SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: cormy on August 16, 2006, 09:27:43 am

Title: Mistakes of new collectors
Post by: cormy on August 16, 2006, 09:27:43 am
Sometimes I think back over the years and remember the places and items I bought in the pursuit of the hobbie. When I first began about 10 years ago I was not really thinking sometimes. One time I was contacted about some coca cola syrup dispensers a local snack bar owner had. We went to his trailer and among other things was a 1940's Coca Cola Dole dispenser and a coca cola selmix "outboard" dispenser. They had been in a fire but no real damage to either. Well I bought the Dole for $20 and left the Selmix because I didn't like it. I think he wanted $15 for it. Needless to say recent inquiries were made and everything is long gone. :darn: This is one of other opportunities not taken advantage of. Anybody else have this happen?

Title: Mistakes of new collectors
Post by: SIGNGUY on August 16, 2006, 10:05:35 pm
I'm sure it's happened to all of us, unfortunatlely I let many machines go when I was younger, just because I wasn't into collecting them yet, but as I mentioned in some other posts, my grandfather owned and operated 1 of 3 bottling plants with his brothers in central wisconsin. Old machines where plentiful. We had a vendo 81a, coin door stripped in our garage as a pop cooler(used fridge style) for years till it stopped working and it got tossed out somewhere. Our cabin had a few old chest coolers around, one was used to chill fish that we caught till they where cleaned, the other was just gutted and had a table top on it used as a fish cleaning station.
But this was way back when when I didn't know better... now since knowing better I grab anything I can!:;):

Title: Mistakes of new collectors
Post by: Eric on August 16, 2006, 10:27:04 pm
Back in pre-kids days... I ran ads in a free paper.... ALWAYS passed on the little square top and only wanted Coke machine... I had my Cav 72... Had a guy call and wanted to sell his roundtop machine
what was it? A Cav 72..... Heck already had that model... said he'd take $4XX.00 for it...
Said “No thank you”.... Hello??!!??? and square tops!!!!!! What was I thinking!!!!!!!! :O