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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Pat Pixley on November 01, 2007, 10:22:54 pm

Title: Going off on a rant
Post by: Pat Pixley on November 01, 2007, 10:22:54 pm
Ok I'm alittle hot right now I bought a mountain Dew Cap for my office at home
 See att.  Vintage, Antique Looking Mountain Dew Bottle Cap Sign (190159911398)
anyway's I sent out a Cashiers Check right away, Well by the following week I got it in the mail  so I put it up let the guy a great feedback and then I sat back waiting for mine.

WELL the next thing I get is a alert from Ebay this guy said I did not pay him,
So I get in touch with him and and ask him if he will wait for the C.C. to show up ?
He tell me no  So I tell him I will send out a new one out if the other one come in would he send it back and he said he would, So I run down to the bank with my copy of the first C.C.
and ask if they can put a stop pay on it  they tell me it has to run  30 days before they can do that on a cashiers check which would have put it on 11/11/07  so I wait a few days thinking it would show up, and he was make some noise over there
 so I sent out the second cashiers check.
 Well I was keeping tabs on this as was the bank  I stopped down there today
to check and this  :censored:  :censored:  :censored:  cashed both of them on
10/31/07 at 4:30 pm  I'm so hot right now  he wont responed to any of my messages.

I contacted Ebay and they told me I could take this to the Trust & Safety Team
 and they can check in this  , But my thoughts are I'm a low number and he way up there
 so who do you think their going to side with  I have a letter from the bank letting them know that both check were cashed by this guy  and on this day and this time  but that is it.

I know it not alot  $26.20 but it is what he said he would do  and did not do
he flat out lied to me he cashed bothof those on the same day .
Both from the same bank , both are the same amount  both had the item slip
of what I had bought   tell me he did not know   :censored:  :darn:

 So do not buy from weyjr  he lied to me and he may lie to you.

Pat   :veryangry:

Title: Re: Going off on a rant
Post by: Eric on November 01, 2007, 11:08:24 pm
I'm with you...AGhhhhhhhhhhhhh!... I just bought a Wrigley's gum display
off ebay ... said it showed some age but would be pleased with it... well I got and it
fell apart in the box and is missing parts.... So I emailed him... nothing so far...
It's been a long time since I got stung on ebay.. and they have a high selling number so I guess
I'm out $60+ ! :veryangry:

Title: Re: Going off on a rant
Post by: collecture on November 02, 2007, 12:12:47 am
Let's sick Joey and aspbear on him - they don't look too far away!
Go get him guys! :veryangry:

Title: Re: Going off on a rant
Post by: bubba on November 02, 2007, 06:00:51 am
Hey Pat... go back to his feedback.. you may be able to modify or add a reply to the feedback..

Title: Re: Going off on a rant
Post by: Sodak Bob on November 02, 2007, 06:04:09 am
The last time I had a problem like this - I told the guy I was going to be the high bidder on every auction he had going. So what if he leaves bad feedback for me never paying. Payback is a #@$%^

Title: Re: Going off on a rant
Post by: bubba on November 02, 2007, 06:07:52 am
Thats a pretty cool idea Bob..  :laugh:

Title: Re: Going off on a rant
Post by: Pat Pixley on November 02, 2007, 12:45:15 pm
Well quick report on this guy, He emailed me today said he left a feedback
(and it was good ) and I should be seeing a money order by next week.
He saidhe never notice the first one that I sent (That funny he sure cashed both
of them with out thinking any thing about it stupid  :censored:)
Well Itold him I had better see it by Thursday of next week or I'm
going to still go ahead with what I had said.

Joey , Aspbear don't get him yet let see what happens 8)  and I do like that idea
Sodakbob , that not bad at all , But I have given him till next thursday then it may be
time to hit below the belt   :veryangry:

Thanks Guy  for being there


Title: Re: Going off on a rant
Post by: Kilroy on November 02, 2007, 05:46:30 pm
I am shocked and ashamed we would think this could be resolved by violence.

Pat has his street address, and we all have 100's of those  magazine inserts we toss out (don't have 100's, go to the corner and buy a magazine)  so if the  refund doesn't show up, we sign him up for everything!  8) **

** The suggestions expressed in this post are purely satirical, and  no way is it be implied this is an acceptable course of action, but pretty cool  to think  it could work.

Title: Re: Going off on a rant
Post by: bubba on November 02, 2007, 07:03:55 pm
I am shocked and ashamed we would think this could be resolved by violence.

Pat has his street address, and we all have 100's of those  magazine inserts we toss out (don't have 100's, go to the corner and buy a magazine)  so if the  refund doesn't show up, we sign him up for everything!  8) **

** The suggestions expressed in this post are purely satirical, and  no way is it be implied this is an acceptable course of action, but pretty cool  to think  it could work.

I like that... I get about 12 different mags to the house every month between wifey and me..  :biggrin:

Title: Re: Going off on a rant
Post by: aspbear on November 02, 2007, 07:39:54 pm
I have bought a couple of re pop signs from him but I went over to jasper and picked them up from his wife at a convience store he owns.   If he does not mail you the check back sounds a lot like mail fraud and you are in luck Jasper is in my Troop, we will have the friendly neighborhood Trooper pay him a visit and discuss the situation... :biggrin:

Title: Re: Going off on a rant
Post by: aspbear on November 02, 2007, 09:39:25 pm
Pat, I called the Trooper that works the Jasper area.  He knows the guy and says he is a pretty good guy he just tries to run to many busnesses out of one location.  I think you will get squared away on this deal but if not let me know.

Title: Re: Going off on a rant
Post by: Pat Pixley on November 02, 2007, 09:55:57 pm
Wow!! Aspbear,  I may take you up on that, Will have to wait and see what Thursday brings.
  So you also bought some repop from him like isaid I have some in my office at home.
were did you hang your repop signs ??

And Kilroy, Buddy  I never want you mad at me  :oh:  OK!     Like Ken that would be great   :laugh:

Thanks again Guy's
 this is what make this site what it is
a real great one..


Title: Re: Going off on a rant
Post by: Kilroy on November 02, 2007, 10:02:24 pm
Pat, no worries. we're partners in crime, well one of days  :biggrin:
Just looking out for a friend and sorta neighbor

Title: Re: Going off on a rant
Post by: collecture on November 02, 2007, 10:15:19 pm
...we will have the friendly neighborhood Trooper pay him a visit and discuss the situation...

Now that is great...a website with built-in long arm of the law. That's camaraderie!

Title: Re: Going off on a rant
Post by: aspbear on November 03, 2007, 07:52:08 am
I bought the re pop pepsi bottle cap to hang with my orginal pepsi die cut,  I also bought the RC bottle cap to hang above the RC cooler I bought off of Eric.  I really liked them and like someone on here said early re pop's are OK unless someone tries to pass them off as orginal.

Title: Re: Going off on a rant
Post by: aspbear on November 13, 2007, 07:10:05 pm
Hey Pat,  I have to be in Jasper in the next couple of days.   Did you get your check and or merchandise...

Title: Re: Going off on a rant
Post by: sodaman on November 13, 2007, 07:32:44 pm
There's several real scumbags on ebay that's just out for the buck and don't care how they get it.  I've run into that being both a buyer and a seller...............  hope everything turns out ok.