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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Kevin C on January 28, 2007, 10:59:17 am

Title: Coinco 48
Post by: Kevin C on January 28, 2007, 10:59:17 am

Does anyone have any experience with one of these machines?  How do the vend?

Are they any good or junk?  

Just looking for your thoughts for a small machine for my son to use in his college apartment.

I am think about this type or giving him my V-63 with the can rack. He wants to sell sodas to his buddies that come over instead of giving them away for free out of the refrigerator.


Title: Coinco 48
Post by: bubba on January 28, 2007, 07:15:49 pm
College kid wants to sell soda.... hmmm.. ok...    :help:

J/k Kevin...

Title: Coinco 48
Post by: Kevin C on January 29, 2007, 09:25:52 am

Yes I know about the adult beverages and when he is 21 no problem.

The primary driver ( Kevin jr.) of the coke rescue team is in college at the Citadel.  A miltary school along the likes of West Point.  So he is required to live in the barracks, wear a uniform & go to school in a forth class system. ( No Hazing allowed).

Now we have an apartment down close to school to give him a place to get away on weekends.  He often takes others with him to the apartment to watch TV, play X-box, sleep & eat.  i told him it would be a good way for him to make a little money selling sodas when the knobs come to hide at his apartment.  This is better than having them in the refrigerator and give them away for free.  They are not allowed to drink soda on campus their freshman year.

Now back to the Coinco48


Title: Coinco 48
Post by: Kilroy on January 29, 2007, 06:40:53 pm
Give ( or loan) him your 63
It may open new leads on machines, and at the very least  get a few of the next generation on preserving  the older machines.

Title: Coinco 48
Post by: vend_dr on January 29, 2007, 07:36:45 pm
I have one and have worked on several. The machine is ok and vends fairly well. It will only vend 12oz cans. The inside is serpantine and holds roughly 3 cases. It vends by pulling the door forward which brings the first can in the window out with it. These are real easy to work on and the refrigeration system seems to be solid as I have never known one to fail.

That being said parts when needed are not readily available and the inside is plastic. The doors seem to be the first to go.

Title: Coinco 48
Post by: loman4ec on January 29, 2007, 07:45:08 pm
I had one that was Pepsi. I took off all of the Pepsi logo's and replaced with Budweiser and gave it to my buddy for his biethday to do the same thing that you are doing. He loves it and it works great. It uses a standared coinco changer or a simple tie wrap makes it free .

Title: Coinco 48
Post by: davet426 on January 29, 2007, 07:55:56 pm
Sorry, I don't know anything about a Coinco48... But thought I had to respond to bubba getting b!+<h slapped!!! LOL!!! JK :;):

Back to the Coinco48 (like Kevin said)...

Title: Coinco 48
Post by: MoonDawg on January 29, 2007, 09:39:28 pm
The Coinco 48 works ok and is great if space is critical but it is pretty plain looking in general.   But that V-63 can machine will be killer at school when considering the "cool factor".
       Let the Rescue team get compliments on that machine for a while. Then on their cross country drives,  they will be so much more involved in machines of all types.