SMC Discussion Areas

Soda Machines, Coolers & Dispensers => Pre 60's Machines & Coolers => Topic started by: aubrun on April 12, 2007, 12:00:40 pm

Title: Need A Little Help
Post by: aubrun on April 12, 2007, 12:00:40 pm
Whow, you guys are really knowledgable on these machines.  I know absolutly nothing other than what I have learned on the internet this morning.  I was given a Coke Machine about 30 yrs ago and have had it stored in my dads barn.  Well, it't time to clean things out.  The ID plate indicates this is a Model # H81 D.  The serial # is 70525899 with a #H281 next to it.  It has a water fountain mounted on the left side and everything appears to be there.  (coin machine, racks etc.)  It was actually working when I put it away, but I have not pluged it in to see if it will run yet.  I will put some pics up tonight. I would appreciate any information as to the age and what a Fair Sale Price Range would be.  Thanks in advance for any help you guys can share.  Later

Title: Need A Little Help
Post by: Creighton on April 12, 2007, 01:45:58 pm
Welcome to the board aubrun!! You have one of the most desirable machines. Yours was made in 1957 or 1958. As with anything condition is everything. Looking forward to the pictures.

Title: Need A Little Help
Post by: SIGNGUY on April 12, 2007, 03:08:17 pm
Welcome to the site... you'll find out more information than you'll care to have about your Vendo 81 D.

Oh Yeah as far as value, you'll here alot of numbers but i'll give you a $100 bucks for it... :D  :D  just kidding... it's worth more than that!

Lets see some photos...

Title: Need A Little Help
Post by: aubrun on April 13, 2007, 09:09:21 am
Thanks for the response.  Too Cool!  Anyway, I pulled it out and blew it out with the air and started to clean it up.  I did plug it in and the compressor ran but the little fan did not come on.  Still have to do a better job of cleaning and maybe it will run??????  Anyway, I forgot the camera so I will send mor pics later.  It has a small amount of rust on the bottom and some kind of gooey stuff that was spilled on the top. (about a 10" circle)  By the way, I did clean the rat poison out of the drinking fountain!!!!! LOL  
Maybe I should not take it to the Farm Show yet huh?
Hope I sized the pics right.
Later, Al

Title: Need A Little Help
Post by: Marvin on April 13, 2007, 09:13:36 am
Are the tubes I see behind the shelves for cooling the water in the fountain?  I have not seen that before.


Title: Need A Little Help
Post by: SIGNGUY on April 13, 2007, 09:27:11 am
Great looking Machine, looks complete and pretty straight. The Cooling lines in the back are for the water fountain attachement. Missing a few shelves but not a big deal.
Where is the machine located?

Title: Need A Little Help
Post by: MoonDawg on April 13, 2007, 09:27:39 am
Ok, now you will get a more precise value with the pictures.
Just find one of the members here who lives closest to you, and
offer it for $1000.00   :drinking:

       You would be wise to remove the latch screwed into the coin
door, looks tacky.  Also that drinking fountain needs to go! Ever
try wheeling a machine through a doorway with a fountain on the
side? Besides it's not really part of the machine, it was added.

       Real nice machine should clean it up and use it since
you have owned it longer than anyone else has.

Title: Need A Little Help
Post by: Eric on April 13, 2007, 09:35:36 am
Yeah it's worth a grand... where are you located.....
Depending on where you live would determine the price you get
if you put it on eBay.
If you collect stuff... there may be some guys here that would trade....
Best of luck!

Title: Need A Little Help
Post by: SIGNGUY on April 13, 2007, 11:29:34 am
I'd give a grand for it if you are close enough?? where abouts are you and the machine located.
Signguy :happydrinkers:

Title: Need A Little Help
Post by: Jim on April 13, 2007, 12:37:02 pm
Still has the yellow tag on the evaporator!
I like to see stuff like that as this is an indication of original equipment!(in most cases)

And a big welcome to SMC!

Title: Need A Little Help
Post by: sodaworks on April 13, 2007, 05:11:49 pm
Welcome to the board aubrun,
That machine is a keeper. I would restore it!!

Title: Need A Little Help
Post by: coke_and_stuff on April 13, 2007, 05:23:19 pm
A G I could probably come up with that wheres it located?


Title: Need A Little Help
Post by: johnieG on April 13, 2007, 06:36:24 pm
Welcome to the site, looks likes you've already got some "bites" on it form other memebers!

It's a real nice original machine, I agree about the drinking fountian, looks neat, but it's just an "add-on"
(worst Idea ever insofar as coke machines go!, all they did was cause rust & cut down on "Coke" sales) you'll notice they don't come on any current Soda machines now do you?  :;):

but anyway, welcome once again!

Title: Need A Little Help
Post by: globalcompressors on April 13, 2007, 06:45:14 pm

Eric :D

Title: Need A Little Help
Post by: Marvin on April 13, 2007, 07:05:35 pm
I don't quite understand the water bubbler on the side myself.  Why would the owner of the machine want to give sales away.  But I'll bet that in 1957 if you told the owners of the machines that in 2007 people would be buying water at .99 a bottle they would have said you were crazy!

Title: Need A Little Help
Post by: Marvin on April 13, 2007, 07:07:04 pm
Hey!!!!!!!!!!!   I just noticed I'm worth a nickel now.

Title: Need A Little Help
Post by: sodaworks on April 13, 2007, 07:24:25 pm
Congrats marvin, you'll be a soda jerk in no time.

Title: Need A Little Help
Post by: bubba on April 13, 2007, 07:49:51 pm

(johnieG @ Apr. 13 2007,7:36)
you'll notice they don't come on any current Soda machines now do you?  :;):

Of course not... now they sell that water for $1

Title: Need A Little Help
Post by: aubrun on April 14, 2007, 06:34:51 am
Thanks for all the good input and info on this machine.  It sounds like I maybe located opposite ends of the country from most of you.  I am located in Riverside, California.  Anyone near me??????  Interesting info about the drinking fountain.  I got to thinkin about that and I think this machine may have been used at the Los Angeles County Fair in Pomona, CA.   Someone stuck a LA County Fair Sticker inside the glass door.  And the small tag with #281 on the upper back may have been the ID number for the vendor. What do you guys think?
By the way, does anyone recommend a restorer in So. Calif.???  I may be better off selling it to someone who can really appreciate it.  Although I love to look at these things, I think I am too old to start another hobby.  
Thanks again for all the imput.

Title: Need A Little Help
Post by: MoonDawg on April 14, 2007, 09:32:21 am

(aubrun @ Apr. 14 2007,4:34)
 I am located in Riverside, California.  Anyone near me??????  

By the way, does anyone recommend a restorer in So. Calif.???   

MoonDawg has a restoration shop in Ventura    :blush: