SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Jim on December 27, 2006, 04:04:25 pm

Title: Took some time to update...
Post by: Jim on December 27, 2006, 04:04:25 pm

I hope everyone had a great holiday ! ! !

As I briefly mentioned a couple of weeks ago, I took most of the day today to update the Soda Machines Section...
Below is a list of the sections/models newly created or modified:

Artkraft BEV-Cooler
Calder Sales Corp.
Glascock Portable
Hurty-Peck & Company
Icy-O Countertop & 120
Industrial Carton A-8 & A-12
Kelvinator Coin Tech
Rogers, Inc.
Rome Box

And lastly, I'm adding an Unknowns Page located at the bottom of the Manufacturer List

If anyone has time, let me know if you see any errors or needed corrections...

Title: Took some time to update...
Post by: Creighton on December 27, 2006, 05:27:58 pm
Looks great, thanks!!

Title: Took some time to update...
Post by: Ltransam on December 27, 2006, 07:40:43 pm
Great Job !! :D  Jim

          Thanks for your time  :D


Title: Took some time to update...
Post by: Pat Pixley on December 27, 2006, 10:49:37 pm
Looks good Jim  , question for you or any one out there
has any one ever see  a Glascock Portable  ?
 I think those would have to be the cats meow,
Great for a back yard get together .     :happydrinkers:


Title: Took some time to update...
Post by: BrianB on December 28, 2006, 07:00:01 am
Thanks Jim!

Title: Took some time to update...
Post by: aspbear1 on December 28, 2006, 09:57:03 am
Thanks Jim,  it looks good.  I appreciate all you do for the site...

Title: Took some time to update...
Post by: Jim on January 05, 2007, 01:16:19 pm
Just another update to a few files...

Champion Vender (CU-400)
Victor CPA-401, CPA-402, CPV-402, CFT-19, CL-35A
Several Beverage Air photos
Cavalier C4-96, USS-144(USS-12-144)
And a couple more Unknowns...

Personally, I think the Victor CPV-402 is a neat machine!
Two selection pre-mix and yet it still has a crank handle!

I'll be also updating the Syrup Dispenser Section in the coming weeks...


Title: Took some time to update...
Post by: Gumbo on January 05, 2007, 08:45:04 pm
Thanks Jim!

Title: Took some time to update...
Post by: Ltransam on January 05, 2007, 09:31:53 pm
Jim Thanks again for ALL your hard work !! :D

Did you get the pictures of the Atlas DrPepper on ?


Title: Took some time to update...
Post by: kahonwes on January 06, 2007, 10:00:01 pm
one suggestion, you should put the selection of the machines lower more like mid screen, it would make it more, um cleaner and user friendly looking.

I clicked on Vendo, being a 44 nut, I was like hey there is nothing in here, till I noticed it way at the top.  It would look even nicer closer to the middle.  Just a suggestion, looks good though.

k - laters

Title: Took some time to update...
Post by: Jim on January 07, 2007, 07:56:52 am

I don't quite understand your suggestion...

The navigation scheme has the manufacturer selections on the left and once clicked, you will be presented an intro screen with the models listed along the top... If I unserstand you correctly, are you suggesting to make the model selection area a little larger...? I think placing the model selections in the middle of the screen would interfere with displayng each individual model page...

Title: Took some time to update...
Post by: MoonDawg on January 07, 2007, 11:55:38 am
I got lost too. Opened the page and used only the right scroll
bar.  Did not notice the scroll bar to the left. Maybe you could add a note for dummies like me?

Title: Took some time to update...
Post by: kahonwes on January 07, 2007, 01:03:15 pm
My suggestion is quite simple, when the human mind clicks on your selection on the left side of the page such as National Gas, a page on right side appears, which is the explanation of the machine.  The problem is, the machine listing should be under this explanation.

It just doesnt jive being way up at the top.   All one see's is a 5cent picture and a model number.   If it were below the model description, one would automatically understand that these are the listed machines that were or currently are available to the manufacturer.

It being on top, it doesnt make sense.  Its like writing lists down on paper.  You would not list 20 different types of vegetables in the top of the page then put in giant letters, VEGETABLES in the middle.   You would title it, then list the vegetables.

Most people expect to see something below the machine title, not above it...  Dont take this as a bad thing, but I've never in my life seen anything listed on a website like this....  with the listings then the title of it...

I'm not saying its a bad thing, or it looks horrible, it just throws people off and doesnt jive to the human mind, when you have been taught to look for a title then look below for the listed items...

Besides that, I think its kewl site

k - take care

Title: Took some time to update...
Post by: Jim on January 07, 2007, 04:16:29 pm
Now I understand a little better...

The example you used, National Gas, is a good example where there's only one model listed and this can become lost at the top; however, manufacturers with several models such as Cavalier have too many to list in the middle somewhere...
Just for clarification, the page presented to you after clicking a manufacturer in the left column is only a brief staement about the company, not about the model(s). In some cases, due to a lack of info on my part, there may not be any manufacturer information displayed...
Based on your input, you would like to see the model listings at the bottom of the page instead of the top...

Title: Took some time to update...
Post by: dr galaga on January 07, 2007, 04:50:54 pm

(Jim @ Jan. 07 2007,3:16)
Based on your input, you would like to see the model listings at the bottom of the page instead of the top...

I like it at the top.
We are "trained" to look at the top and left side for links.  Most people do not look at the bottom for general information.  Usually all that is at the bottom of most pages is the Privacy Policy, E-mail address, etc.  Right side would also be bad too because it will decrease the viewing area for people who are using lower screen resolutions.  If I was asked to make one suggestion, it would be to make a border between the top frame and the main frame.  This way it stands out that there are two different parts of the screen.

Okay, the technology teacher will now step away from the podium!

Title: Took some time to update...
Post by: Jim on January 07, 2007, 05:16:10 pm
I agree with you Dr.G but will always listen to suggestions as something new may come from a  group discussion...

Title: Took some time to update...
Post by: bubba on January 07, 2007, 07:04:34 pm
Is this what you are talking about? If so, I like the way it is now...