SMC Discussion Areas

Trouble-Shooting => Coin Mechanisms => Topic started by: collecture on September 12, 2007, 07:25:14 pm

Title: Need a favor from V44 owners!
Post by: collecture on September 12, 2007, 07:25:14 pm
I got a guy who sent me his V44 mech for repair.
I told him that (for a fee) I could convert his straight sale mech into a change-giver mech. I have all the parts to do it.

Since I do not own a V44, I need somebody with a change-giver mech in their V44 to snap me a shot of the top half of their mech and how it interacts with the SO Flag. If you could remove the rejector for the pic, that would be great.

I am pretty sure that the mech is configured the same way that the 81, 110 mechs are, but I want to make sure. The only difference between the 44 mech and the 81/110 mech, that I am aware of, is the shaft length.


Title: Re: Need a favor from V44 owners!
Post by: collecture on September 15, 2007, 08:44:38 am

Title: Re: Need a favor from V44 owners!
Post by: coke_and_stuff on September 15, 2007, 09:22:51 am
Hey Tom heck out the 44 that was listed on ebay yesterday it may have the picture your looking for. If I had a 44 i'd help.


Title: Re: Need a favor from V44 owners!
Post by: coke_and_stuff on September 15, 2007, 09:27:10 am


Title: Re: Need a favor from V44 owners!
Post by: collecture on September 15, 2007, 10:24:19 am
Thanks Joey, but I can't really tell in that picture. It doesn't look like that is a change-giver mech in there. The SO Flag says 'Insert Coins' - 'No Quarters' - 'Sold Out', which would imply no change given back.

I just need to know whether the mech interacts with the SO Flag in the same way it does on the 56, 81, 110 with that arm sticking out the top right of the mech.

Title: Re: Need a favor from V44 owners!
Post by: loman4ec on September 15, 2007, 10:26:27 am
Tom I am using a new computer so I cant edit my pics. If you sen me your email I think I have some pics for you that will help. Jim if you read this I think you should up the downloadable photo sizw by a little bit. I have to edit all of my photo's before posting.

Title: Re: Need a favor from V44 owners!
Post by: MoonDawg on September 15, 2007, 10:41:21 am
       Tom, you can bet that the machines were built using the
capabilities of the available coin mechs at that time.So I'm quite sure
the one you have functions the same as the 81.

Title: Re: Need a favor from V44 owners!
Post by: collecture on September 15, 2007, 11:38:39 am
Tom, you can bet that the machines were built using the
capabilities of the available coin mechs at that time.So I'm quite sure
the one you have functions the same as the 81.

I would think the same thing Glen, but I upgraded this mech from a straight sale mech to a change-giver mech.
Straight sale 56, 81, 110 mechs did not have the arm for the SO Flag and I hate to put this part in if it is not needed or get in the way.
I really think that this is a 56, 81, 110 mech, but the guy says it is out of a 44 and if it is not long enough to fit in the yoke - well that is not my problem - he sent it to me!

Josh - I responded to an old email correspondence we had 2006, but I'll PM you my email address - Thanks!

Title: Re: Need a favor from V44 owners!
Post by: Jim on September 15, 2007, 12:43:09 pm
Jim if you read this I think you should up the downloadable photo sizw by a little bit. I have to edit all of my photo's before posting.
Raised the files size to 100 KB per image and set the total for the four images at 405 KB...

Title: Re: Need a favor from V44 owners!
Post by: SIGNGUY on September 17, 2007, 03:28:08 pm
I can shoot some photos of my V44 coin mech and post them tonight... Just read this post today or I would have done it earlier..

ANything in particular? I'll just shoot a few different angles.


Title: Re: Need a favor from V44 owners!
Post by: collecture on September 17, 2007, 05:48:57 pm
I need a change-giver mech picture and just want to see how the mech interacts with the SO Flag, so a pic kind of off center to the right with the rejector removed would be great.

Title: Re: Need a favor from V44 owners!
Post by: SIGNGUY on September 18, 2007, 10:36:08 am
let me know if these help.
I can send you higher res photos if that will help.
Send me your email again and I'll send them directly

Title: Re: Need a favor from V44 owners!
Post by: collecture on September 18, 2007, 03:07:01 pm
Thanks for the pics John!!

The pics don't fully satisfy my need though. I need pics of a change-giver mech in a V44. Unless there are different SO Flags for a V44, I am not seeing how the arm (see pic) interacts with the SO Flag (like it does on the 56, 81 or 110 to indicate that the mech has enough nickels to give change for a quarter).

I know I've seen V44's with a change-giver mech in them - am I wrong??

Title: Re: Need a favor from V44 owners!
Post by: sodaworks on October 03, 2007, 06:55:10 am
I just ran across this posting did you find what you where looking for?

Title: Re: Need a favor from V44 owners!
Post by: collecture on October 03, 2007, 08:14:52 am
No I never really did, but it doesn't really matter now except for my own personal knowledge.
I have already been paid and mailed the mech to the guy.

Title: Re: Need a favor from V44 owners!
Post by: sodaworks on October 03, 2007, 09:09:54 pm
First chance I get I'll get you the photo from one of my 44's.