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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Sodak Bob on August 21, 2006, 05:31:48 pm

Title: Small coke bottles
Post by: Sodak Bob on August 21, 2006, 05:31:48 pm
Just checking to see where everyone gets their small coke bottles??  I am in South Dakota and I am having a heck of a time.   Coke distribution guys tell me that maybe in December.  I know I am in the middle of nowhere, but .......   Let me know....  Thanks

Title: Small coke bottles
Post by: dr galaga on August 21, 2006, 06:47:38 pm
My local grocery stores carry the 8 oz. bottles.  Can you go to a larger area for some (even if it's twice a year)?  Are you close to a state line to go over?

Title: Small coke bottles
Post by: johnieG on August 21, 2006, 07:47:39 pm
Our local Kroger & Farmer Jacks grocery stores carry the small Coke, Diet-Coke & Sprite in the stores year round up here, & Sams Club has 'em by the case for $11.99/24 up here in S.E. Michigan.

Title: Small coke bottles
Post by: dr galaga on August 21, 2006, 08:34:58 pm
You are lucky Johnie.  Sams Club over here in NW Indiana doesn't carry them and we only get Coke.  No Diet Coke, No Sprite, and no $12 for 24!  I think we are close to $4 a 6-pack and if you go down south of here it climbs up to close to $5 a 6-pack.

Title: Small coke bottles
Post by: halehouse on August 21, 2006, 08:54:40 pm
Sam's here had Coke for about $12 a case, but no Diet or Sprite.  I have had a hard time finding Diet or Sprite in glass.