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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: bubba on November 29, 2007, 08:15:30 am

Title: Nintendo Wii
Post by: bubba on November 29, 2007, 08:15:30 am
I've got a few buddies looking for the Wii. All the stores in my area are sold out and seem to always be. I've heard its only in the NY/NJ metro area... Has anyone seen them on the shelves by you? Just curious.

Title: Re: Nintendo Wii
Post by: Kilroy on November 29, 2007, 09:14:05 am
I have friends  (Metro Detroit) saying the same thing -  the stores are out, and when they do come in, people are grabing them at the stockroom doors before the clerks have a chance to get  them on the shelves.

Title: Re: Nintendo Wii
Post by: davethebirdman on November 29, 2007, 11:30:37 am

They are like rocking horse poo over here.
We have one. We all love it.


Title: Re: Nintendo Wii
Post by: Eric on November 29, 2007, 12:35:26 pm
Can't find them here.. funny 2 weeks ago they were everywhere... then after Thanksgiving.... gone.... we're leaning towards the PS3.... My kids have nothing like this...
but they are getting to that age.... legos just don't cut it anymore..... which is a shame I bet we've spent enough on Legos that I could have had a RC 81... well....
a really nice RC 55 slider anyway...

Title: Re: Nintendo Wii
Post by: davethebirdman on November 29, 2007, 12:40:47 pm

I would defo recommend the Wii. It might not be as technically advanced as the PS3
but its great for family fun...

Title: Re: Nintendo Wii
Post by: bubba on November 29, 2007, 12:52:51 pm
We have the Wii, original Xbox, Gamecube and a few other vintage systems... The Wii is an impressive little box and for the price, everyone should have one. MY buddy is going to get one, and he doesn't have kids.. Its fun for kids and adults, either together or separate. A friend of mine works next door to the Nintendo store in NYC.. He said a few weeks ago, they had stacks of systems... He bought one for his kids.. He said now, you have to lineup outside the store starting at 6:00. and they hand out tickets for consoles... Apparently, Toys R' Us by us are all getting their shipments on Sunday... I imagine its gonna be a madhouse..

Title: Re: Nintendo Wii
Post by: bubba on November 29, 2007, 12:53:35 pm
They are like rocking horse poo over here.
We have one. We all love it.


I'm curious... is rocking horse poo easy to get or hard to get over there?  :laugh:

Title: Re: Nintendo Wii
Post by: dr galaga on November 29, 2007, 05:00:18 pm
Wow, I just looked at a few on-line places and they are sold out too.
The only game system I own is the Atari 2600. (

Title: Re: Nintendo Wii
Post by: Pixel on November 29, 2007, 06:10:34 pm
I've seen them off-and-on at the local Wal-Mart. A couple weeks or so before Thanksgiving,
they put up kiosks for all three current-gen systems (also PS2/NDS) in the indoor part of the
Garden Center, of all places. Of course they had the display cases from which they sell the
games over there too. They weren't stocked at the time, but I assume Wal-Mart plans to
keep the cases/kiosks over there at least until Christmas. I've only seen them twice, and not
since before they were stocked, so I don't know if there are any Wii consoles in them or not.
This is in addition to the normal sales area in the Electronics. 

The new kiosks have the first "just-walk-up-and-play" playable Wii console I've seen at retail.
I've tried it once, and did not do very well :upside: .

I'm sort of a video game junkie. I have two original NES systems, a Super NES, a Nintendo 64,
a Sega Dreamcast, and a Microsoft Xbox. I also have a Game Boy Pocket and want a Game Boy
Advance SP for Christmas. I'm a bit skeptical of the fun factor of the new interface, but I'm not
ruling it out completely.

I found it interesting that there were times when no Wii consoles were in stock, but they had
two or three PS3's. I think the high PS3 price point (especially initially) may have come back
to bite Sony.

Title: Re: Nintendo Wii
Post by: bubba on November 29, 2007, 10:34:24 pm
Pixel... I've got some older systems including the Dreamcast and Intellivision. I like mindless games.. I don't like many of the newer game systems where you have to think about what you are doing. I have my xbox modded and I have emulators setup for NES, all Atari except Jaguar, ColecoVision.. its not the same, but its close.

I am very impressed with the Wii. There are soo many attachments available now and coming, that it is not just a game system anymore. In this months Gameroom Magazine, they talk about a few of the attachments available including a billiards cue, Swords and Shields and a fishing pole.. They list a website for some more attachments, but I don't have the site handy.

Title: Re: Nintendo Wii
Post by: Pixel on November 30, 2007, 12:57:35 am
I applaud Nintendo for trying something different. At the very least, not tying it to new video
technology. That said, Nintendo stands to make a bundle from the all the motion-sensitive
gizmos coming down the pike for the Wii.

I remember I saw a mini tennis racket attachment, but that may have been for Japan only.

One aspect of the Wii that does interest me is Virtual Console. Apparently it lets one download
older games (of course it's Nintendo which means pay-to-download), and play them on the
Wii. While I don't like the thought of also buying a dedicated controller to play VC games, I do
have a lot of older games I still like to play and nowhere to put the machines under my TV.

I only have dial-up, so I may not even be able to use the VC, but as time goes on maybe I'll
get a better connection and the Wii will get cheaper.

I've also heard of plans for a new, DVD movie playback-capable version of the Wii, but it's
only for Japan right now, and even that has been pushed back to 2008 so who knows.

I've went from "don't care about it" to "I might be interested sometime, but I'm not in a