SMC Discussion Areas

Trouble-Shooting => Coin Mechanisms => Topic started by: on August 08, 2006, 08:29:38 am

Title: Newbie to the soda machine world here!
Post by: on August 08, 2006, 08:29:38 am
I recently aquired a Vendo V111-214, with a CoinCo s75-9800C changer.  I plugged the machine in, and it has no problems cooliing, the issue is with the changer, or vending mechanism I think.  Inside the machine, there is a note saying that it is set up for $.50, and to use quarters only.  When I insert quarters, I can hear them go through the changer and fall into the collection box, but nothing happens when I push a vend button.  I am wondering what the first step is for me to try and get this thing working.  Thanks a lot.

Title: Newbie to the soda machine world here!
Post by: dr galaga on August 08, 2006, 09:06:17 am
First, check to see if it is set to 50 cents.  Here's the manual.
Next, make sure that you have enough product to go above the sold out mechanism (switch).

Title: Newbie to the soda machine world here!
Post by: Ridewithme38 on August 08, 2006, 02:08:22 pm
Just to add a little more to this topic....from what i've found the 9800C had six switches as opposed to the 9800B that only had 5 switches...
The six switches from what i've found are set up the same as the fix switches except with 1.60 switch at the end...i believe

So for the 9800C its
Switch 1: .5 cents
Switch 2: 10 cents
Switch 3: 20 cents
Switch 4: 40 cents
Switch 5: 80 cents
Switch 6:$1.60

Title: Newbie to the soda machine world here!
Post by: on August 08, 2006, 06:20:54 pm
Thank you guys so much!!!!  I got this machine for free from a company that said it was broken.  I checked the dip switches, and they were all turned off.  After switching the right ones on, I shut the machine, put in a couple of quarters, and voila!  My very own working vending machine.  Thanks.  The only other question I have is this.  How can I get the light for correct change only to go off?

Title: Newbie to the soda machine world here!
Post by: Creighton on August 08, 2006, 06:32:42 pm
Do you have nickels loaded in the change tubes?

Title: Newbie to the soda machine world here!
Post by: johnieG on August 08, 2006, 08:03:29 pm
Congrats on getting it working, Creighton's correct, you have to fill up the change tubes with at least about 10-nickels each to turn of the "correct change only " lamp

Title: Newbie to the soda machine world here!
Post by: Ridewithme38 on August 08, 2006, 10:37:16 pm