SMC Discussion Areas

Soda Machines, Coolers & Dispensers => Pre 60's Machines & Coolers => Topic started by: MoonDawg on July 12, 2007, 10:27:03 am

Title: Icy-o countertop cooler
Post by: MoonDawg on July 12, 2007, 10:27:03 am
       Most of the longtime members here will recall the guest on this site 2 years ago who wanted to sell an Icy-o. I mentioned it to my friend Garry and he just had to have it.  It was delivered directly to my shop because his wife would have gone through the roof had she known he spent a thousand dollars on this junk  
       I myself, was not thrilled with it!  It arrived in a broken wooden crate, additionally damaged in transit. The inside was lined with wood which had got wet and swelled so the doors could not close.  

       After discussing the possibilities here on this forum, and Eric's help on envisioning what this cooler could or should look like.......this project had to move on!

       Fortunately Garry's carpenter / brother-in-law from Texas happened to be visiting him. Neither of these guys had done a restoration before so most of the work was done at my shop and I did little more on this project than give advice.

       So while Phil did the bodywork and woodwork,
 Garry (a mortgage broker) arranged the outside work.

        The glass used was cut from an early century piece and has the traditional waves in it.  The dividers were added as per a sales pamphlet from that era. The finish was to have a wood grain look and gold letters with a red border. The 2 curved rods on the front were originally spot welded on. They were replaced with brass rods with small studs welded onto the backs.

         Early embossed bottles and fake ice are used in the display.  The section in back on top is to store a wooden case and empty case you are like me and thought this section made the cooler look weird.
         Now as you may know, Garry has been in and out of the hospital for heart and cancer problems all this year but he always bounces back. Could an accomplishment like this Icy-o give him a stronger reason to live ?   You all know the feeling

Title: Icy-o countertop cooler
Post by: Bob K on July 12, 2007, 11:34:11 am
Wonderful story...  

Sending good vibes to Garry's health...  :hopefull:


Title: Icy-o countertop cooler
Post by: Seven181 on July 12, 2007, 11:36:32 am
Sweet! I think it looks great. We all find those beat up machines and dream that they will turn out to be awesome someday. Some turn out great, others are still sitting in storage or our garages waiting to be worked on!!!


Title: Icy-o countertop cooler
Post by: Ltransam on July 12, 2007, 12:41:46 pm
Garry & MoonDawg
 D  :jawdrop:  :jawdrop:  :jawdrop:  M

I was 1 of the people trying to get it from the guy .My offer was $900 .But It would have taken me a year to save the money to have it restored .It's Perfect !!!

Garry Hope your doing well  :D  And it's really Great that you shared this Project with Us from the start 2 thum s up from me ...

Title: Icy-o countertop cooler
Post by: aspbear1 on July 12, 2007, 01:09:05 pm
Great job and great looking cooler.  This should help pick up his spirits and he will want to hang around to enjoy this great piece.  Thanks for sharing the photo

Title: Icy-o countertop cooler
Post by: coke_and_stuff on July 12, 2007, 03:00:02 pm
Thats great, nice machine. Are the bottles really old?


Title: Icy-o countertop cooler
Post by: Kilroy on July 12, 2007, 06:56:19 pm
I remember the discussions and debates, but never thought it could come out looking  that incredible


Title: Icy-o countertop cooler
Post by: Jim on July 12, 2007, 08:21:19 pm

I have to say the restoration everyone did on this cooler is outstanding ! ! !

I want you to please tell Garry we all very proud of the work that went into this restoration and that this would be the pinnacle of any collection!

Lastly and above all, give Garry our best for staying healthy ! ! !

      :happydrinkers:      :happydrinkers:      :happydrinkers:

Title: Icy-o countertop cooler
Post by: MoonDawg on July 12, 2007, 08:35:16 pm
Thanks Jim, do you need any additional pictures for the library?    And yes Joey,  the bottles are all OLD  :D

      When loading this cooler for display we noticed something very unique about this 100 year old "refrigeration system".

       A regular ice cooler could easily be loaded with soda bottles, then showered with ice. This cooler was designed differently!

       The front window is for customers to grab a cold soda, the rear window is for the clerk to slide all cold product forward to re-fill with new Cokes. cubes would block his path.
       So it seems the ice was only stocked in the center and when it melted it chilled all the bottles with cold water. Then when the water level got too high, the clerk would drain the water into a bucket and re-fill the ice section.
       This must be the first water-bath cooling system, I like it!  :D

Title: Icy-o countertop cooler
Post by: Pat Pixley on July 12, 2007, 11:53:08 pm
Great story Glen, Boy that turned out just beautiful,
 This should make Garry proud  how beautiful it did turn
 out , It like a Work of art.

And Glen Give Garry our Best .

