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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: SquareTopCollector on August 23, 2007, 07:33:55 am

Title: Scrapping a uss-8-64 case
Post by: SquareTopCollector on August 23, 2007, 07:33:55 am
Do you think there is value in the metal of a uss-8-64 case? I am going to throw it out but was wondering if its worth taking to the scrap yard. Thanks

Title: Re: Scrapping a uss-8-64 case
Post by: MoonDawg on August 23, 2007, 10:33:07 am
      I don't think the metal has much cash value but by taking it to
the scrap yard you keep it from rusting in the landfill plus it gets
melted down and re-used, reducing the need for mining.

      So maybe your 64 will come back as a reproduction 44 or
Westinghouse Junior.    :happydrinkers:

Title: Re: Scrapping a uss-8-64 case
Post by: Creighton on August 23, 2007, 09:45:18 pm
The sides are great quality steel. If you see a future need for patch panels I'd torch those out and take the rest to a scrap yard.

Title: Re: Scrapping a uss-8-64 case
Post by: SquareTopCollector on August 23, 2007, 09:56:12 pm
I thought about that. Cut out the side panels that have the coke logo and hang them on the wall. Isnt a torch overkill? well it does give me an excuse to use the torch. Heck I know someone with a plazma cutter. I think I may just use the rotozip.

I really feel bad about killing this machine. I like to see them live on but the case was pretty bad. Someone bolted it to a wall and drilled 2 large holes right through the back of the case. I found a repair ticket in the machine from coke and it said compressor needed to be repaired in 1990, no wonder with those large holes in the case. The compressor probably never shut off.  I took the serial number tag off the side as a momento/dog tag, this one isnt coming back but it will give another machine a new life.

Title: Re: Scrapping a uss-8-64 case
Post by: Creighton on August 24, 2007, 12:54:47 am
Yea torch is overkill if you have access to plasma or a rotozip :-) Don't feel bad. The parts have helped many others get their machines in order. Nice touch on saving the tag!!