SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: kahonwes on July 05, 2007, 11:45:09 pm

Title: Pepsi Machine
Post by: kahonwes on July 05, 2007, 11:45:09 pm
Well this week I purchased a used 3 year old Pepsi machine to vend sodas next to my cousins store, he didnt mind.

I loaded the machine, ten cases of soda later, I test it put coins in it then leave.

Then today I get a phone call from the girl working at my cousins store.  She tells me hey I put a dollar in the machine, and 20 sodas came out.

Well I call the dude who sold it to me, he's like woah this never happened before.  Then to make it worse, its vending free sodas when there is no free vend mode.

So my first day owning a $1000 machine and I'm jinxed lol.  Its being fixed tommorow lol

k - laters

Title: Pepsi Machine
Post by: Bob K on July 06, 2007, 06:22:07 am
20 sodas for a dollar?  Could you please tell me EXACTLY where this machine is located??  :D  :D  :happydrinkers:


Title: Pepsi Machine
Post by: Eric on July 06, 2007, 07:05:15 am
Ha! did you buy it in Springfield MO? from SMSU?
I went to college there.. and there was a machine that you put in .50
and it would pump out all the rootbeer in that selection... It
went on for a whole year... I remember being a poor college student
and we would have to get a couple of people to scrape
up the .50 but we could get everyone in the class a rootbeer... then
I guess they figured it out.... :(  Oh well.. good memories.
I'm sure you'll get it fixed.

Title: Pepsi Machine
Post by: c125bob on July 06, 2007, 09:10:22 am
I hate when that happens !  I guess the old machines are better, you have to work to get them to free vend.

Hope you get it fixed and make money to buy more old machines.
