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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: bubba on March 21, 2007, 07:31:47 am

Title: Kosher Coke?
Post by: bubba on March 21, 2007, 07:31:47 am
I saw an ad of tv for Kosher Coke that is being made with real cane sugar just for passover... I haven't seen it in the stores here yet, but have a bunch of eyes out for it. Anyone see it or have it yet? I looked at Coca-Colas' website, but it such a crappy site.. I didn't see any mention about it...

Title: Kosher Coke?
Post by: Kilroy on March 21, 2007, 01:39:35 pm
It's the first I heard of it, but I'm going to keep  a lookout.
I'm lucky in the fact due to the orchards north of here, I don't have to go far to find an ethic party store that carries Coke and Pepsi  bottled in Mexico.  Too bad at a buck and a half per bottle, it's not economical to stock a machine with.

Title: Kosher Coke?
Post by: collecture on March 21, 2007, 01:54:51 pm
If it is truly Kosher Coke,
the bottles, bottling machine and everything involved with producing it have to be blessed by a Rabbi.
When my wife and I first met many many years ago, she worked at a resort here in town.
A Jewish group booked a gig there and the ovens, kitchens, food, utensils...
you name it had to be blessed by the resident Rabbi.
All the food was supposed to be prepared by these blessed items.
Well...if any of you have ever worked in a resort kitchen,
things can get hectic when you are trying to keep up with the flow.
My wife was in a bind and she ran down to another kitchen and grabbed what she needed - unblessed and all.
No offense to anybody here of the Jewish faith, but I bet they are all still living.

Title: Kosher Coke?
Post by: halehouse on March 21, 2007, 02:16:40 pm
I heard a discussion about it on the radio a day or two ago.

Title: Kosher Coke?
Post by: DanV on March 21, 2007, 03:50:48 pm
It is the real thing. I got it At Biggs in Cincinnati last year. It s only available in 2 liters around here, but it is wonderful.  :jawdrop:

Title: Kosher Coke?
Post by: dr galaga on March 21, 2007, 04:24:05 pm
I never get it by me.  On BevNet's forum there is a discussion each year about Passover Coke.  Here is some info from this years thread:

I am already getting excited for Passover Coke. If anyone doesn't know what it is, it is when Coke starts to produce Coke with REAL sugar instead of HFCS. They do this for the Jewish holiday of Passover, which you are not allowed to eat certain food items such as corn syrup, because of this Coke produces Coca-Cola and Sprite in 2L and sometimes in cans that have real sugar in it. You can tell Passover Coke from Regular Coke because it has yellow caps and has a KP on it or another kosher symbol with a P after it. Passover begins in the beginning of April and they usually start to produce these about 2 weeks before so we have a bout 2 months till you can stock up. They usually only produce them around cities with a fairly large Jewish population but most fairly big cities in the US (New York, Chicago, LA, Miami, etc.) have them.

Title: Kosher Coke?
Post by: beazle00 on March 21, 2007, 05:19:40 pm
Depending on how close to the border you are, you could make a run to Canada "the true north strong and HFCS free". Our coke up here is made with sugar (at least  Manitoba)

Title: Kosher Coke?
Post by: bubba on March 21, 2007, 09:53:24 pm
Thanks for the info Dr..... I would have never looked for 2L bottles.. or cans... I've got a few people looking for it already...