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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Malinut on September 12, 2007, 10:07:41 am

Title: garage sale find
Post by: Malinut on September 12, 2007, 10:07:41 am

I have been reading here the posts on the finds people have uncovered.  It has encouraged me to start checking sales for machines.

Yesterday, I see a garage sale ad on craigslist (Kansas City).  It advertised that they had a Coke machine for sale.  Thats all it says "Coke machine", no picture or any other clues.  I'm thinking that at best it might be a V63 or V90.  However, I remember the post about a VMC 81 7up for $75 at garage sale, so I decide to go.

I get there at 0800 and walked up the driveway.  I saw the machine sitting in the garage and started to get very excited.  I got closer and saw that it was a Vendo 56 RT priced at $250.

I told her I would take it w/o trying to talk her down.  She refused a check and wouldn't let me write her a check to hold it.  She did say she would hold it for an hour.  Lucky for me my bank was five minutes away.  All the way to the bank and back I'm thinking someone going to slide in there and offer her more and take it home.

I get back to the sale and machine was still there w/no one around. Got it loaded in truck and headed back home with grin on my face.  This sale was 10 miles from my house.

Its in pretty good shape, couple small dent on doors edge, surface rust here and there.  All the parts are there, plus it has a glass door.  The black stuff on bottom will come right off.

All in all, I'm very happy.  I think I had a pretty good morning.

Thanks to all who post here, this board is a wealth of information.



Title: Re: garage sale find
Post by: johnieG on September 12, 2007, 10:43:29 am
excellent score!!!!!   :wow:       A V56 for $250.00...sweet!  I bet you'll have some cash in your pocket next time you go looking!

Title: Re: garage sale find
Post by: Ginger Prince on September 12, 2007, 11:08:52 am
fantastic result,

id have left my watch, shirt off my back,
keys to my car etc, to get that, 56RT!!!.

& especially as it has that glass bottle door

well done!

Title: Re: garage sale find
Post by: collecture on September 12, 2007, 11:24:48 am
I haven't had that kind of luck yet, but I keep dreaming!

Title: Re: garage sale find
Post by: Eric on September 12, 2007, 12:17:54 pm
:jawdrop: Unbelievable!!!
I think that's the find of the year! What a SWEET score! Congrats!
56 are great little machines.... Bet you rolled through the stop signs
and that it felt like the longest trip to the bank and back you ever took :biggrin:
Awesome story!
And it shows these are STILL out there even after 50+ years.

Title: Re: garage sale find
Post by: Sodak Bob on September 12, 2007, 12:20:26 pm
WOW !!   It is going to be hard to top that....  Great story and congrats....

Title: Re: garage sale find
Post by: Creighton on September 12, 2007, 12:23:08 pm
Great score!! That will clean up just fine. I'll give ya $300 for it :-)

Title: Re: garage sale find
Post by: bubba on September 12, 2007, 12:33:32 pm
Excellent! I gotta start watching garage sales....

Title: Re: garage sale find
Post by: Jim on September 12, 2007, 12:39:26 pm

That's GR-8 ! ! !
For what you paid in relation to the model and condition, I would have to agree that this may be the best deal this year!

Now, if you told us that you offered $200 and they took it, I would have fell over while reading your post...

Title: Re: garage sale find
Post by: cormy on September 12, 2007, 01:28:14 pm
yea really, you mean you didn't even haggel? :laugh:

Title: Re: garage sale find
Post by: sodaworks on September 12, 2007, 02:19:47 pm
Great Score Frank! But you still gotta haggle a little. Ha-Ha

Title: Re: garage sale find
Post by: MoonDawg on September 12, 2007, 02:30:39 pm

 It advertised that they had a Coke machine for sale.  Thats all it says "Coke machine", no picture or any other clues.  I'm thinking that at best it might be a V63 or V90. 

