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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: davethebirdman on December 05, 2006, 01:01:43 pm

Title: Caught out by the wife !!!
Post by: davethebirdman on December 05, 2006, 01:01:43 pm
Hi Everybody

Dave the Birdmans wife here.  Hopefully I have posted this correctly but hey here goes.
Yes, I am that poor woman who has to put up with my husband purchasing anything that comes his way.
He has got to the point now where he has stopped having a dilemma about whether to buy or not ..he just goes for it and expects to suffer the consequences.
I know he has made some great friends on this site
but please, please have a heart...stop giving him the encouragement.
I joked to him that I was going to post something on here this morning so he's probably at work now sweating that I am going to show him up.
I wouldn't do that.
Dave knows by now that my motto is
"If it makes you happy buy it".
Anyway, I need some amunition for the next time I want to buy those £100 shoes.
Merry Xmas to you all and good luck in all you may buy in the coming year.

Title: Caught out by the wife !!!
Post by: Jim on December 05, 2006, 01:31:17 pm
Hello Dave's Wife,

I think he's past our encouragement...
Seems to me that all I've been writing to Dave has been "Congrats" on new additions to the collection!
In his defense though, things don't pop up frequently in the UK, so, with the recent amount of stuff showing up, he had to buy, I would have...
I'll leave you with an old cliche:
It only takes two weeks for forgiveness, but permission can take a lifetime ! ! !

Title: Caught out by the wife !!!
Post by: collecture on December 05, 2006, 02:10:03 pm
I agree with Jim. Dave does not need encouragement - he does pretty well on his own. We only congratulate him on the 'finds'.
Has he told you about the second Vendo 56 he bought last week?
Just kidding!
You sound like a normal Soda Jerk wife to me. Very understanding, but 'Even - Steven". He buys a £100 sign and you get £100 shoes. That's how it works around my house; however, I have got the upper hand currently. She backed out of the garage a week or so ago and hit my car with her car - $4000 plus damage on both vehicles.

Title: Caught out by the wife !!!
Post by: Eric on December 05, 2006, 02:22:16 pm
Wait a mintue... Is Dave ok?.... What have you done with him?
I hope that Pepsi Cap didn't push you over the edge.....
Look at it like this... anyone can have a framed print from the local store
and what's it worth in a few years? what would it bring at a yard sale?....
Now a Pepsi Cap, there's a conversation piece and it will only appreciate in value!
And come on, my wife tries to pull that shoe thing too.. Are those shoes going to hold their value like a Coke machine?... :;):
Dave is a lucky man to have an understanding wife... thanks for putting up with all of us! Remember he could have a worse habit/hobby.
I'm sure he knows his boundaries.... I know my wife sat mine this summer.
Have a wonderful Christmas!

Title: Caught out by the wife !!!
Post by: SIGNGUY on December 05, 2006, 03:41:24 pm
Mrs Dave The Birdman....

Do you offer any coaching or maybe an online seminar that we can all sign our wifes and signifigant others up for...
Topics could be:  "How to be an understanding wife"
" Let him buy it if it makes him Happy"...

Let us know where I can sign my wife up for one of those classes....

John / Signguy
Husband of Mrs Signguy who if she's reading this.... how the heck did she get my password??? Love you Honey!!!!!

Title: Caught out by the wife !!!
Post by: davethebirdman on December 05, 2006, 04:25:56 pm
She's one in a million isn't she??

I think personally she's just buttering me up for some serious hammering that she's going to do on my credit card.

Title: Caught out by the wife !!!
Post by: coke_and_stuff on December 05, 2006, 05:15:20 pm
Ha Ha this is great.

changing all passwords to keep wife away..........



Title: Caught out by the wife !!!
Post by: Ltransam on December 05, 2006, 05:36:30 pm
Mrs,Birdman & Dave

       Last year I got the War Dept (The Wife  :D ) A new Car (Convertible ) For Chrismas & Got Permission to buy anthing I want for 2 more years .  :p   She said it was only  Fair .


Title: Caught out by the wife !!!
Post by: Creighton on December 05, 2006, 06:01:38 pm
Geat post!! SWMBO and I just say "Thats nice" and "need a bigger house"  :D

Title: Caught out by the wife !!!
Post by: aspbear1 on December 05, 2006, 07:00:22 pm
Way too funny,   Dave you have a great wife that sounds like she really wants a new pair of shoes.  

