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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: jasmine64 on October 23, 2007, 06:14:35 pm

Title: Checking in
Post by: jasmine64 on October 23, 2007, 06:14:35 pm
Havent been around in a while.
Yes I still have the Soda machine bug, but hubby isnt very cooperative with me.

I fnally finished my shop and I now have a full time job working for myself for free.  :veryangry:

Making enough on this new venture to pay some bills. But not enough to buy machines.  :down:

Title: Re: Checking in
Post by: Kilroy on October 23, 2007, 06:37:52 pm
We'll leave the "Correct change when Lit" light on for you so you always  find your way back Jas.
Wishing you much success, and time to get back to your Cavalier :)

Title: Re: Checking in
Post by: jasmine64 on October 23, 2007, 06:51:09 pm
Thanks, I'm looking for a small cavalier a junior, that will have to wait until after the new year.

Title: Re: Checking in
Post by: Jim on October 23, 2007, 07:25:48 pm
Stay focused on the career and as time and money permit, you can pursue soda machines and other interests...
This goes without saying, but Good Luck in your endeavors ! ! !

Title: Re: Checking in
Post by: Pat Pixley on October 23, 2007, 08:38:46 pm
Jas,   Darn good see you I was hoping you where not going to be the next
member to leave for good :biggrin: .

So whats the big new venture guess I never knew what you did before so
what are you doing Now :oh:
Got to see some photo's of the new shop also Ok
And you know this group will keep their eye's open for you
and find that Cav.

  Just glad to have you back


Title: Re: Checking in
Post by: BrianB on October 24, 2007, 06:18:22 am
Great to see you around, Jasmine! Good luck on your business and don't be a stranger!

Title: Re: Checking in
Post by: jasmine64 on October 25, 2007, 09:36:02 am
I'll still be around.

I have an online cake and candy supply business and finally built a shop
this summer so I can sell stuff locally too. Gave up on ebay since they got too greedy with fees.

I was offered a local cake and candy business 3 times in 15 years so here I am.

I'm looking to expand into the chocolate fountain catering business for weddings, birthdays and events and hope that helps daughter with her nursing books next year at college.

I decided to take the plunge and took the food handlers course and test.

I'll see if my photobucket account still has the shop pics in it and post them.

Title: Re: Checking in
Post by: jasmine64 on October 25, 2007, 10:05:07 am
my shop, well actually my commercial kitchen.

Hopefully I'll be making a lot of stuff for Thanksgiving and Christmas in there.

Title: Re: Checking in
Post by: aspbear on October 25, 2007, 09:11:59 pm
Good luck with the business.  Looks like you are set up to do some serious cooking...

Title: Re: Checking in
Post by: Pat Pixley on October 25, 2007, 09:37:31 pm
Well Looks real good Jas.  So it a online Cake and Candy business
 So whats your Web Site This is going to be some of your client
base right here So you got to promote yourself ok.

 And the place looks nice it's REAL WHITE AND BRIGHT  8)
 but look nice and way to go.

  Pat  :biggrin:

Title: Re: Checking in
Post by: Eric on October 25, 2007, 09:56:04 pm
Glad you checked in! Let's see the rest of the shop! As I remember it was looking pretty cool...
How have you decorated it?
Keep checking in..... And keep us in the know!

Title: Re: Checking in
Post by: jasmine64 on October 26, 2007, 08:26:09 am
No decorations yet I'm planning on doing that after the new year.

Right now most of my business is supplies. I'm waiting on the test results on the food safety test. Should know something next week.

After that I'll have my own little bakery ready to go with a place to sell uptown in my friends shop. I have to rent a space from her. I already have a wedding scheduled for March. Looking for a good price on chocolate fountains.

I also do candy bouquets for birthdays. I havent had time to get them online may have to work on that this weekend.

Not a whole lot there most of the stuff I had on ebay before they got greedy with their fees.
I come out cheaper with a web site.

Title: Re: Checking in
Post by: jasmine64 on October 26, 2007, 08:28:52 am
Oh and my other web site I forgot.
It's mostly wood working I have done for the last 20 years. I have stacks of stuff cut out and ready to paint to put on there.

Mostly winfield collection stuff.