Pat :D

Title: Icy-o countertop cooler
Post by: BrianB on July 13, 2007, 07:04:02 am
That is truly a work of art Glen! Awesome job on the restoration. It's also really nice to hear that Garry is getting better  :)

Title: Icy-o countertop cooler
Post by: dr galaga on July 13, 2007, 07:12:29 am
Wow!  Very nice job!

Title: Icy-o countertop cooler
Post by: Eric on July 13, 2007, 07:37:11 am
Crown jewel of the collection no doubt!
Awesome to see such a rare piece turn out with such a happy ending.
Prayers out to Garry and his health.
Great job Glen and to all!!!!!
Thanks for sharing and keeping us updated....
I'm of course one of the guys that have machines just waiting and
hoping to get restored that nice. Way to go! :happydrinkers:

Title: Icy-o countertop cooler
Post by: Jim on July 13, 2007, 07:46:46 am
Hello Glen,
do you need any additional pictures for the library?

Is there a way to take similar photos so there isn't so many reflections, mainly the other machines, as this distracts from the cooler...?  The back view primarily as it's difficult to view through the back window glass due to the blue and red colorations...

Thanks ! ! !

Title: Icy-o countertop cooler
Post by: FREELOADER on July 13, 2007, 02:07:19 pm
Thanks to all who helped (you guys)...  My health is getting better.  I only have 4 more months of chemo with 6 months of radiation to folow.  But, what the hell, that is a cake walk.  After all, I've got Glen helping me all the way.  Except, don't any of you guys get sick.  Glen will NOT visit you in the hospital.  He just can't make himself go inside.  

Unfortunately, while undergoing my chemo treatments in April I had 2 massive heart attacks.  The Dr had to put the chemo on hold while I recovered from the cardiac events (I have had a total of 8 so far).  In May it was decided that I needed a pace maker.  decided not by me but by the Dr.  After having open heart surgery in May to install (insert) it, my body started rejecting within 2 weeks.  "My My", says the heart surgeon, "I guess we'll just have to take it out".  The **** you say, says me...  Well, guess who won???  It came out at the first of June.  Now I have a big hole in my chest for the infection to drain out.  But, the up side is I have a beautiful nurse who comes to my home 3 times a day to give me an anti infection drug and also to change my bandages.  (I tried to get Glen to change the bandages but after he came to he wouldn't talk to me).  Anyway, I have 4 more weeks of this crap (except for the beautiful nurse) and than I go back on the chemo treatments.  I'll try to keep you guys updated and if I don't Glen will for sure.  Thanks again.   :help:  :help: Garry Lee (Freeloader)

P.S.  Someone said that this cooler would surely be the hi lite of anyone's collection.  They are absolutely right.  Everyone's collection except mine.  My wife has "Tolerated" my Coca Cola collection for the entire 30 years that we have been maried.  but, she hates it.  She has also informed me that when I die she is having a yard sale.  Can anyone in their right mine imagine that???  Can anyone imagine going to a yard sale and being able to buy this beauy for $10.00???

P.S. P.S  The biggest Thank You of all goes to Glen.  He is truly a great friend...

Title: Icy-o countertop cooler
Post by: kahonwes on July 14, 2007, 10:13:28 pm
That is on neat machine, I'd love to build one like that lol

Title: Icy-o countertop cooler
Post by: Pat Pixley on July 15, 2007, 01:15:37 am
Hey Garry, Hang in there  buddy, With a friend like Glen
I think you will do just fine ,He has been a good friend to us
at the site( and some of us have never meet him, only by phone )
With you knowing him in person  you are a lucky man already.

P.S. Hey welcome aboard to the site  where the fun never end's. :O

Title: Icy-o countertop cooler
Post by: keithm on July 15, 2007, 10:15:28 am
Beautiful work guys.  Not that it is for sale, but what would the value of something like that be ?


Title: Icy-o countertop cooler
Post by: FREELOADER on July 17, 2007, 12:13:32 pm
It is for sale.  You can buy now for $18,000. or you can wait until after I die and then you can pick it up for $100.  (But, fair warning, you had better be early to the yard sale).  Garry

Title: Icy-o countertop cooler
Post by: Kilroy on July 17, 2007, 05:52:01 pm
So Garrry, how about sharing some  stories behind your collection? There's got to be some interesting wheeling,dealing, and stealing yarns, so don't hold out on us>

Title: Icy-o countertop cooler
Post by: MoonDawg on July 17, 2007, 09:10:12 pm

(keithm @ Jul. 15 2007,8:15)
but what would the value of something like that be ?

     One recent find brought $13K a few months ago

Title: Icy-o countertop cooler
Post by: Marvin on July 17, 2007, 09:20:47 pm
Is the owner of this machine the same guy who owns the Cav 102 that was on ebay a while back?  It seems like his spouse thought nothing of this hobby either.