SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: loman4ec on December 14, 2006, 04:44:55 am

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: loman4ec on December 14, 2006, 04:44:55 am
Well I havent been here in a week or so. 7 days ago I was crossing the street in bangkok and was hit by a van. It hit me so hard that it nocked me out of my shoes. Well I shattered my right hip. It broke into 15 pieces. I am in the hospital for 30 days and then confined to bed for another 30 days at home. So no Christmas for me. This is the first time I have actually got this internet connection to work so if I am not here for a while please dont worry about me. I will check in when I can.

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: 90grad on December 14, 2006, 06:34:04 am
WHOA!!  Man, that stinks.  You're in my thoughts and prayers.

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: bubba on December 14, 2006, 06:37:31 am
Damn Josh... Sorry to hear that. What a way to end the year... good luck bud.  :hopefull:

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: davethebirdman on December 14, 2006, 06:44:24 am
Hello Josh

I'm sorry to hear about your bad sad news. Particularly so close to Christmas.
Is Kate with you??

sixty days of no activity that's going to take some doing. I hope it all turns out just right and
that in time to come you can look back and think about the time you didn't heed that old Asian Proverb.

"When white man he step off sidewalk he must look out for bloody speeding van on wrong side of

Best of luck


Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: BrianB on December 14, 2006, 06:58:20 am
Truly sorry to hear that Josh, you will be in my prayers. Get well soon.

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: coke_and_stuff on December 14, 2006, 07:33:54 am
Wow Im sorry for the bad news, If you need anything let me know, You know my number. Get well soon and we are all here for you.


Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: Eric on December 14, 2006, 08:11:53 am
 I'll put you on our church prayer list... And you know your in our prayers...
Don't get down... Look for the good in this.. Heck look for the good look'n nurse! :;):
We're here for you buddy! Just lay back and check in when you can...
Drop me a line anytime or give me a call.

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: collecture on December 14, 2006, 09:43:13 am
I guess it will be a while before you are moving any VMC242 machines around-huh?
How are the hospitals in Bangkok? Do any of the staff speak English? Do you have family with you?
I hope you are getting good treatment. Take care and we are all thinking about you.

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: sodaworks on December 14, 2006, 10:13:37 am
Hello Josh,
 Very sorry to hear about your accident. I hope all is well and you have a quick recovery.

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: rogerz on December 14, 2006, 10:21:02 am
Sorry Josh,
It's definately been an eventful year for you!
Keep us up to speed with your progress.


Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: Ltransam on December 14, 2006, 10:28:34 am
:jawdrop: HOLY %*&#@*  Josh your Lucky to be alive !Get out of there & get home ! Your safer in the States .

                                                    Ltransam (Leonard )

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: Pat Pixley on December 14, 2006, 11:52:48 am
Wow Josh, It sound like you were  very lucky that truck did not
kill you .  I hope you get better real soon,   And can get back
here to stay in the State's .

 If you need any thing from us  Just let us know .

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: cvb141 on December 14, 2006, 12:51:20 pm
Hey Josh, Sorry to hear about your accident. Glad it wasn't any worse and that your still alive. We'll also be praying for you and your family.

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: Creighton on December 14, 2006, 02:28:31 pm
Very sorry to hear Josh. Get well soon and let me know if you need anything.

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: SIGNGUY on December 14, 2006, 03:38:47 pm
Wow, Good luck with everthing! Maybe you can get that guy who trained the Karate Kid to do that trick with rubbing his hands together and placing it on your hip to heal you!??? "Ancient Chinese Secret" I bet!
Good Luck and God Speed!

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: Jim on December 14, 2006, 06:02:02 pm

As others have said, I'm glad you're alive!
Incidents like this can very easily be fatal; count your blessings and we'll do the same for a speedy recovery!

P.S. To keep your spirits up, you'll have to check in as fequently as possible and keep your #1 poster status!

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: Eric on December 14, 2006, 06:59:09 pm
Yeah I may catch up now Josh!
Get better buddy.... Put out a flyer or run an ad
and see if you get calls... while you're healing at
home make it work for you!

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: halehouse on December 14, 2006, 07:00:47 pm
Oh man!  Take it easy and heal up!

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: aspbear1 on December 14, 2006, 07:07:18 pm
Josh our thoughts will be with you and our prayers will be for you to have a speedy recovery...As one that has worked many pedestrain crashes you should know that you are lucky to have survived.   Heal quickly and do your rehab...

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: globalcompressors on December 14, 2006, 09:23:10 pm
Get well soon Bud!


Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: davet426 on December 15, 2006, 12:22:34 am
Your alive and have plenty of time for e-bay, we'll be expecting alot of good auction post from you... Just kidding, glad all is well (at least as good as can be for the moment).

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: loman4ec on December 15, 2006, 04:00:49 am
Thank you everyone for the kind words. I am feeling better every day. I am in the Bumrungrad hospital in Bangkok. It is supposed to be one of the best in the world. My father put me in one of the better rooms so I have a guest bed and a kitchen table and a couch and a small kitchen it is really nice. It is too bad I cant get out of bed. My Dad is here with me. He was in India when it happened. I don't remember calling him but I did. He was on a plane in less than 4 hours. I don't remember anything about the accident. I hit my head on the windshield and busted my right eye pretty good. My head is OK but I lost most of my memory for the entire day. I have no idea why I was downtown and I don't even remember leaving my apaprtment. I did find a map in my pocket for Central depertment store which is just down the road from where I was hit so I guess I was christmas shopping. I am stuck here in Thailand untill march but I will be home for the whole month of march. I will be able to walk by then (with a cane) so that will be a real treat. Only 7 days and I would pay anything just to stand up. Thank you all agin for the kind words. i will keep up here the best I can.

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: 90grad on December 15, 2006, 06:11:02 am

Years back, my wife shattered her right wrist rollerblading.  She fully recovered, thankfully.  I told her about your situation and she said the main thing to do is stick to the therapy regimen 100%.  I'll put you on the prayer list at church.  Just remember each day that passes is one day closer to you getting out of there.  Holler if you need anything, as we can mail you stuff.

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: MoonDawg on December 15, 2006, 11:15:30 am
Wow Josh, you almost got killed!!!!!!  We are all glad you are
keeping in touch with us and you will heal.
          Now maybe we can send you our coin mech.'s to re-build
on your kitchen table in your spare time  :D

         Keep your chin up Buddy !

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: dr galaga on December 15, 2006, 01:05:58 pm
I hope you have a speedy recovery.  Hang in there!  :happydrinkers:

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: cvb141 on December 16, 2006, 12:03:43 am
I'm sure everyone else may know and I probably miss it somewhere, but I'm curious what it is you do? Does your job carry you around the world or just vacationing. Hope I'm not being nosey. Anyway I'm glad your feeling better,  you're in our prayers.

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: loman4ec on December 16, 2006, 02:02:09 am
Ok here is the story. Kate and I split up earlier this year. When that hapened I moved back to Ohio. I was waiting for my slot as an FAA air traffic controller. I really wasn't looking forward to the job. Meanwhile my Dad had started an IT services company in Singapore and he decided to offer me a job. I of course took the job. I worked in Singapore with my Dad for a few months and then we opened an office in Thailand. I decided to move here to thailand to run this office. This is not a perminant job for me. It is more of a resume builder and an adventure for a few years. So it won't be long untill I am back buying machines.

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: davethebirdman on December 16, 2006, 03:08:06 am
Hi Josh

it was me who mentioned Kate. I'm sorry if I hit a raw nerve. Particularily at this time when you need as many calm nerves as possible.

Blimey its not been a good year for you. But you know what they say "things can only get better."  I had my bad year 11 years ago. Hit rock bottom and nothing could get worse. A decade on and I am onto chapter two with two kids a wonderful wife and an occasional black day.

Cheer up mate. We are all thinking about ya. Once you are back on your feet and if you fancy a few days R & R over here in the UK I have a spare room with your name on it and a car if you need it to go exploring. Just remember though, we drive on the the wrong side of the road.


Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: loman4ec on December 16, 2006, 08:56:39 am
Thanks buddy. I might just take you up on that sometime. Yeah they drive on the wrong side of the road here like you. I think that might be why I was hit.

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: collecture on December 16, 2006, 10:03:24 am
My father put me in one of the better rooms so I have a guest bed and a kitchen table and a couch and a small kitchen it is really nice. It is too bad I cant get out of bed.

It would be worse if there was a Vendo across the room that needed work.
Take care and get home soon - March will be here soon!

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: sodaworks on December 16, 2006, 11:02:44 am
Hang in there Josh and Dave that's pretty darn nice of you.

Title: Its been a bad week
Post by: cvb141 on December 17, 2006, 12:59:41 am
Sorry about your misfortunes, but things will be better again before you know it. You do seem to be in good spirits despite all. Remember (give out, but don't give up).  And yes that does sound like quite an adventure.