Could have been a huge 80's can machine, but it's our job to find out  

I get there at 0800 and walked up the driveway.  ]

In my area, a half-dozen guys would be over there at 6:30 AM Consider yourself very lucky. I think everybody deserves at least one find of a lifetime

Title: Re: garage sale find
Post by: MCarter on September 12, 2007, 02:35:56 pm
Great Job!! Don't let Brian B find out about it !!! LOL LOL

Title: Re: garage sale find
Post by: Pat Pixley on September 12, 2007, 03:14:08 pm
WOW !! Frank what a find , I wish I had stuff like this just drop in my lap
 like this, and at a price like that :tounge:.

 I've got to go with every one else on this, It's got to be the best find of the year
 to date.
 Congrat's  :biggrin:


Title: Re: garage sale find
Post by: Malinut on September 12, 2007, 03:54:12 pm
Thanks for all of the responses.

I didn't even think about trying to talk her down,  I was concerned about getting to the bank
and someone walking up and starting a bidding war.

And yes, I learned a lesson about having cash on hand.  I just never expected it to be a 56.
I was just very lucky on this deal.

Ive been cleaning it up and it does have some dents I didn't notice.  You cant see it in the pics, but there is a depression/dent under coin door and a couple pry marks behind the coin door.

Again, I just wanted to pay and leave before someone else showed up.

I now have two 56's and this one is not as good as my first one.  I paid $1500 for one a few months ago, I posted about that one here.  I am going to sell this one to help defray that cost.

And a big THANKS to whoever posted about the $75 7up VMC 81 that was advertised at a garage sale on CL.  I'm serious, thats the biggest reason I went to this sale.  I work nights and usually in bed at 8:00 am.


Title: Re: garage sale find
Post by: SIGNGUY on September 12, 2007, 04:07:22 pm
WOW>.. just like everyone said.. Great find... Gotta have Cash on hand when going to these sales though!!!  I posted a month or so ago about the Vendo 81 at a garage sale that went for $75.00... but missed out on that one... the guy who now owns it has my number and maybe will sell in the future.?
Great find... I look at garage sale postings each day... and usually if they just say Coke Machine,,, yeah it could be anything but like someone said earlier... it's our JOB to find out. and usually if they don't have a model number listed, they don't know what they have and often enough can be picked up for a good price.. I recently bought a Cav 72 for $350.00 at a Garage sale... Already sold it for $1200.00!!! 
Great story! who's next??? :happydrinkers:

Title: Re: garage sale find
Post by: collecture on September 12, 2007, 04:50:56 pm
I am going to sell this one to help defray that cost.
If your first 56 has a solid bottle door, I'd be switching it out for the glass bottle door before selling.

Title: Re: garage sale find
Post by: Eric on September 12, 2007, 04:56:03 pm
Yes! I agree swap the doors if the other's solid... this door is harder to find!

Title: Re: garage sale find
Post by: Creighton on September 12, 2007, 04:56:32 pm
Agree with Tom. Could you please post a couple of pictures of the back of the bottle door. I'm curious how the factory did the door liner. Also does it have two or three panes of glass/plexi ?
Thanks in advance!!

Title: Re: garage sale find
Post by: Malinut on September 12, 2007, 05:39:00 pm
Looks like it has three panes, middle pane has a condensation hole at bottom.  Tapping on them makes me think they are plexi.

My other one also has glass door, but it has small crack at the bottom.  I will be changing out glass.  Thanks for the idea

Hope the pics are what you need


Title: Re: garage sale find
Post by: Creighton on September 12, 2007, 06:16:55 pm
Perfect pics, Thanks!!

Title: Re: garage sale find
Post by: aspbear on September 12, 2007, 07:38:51 pm
Great find,  garage sales are a great source for all kinds of neat finds.  Congratulations..

Title: Re: garage sale find
Post by: coke_and_stuff on September 12, 2007, 08:24:59 pm
Thats a deal, Congrats I like those V56 roundtops. You did great!


Title: Re: garage sale find
Post by: MoonDawg on September 13, 2007, 11:36:06 am
      Do we get a photo of both machines side by side?