SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => Estimated Values => Topic started by: Rickplayer on July 26, 2006, 05:57:21 pm

Title: Glasco machine value?
Post by: Rickplayer on July 26, 2006, 05:57:21 pm
This is local for $500. Is this a good deal? I don't know if it works or not.

Title: Glasco machine value?
Post by: Creighton on July 26, 2006, 06:27:38 pm
$500 for a generic in unkown condition seems high to me.
If it doesn't cool that could be expensive to fix.
Just me,

Title: Glasco machine value?
Post by: ZMonet on July 26, 2006, 09:03:37 pm
I think that you are in Washington State, no?  This guy wants $400 for this 55 Ideal Slider I believe and is in Washington.  You might try and contact him.  $500 seems a bit much for that machine.  I don't know if Glascos comman a premium over Ideals, but it looks like there would be a fair amount of work involved with that machine (at substantial cost).  This Pepsi machine runs according to the seller.  I was thinking about buying this machine myself but Duchon found me another AND shipping to the East Coast made it not worth it to me.

Title: Glasco machine value?
Post by: audiobeer on July 26, 2006, 09:36:27 pm
If the machine cooled and didn't have those monster dents I'd say it was a fair deal. Those dents alone if in the sheetmetal (Can't see how it wouldn' be since the moulding is destroyed) would make this a $300 machine even if it works. It's worth $300 parted out. I like these better than the ideals for cooling due to the fan inside the box.

Title: Glasco machine value?
Post by: Ltransam on July 26, 2006, 10:00:37 pm
WAY to much for a Generic slider .250-300 MAX like everyone said the Damage is $$$ to fix & you don't even know if it cools :(  
But it dose have the slider rack Which is allmost allways missing .
But that's my 2 cents .

Title: Glasco machine value?
Post by: Rickplayer on July 26, 2006, 10:17:33 pm
Thanks guys. I knew you would help. I want to dabble in this hooby and need help geting started. I will pursue that ideal slider in Washington.


Title: Glasco machine value?
Post by: Rickplayer on July 27, 2006, 11:23:52 pm
I can get that pepsi machine for $350 but I have a 5 hour drive. What do you think?


Title: Glasco machine value?
Post by: collecture on July 28, 2006, 12:30:31 am
The Pepsi machine looks to be in fairly good shape and probably worth $400-$500. Can you get more pictures from the seller (all four sides and inside the storage area)? Is that 5 hours one-way or round trip. Gas is pretty steep now and you gotta figure that into your cost. I'd hate to make the trip only to find a big gash in the back of it. The seller has no feedback, so you have nothing to go on as far as his honesty and his description of the machine's condition is pretty slim.

My advice to a newcomer in the "hobby" is soda machines are all over the place. Particular models may require patience, but they eventually come around for the price you want to pay.
Good Luck!

Title: Glasco machine value?
Post by: Rickplayer on July 28, 2006, 10:32:15 am
That makes sense. It is 5 hours one way. I do make sales calls kinda close to that area. But I would have to rent a trailer. Sounds like a lot of work. But I would love a working slider. :)

Title: Glasco machine value?
Post by: ZMonet on July 28, 2006, 11:26:35 am
There are some more pictures here (although you'd probably want more).

I'd say for $350 it is well worth it if gas/trailer rental charges don't cost you more than another $150.  If you were contemplating $500 for the first machine, this one is a steal.

As a newbie to the hobby I can atest to the fact that there are a lot of machines out there, but it is somehwat unusual to find a complete slider (rack, coin mechanism and cap catcher) with no major dents.

Title: Glasco machine value?
Post by: SIGNGUY on July 28, 2006, 01:28:01 pm
I talked with the seller of the Coke Glasco Slider, and he is firm on his $500 price and said he wouldn't even plug it in and test it for me , nor  would he haul it to a forward air terminal. It would have to be bought as is, and picked up by someone for shipping.

No thanks... although I want one!

Title: Glasco machine value?
Post by: ZMonet on July 29, 2006, 07:31:48 am
Here is another Glasco Slider (no rack) on EBAY in Washington State.  Currently $175 with a day and a half left to bid.

and another (no rack or coin mechanism) in MA that didn't sell for $150 that I would have picked up if I had the space

Title: Glasco machine value?
Post by: MoonDawg on July 29, 2006, 09:45:02 am
This is why we buy sliders for parts, so often missing the rack

Title: Glasco machine value?
Post by: ZMonet on July 30, 2006, 02:27:03 pm
Signguy -- out of curiosity, what would it have cost to ship the Coke slider ForwardAir, or did you not get that far?

Title: Glasco machine value?
Post by: SIGNGUY on August 02, 2006, 09:53:18 am
SOrry late on this response... From Washington to Minneapolis I got a quote of about 135.. not too bad, but the seller wouldn't offer to haul it for me... Same thing on the one on ebay that was sitting at 175... the guy wouldn't haul it to forward air for me.. someone snatched it up for 175.

We need a Washington State representative to pick up these machines for us an ship them... Who's in??

Title: Glasco machine value?
Post by: Rickplayer on August 07, 2006, 11:40:37 am
I am in Washington! :)

Title: Glasco machine value?
Post by: SIGNGUY on August 07, 2006, 04:55:41 pm
HORRAY!! We have a Washington State Rep... Where abouts.. or how far from Seattle area... I've seen lots of machines pop up in that neck of the woods on Craigslist/ebay/Classifieds...
Do you think if one of us finds something you would volunteer to be some eyes for us and maybe help in shipping if the seller was reluctant?