My wife just writes on the checks when I buy stuff..MORE STUFF...

Title: Caught out by the wife !!!
Post by: CoolCat on December 05, 2006, 09:21:03 pm
hmmmmmm.... I didn't realize that a car could buy two years' worth of purchasing bliss on the part of the generous husband.  I think I'll remind my wife of the new car she got last summer.  And, I will try to leverage the popcorn machine into something new as well.   :happydrinkers:

Thanks for the scoop.  And, if I disappear permanently from the board, please send the police to question my wife... it most likely will not have been an accident!

Title: Caught out by the wife !!!
Post by: sodaworks on December 05, 2006, 10:07:48 pm
Birdman, Your wife sounds like a sweetheart. I too am very lucky to have a wife that likes all the stuff that I drag home. If buying shoes will keep her happy maybe I can sell you a couple hundred pair's of my wife's new shoes. Ha-Ha.. :D

Title: Caught out by the wife !!!
Post by: Eric on December 05, 2006, 10:11:20 pm
CoolCat tell her how cool a popcorn machine would be to have when
you two are curled up watching a Chic Flick or a sporting event.

Title: Caught out by the wife !!!
Post by: 90grad on December 06, 2006, 06:38:56 am
Dave & Mrs. Dave,

Both of you are very appreciated on this site!  All the best for a wonderful Christmas and visit to Florida next year.   Maybe you could hang the new Pepsi bottle cap over the fire place. :D

Title: Caught out by the wife !!!
Post by: BrianB on December 06, 2006, 07:00:46 am
Wow, I love all this free advice! As a newlywed, I am still trying to get a feel for what's acceptable and what's not.

She does love shoes though!  :D

Title: Caught out by the wife !!!
Post by: bubba on December 06, 2006, 07:34:30 am

(BrianB @ Dec. 06 2006,7:00)
Wow, I love all this free advice! As a newlywed, I am still trying to get a feel for what's acceptable and what's not.

She does love shoes though!  :D

Brian.. .  The more you learn now, the more confused you will be later on... Just when you think you have her figured out, she will change the rules....  :jawdrop:

Title: Caught out by the wife !!!
Post by: sodaworks on December 06, 2006, 10:58:58 am
Wife's also like purses.... :D

Title: Caught out by the wife !!!
Post by: SIGNGUY on December 06, 2006, 11:48:36 am
If I get this v81 situation worked out... I'm buying the wife a new chair that she wants for the Den.... Here I was all excited about the 1025 purchase price but have to spend another 600-700 on a chair?? Did I win or lose... not sure?

Title: Caught out by the wife !!!
Post by: halehouse on December 11, 2006, 07:05:04 pm
Ok.  Here is the situation.  Last night we bought a few 6 packs of Old Dominion Root Beer and a case of Hank's soda.  I put away the 6 packs, but hadn't brought down the Hank's.  Called the wife on the way home from work tonight and got, "I've got a mess here.  I dropped the case of Hank's and there is glass and pop all over the floor."  About 9 bottles in shards and red and orange pop on light berber carpet.  I don't dare show any bit of disgust or criticism.  Gotta keep her on my side.  I am going to continue cleaning it up while she is at yoga.

Title: Caught out by the wife !!!
Post by: Eric on December 11, 2006, 10:35:29 pm
Smart.... Just say thanks for trying to help... Pray the red doesn't stain and
you fill the machines from now on..... :happydrinkers:

Title: Caught out by the wife !!!
Post by: halehouse on December 11, 2006, 11:02:24 pm
She was carrying it down the stairs and about 3 steps from the bottom the handles ripped on the cardboard case.  I load the machines with the help of my 6 year old. (I trust him).  :D

Title: Caught out by the wife !!!
Post by: sodaworks on December 11, 2006, 11:19:34 pm
Gonna have to start using wooden crates. Try Resolve on the carpet. That stuff will take anything out of carpet.

Title: Caught out by the wife !!!
Post by: rogerz on December 12, 2006, 01:29:29 am
Eagle One's Zap is a great product for stains also.
