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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: cormy on February 08, 2007, 12:21:40 pm

Title: Pay Pal Don't have it....Should I???
Post by: cormy on February 08, 2007, 12:21:40 pm
I've been resistant to getting an account. Not really sure how it works, something to do with a link to a checking/savings account, that makes me nervous. Really have done ok without except for the occasional purchase, (non-US) then I have my Brother in Law do it with his.

What have been some experiences????good/bad.

Title: Pay Pal Don't have it....Should I???
Post by: collecture on February 08, 2007, 12:37:26 pm
I like it and have had no problems in 4+ years experience.
Fees are a bit high if you are going to be selling items,
so you have to account for them when setting your price or reserve.
It really makes it easy when paying or getting paid.
I can't remember, but I don't think you need to give your bank account
unless you are opening a business account (sales).
To pay for items when you don't have a linked bank account,
you mail a check to them so funds are actually in the PayPal account.
I think you have to have a linked bank account if you want to accept PayPal on sales.
Things may have changed since I registered though.

Title: Pay Pal Don't have it....Should I???
Post by: davethebirdman on February 08, 2007, 01:27:02 pm
I couldn't be without it. When I first started on Ebay I used to have to send money abroad, after getting it changed up in this country. Would take weeks. Now its instant.

From a sellers point of view its a bit of a rip off. The whole ebay thing is. They take when listing they take when sold and then they take when you pay. But I guess its still cheaper than the 20% from a traditional auction house.

Wish I'd bought shares in Ebay..

Title: Pay Pal Don't have it....Should I???
Post by: bubba on February 08, 2007, 04:31:55 pm
I've had mine for a few years as well.. mine is linked to a credit card, but not my bank account. I refuse to give them my bank info.. I think if you were to sign up now for a paypal, they require it to hook it to a bank account... not positive, but pretty sure.. I try not to use it often. I can accept money as well and it goes directly into my paypal account. Money gets added when I sell stuff, and then I spend it when I need something...

Title: Pay Pal Don't have it....Should I???
Post by: aspbear1 on February 08, 2007, 07:24:03 pm
Pay pal is ok,  I use it for both selling and buying.  It is better for buying because the seller pays the fees.  What I did for the selling part was to open a checking account just for these transactions at a different bank than my personal account and onen that charges no fees.  Just keep enough in the account to handle purchases and then transfer sells to your regular personal account.  I have had it for about 5 years with no problems either way but I do not use it much anymore for selling because the fees seem a little high to me.

Title: Pay Pal Don't have it....Should I???
Post by: Kevin C on February 08, 2007, 09:11:14 pm

I have had it for about 4 years with no problems. When I started selling items & wanted to receive payments through Paypal I just opened a simple no fee checking account that is seperate from the home/work accounts & linked to my Paypal account.  I dont keep much money in it so it is not really a problem.

It works.


Title: Pay Pal Don't have it....Should I???
Post by: Sodak Bob on February 09, 2007, 08:05:42 am
I wouldn't be without it. It is a great way to buy and if you ever have a problem they will help. A couple of months ago, I bought a $75 item and the seller never shipped it. Paypal refunded my money in a couple of weeks.  I do agreee that the fees are high when selling, but it is nice to be paid instantly.  I gave them my bank account and have had no problems..  Just keep an eye on it...

Title: Pay Pal Don't have it....Should I???
Post by: SIGNGUY on February 09, 2007, 09:37:03 am
I've had it forf almost as long as it's been around, probably 6+ years? I have never had a problem and as far as the fees, I guess everyone's got to make their money and they offer a nice service to get paid fast, so I don't mind. As far as linking to checking accounts and credit cards it's 100% safe in my opionion... I deal in a business where we require people to have automatic electronic sweeps to make monthly payments and it just makes me laugh (inside) when these people get all freaked out about having their money managed electronically... I told a guy one time, what do you you think they do at the bank??? do they have a box with your name on it and just YOUR money sitting in it??? NO.. It's all done electronically. It's all electronically mananged and to as long as you know where and to whom your giving account numbers to.. your safe... WIth Paypal, just never answer emails that send links out saying you need to "Verify accounts" or something like that... that is how the "Bad Guys" will get you.  Ok just my 4 1/2 cents>.. :D

Title: Pay Pal Don't have it....Should I???
Post by: collecture on February 09, 2007, 11:05:26 am
I do all my banking and bill paying online with no problems.
I've been doing it for 5-6 years at least.

Title: Pay Pal Don't have it....Should I???
Post by: MoonDawg on February 09, 2007, 11:44:10 am

(SIGNGUY @ Feb. 09 2007,6:37)
WIth Paypal, just never answer emails that send links out saying you need to "Verify accounts" or something like that... that is how the "Bad Guys" will get you.

Good point.  E-mails are being sent to Paypal
members that look EXACTLY like they come from
Paypal, the home page header is exact copy.
        Tip :  The bad guys don't know your name.......
only Paypal does.   So if you get an e-mail to
"Paypal member" and they don't know your real name
then trash it.

Title: Pay Pal Don't have it....Should I???
Post by: bubba on February 09, 2007, 07:57:31 pm
I use a program called mailwasher to check all of my email accounts.. I can't say enough good things about the program, but it allows you to view email on your webhost before you even download it to your computer. It learns and recognizes spam and allows you to bounce it back to the originator like your addy is invalid.. It also scans your email and displays in text format so nothing can run when you open the email. It also translates links to where it is really pointing too... so when you see, but it really links to, it will show it to you... I don't know why everyone is not using it...

Title: Pay Pal Don't have it....Should I???
Post by: sodaworks on February 09, 2007, 09:18:41 pm
I've used Paypal since it came out and I have had no problems whatsoever with it. It simplifies ebay auctions. If a seller doesn't accept it I sometimes will not buy from them because chasing down M.O.'s are a pain.