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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: coke_and_stuff on September 14, 2007, 09:12:23 am

Title: Coca Cola Blue Circle Neon Clock
Post by: coke_and_stuff on September 14, 2007, 09:12:23 am
I have been after this clock from a local for the last 2 years, Its from a drive in Restaurant that once had 30 locations throughout TN. One remains in Bristol. All I have to say is its a killer piece.

Neon off


Neon On



Title: Re: Coca Cola Blue Circle Neon Clock
Post by: Jim on September 14, 2007, 09:50:08 am
Very Cool Joey ! ! !
Congrats on your new addition ! ! !
Again, patience and persistence pay off.

I have a Cleveland Neon clock that took three years to acquire...
Funny part is that the last time I visited, the clock was gone. I thought he finally broke down and someone else got the clock... I stopped in to get the story and he said lightning must have hit it because it stopped working. Well, I asked what he did with it and his reply was that it's in the garage. So, I asked if could see it and it didn't appear to have been hit by lighting so I asked if I could have it... And, surprisingly enough, he said sure but he didn't think I would get it working...
The clock only required the tubing to be reconnected to the transformer and the  clock motor needed a jump start, was just stuck for some reason... It's been running ever since, 14+ years now.

Moral of the story, be patient but persistent and things will come your way...

Title: Re: Coca Cola Blue Circle Neon Clock
Post by: collecture on September 14, 2007, 11:41:56 am
Neat clock Joey! Congrats on the acquisition!