...           :jawdrop:

Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: jasmine64 on January 06, 2008, 08:22:54 pm
Look around here and see what you can find.,,id=155682,00.html

Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: SIGNGUY on January 06, 2008, 08:37:18 pm
Thanks all for the advice and the information... I haven't been loosing any sleep over it as of yet... as I am not that big of a user of it ... and I don't have any off shore accounts like Glen reffered to ... Either way... I appreciate the tips/advice and info on it.
It's amazing when we see something from IRS how all our ears perk up!!! :oops:

Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: Ltransam on January 06, 2008, 08:50:28 pm

    Sound's Weird ??

                           I DONT  use Pay-Pal  Thankfully

Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: rogerz on January 07, 2008, 01:54:08 am

It's amazing when we see something from IRS how all our ears perk up!!! :oops:

 :down:yeah it makes you a little jittery  :oh: even if your all legit!


Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: Kilroy on January 10, 2008, 07:08:59 pm  has confirmed the email is real

Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: bubba on January 11, 2008, 07:27:23 am
When this was first posted, I checked Snopes and that article wasn't there.. I guess they just investigated it..

Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: Kilroy on January 11, 2008, 07:32:11 am
I also  checked Snopes when I read  this thread, it was added it  January 6.

Title: Re: Paypal and the IRS????
Post by: SIGNGUY on January 11, 2008, 08:57:47 pm
We'll isn't that a Dandy!... :oh: Hmmm... I don't have any off shore accounts... so not going to worry about it..