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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Pat Pixley on July 26, 2006, 05:48:13 pm

Title: Need some input
Post by: Pat Pixley on July 26, 2006, 05:48:13 pm
Ok here it goes I had a guy stop by last night to look at the Dr Pepper machine that I have for sale ($100 for the machine
 $25 delivery )  Well he saw my Vernor's machine setting out in the garage (moved it out there for room for the next machine)  and asked it that was for sale ?   Well I said every thing is for sale and I told him $3,500 ( I really don't want to let it go I was thinking at that price that would scare him off of that)   Well he just call and is bring his wife to look at
the Vernor's machine . And now I'm sick feeling about this
 I would hate to lose this machine, I just dont know    :down:


 Let you know what happens he was going to be here at 7:00
  :down:  :down:

Title: Need some input
Post by: Eric on July 26, 2006, 07:34:29 pm
wow.... could you have another made and have some $$$$ left over?....
Could be a good thing....

Title: Need some input
Post by: petey64 on July 26, 2006, 08:42:25 pm
Yeah you did set a price and that is enough to do another just like it, just look at it as spreading the love around.

Title: Need some input
Post by: globalcompressors on July 26, 2006, 08:46:23 pm
Nice machine Pat!

Ditto on what Eric said.

If needed, on another machine, I know a good refrigeration guy! :oh:


Title: Need some input
Post by: Pat Pixley on July 26, 2006, 08:49:07 pm
Well they came they looked it over
we talked it over .  His wife thought it was
 a bit much (whew )  they offered $2000
 I did say no I could not do that,  So they talked
some more  (away from me)  and said he would
 like to come back Saturday and he was going
 to bring a friend to look at it.

Ok on the Dr Pepper  Machine  5 People
stopped to look at that . So well see
 what happens .   :O


Title: Need some input
Post by: sodaworks on July 26, 2006, 11:35:29 pm
Sell and build a couple more.

Title: Need some input
Post by: MoonDawg on July 27, 2006, 10:55:40 am
That Dr.Pepper machine would sell for $600.00 to $800.00 here in Calif.
      So many small buisnesses don't have enough employees to interest Coke or Pepsi to set up a machine. So Joe employee could buy this machine and take it to work to make $.  The boss is fine with this, because it keeps workers from running down to 7-11 twice a day.
       Joe buys soda's for .25 each and sells them for .75 each. He sells 10 per day = $5.00 profit.  X 5 days/wk = $25  X 4 weeks = $100.00 profit per month.
        Joe makes his money back in 6 to 8 months.

Title: Need some input
Post by: Skeleton Man on July 28, 2006, 03:04:40 am
$600 - $800 ???!!!  How the heck does it pull that much for a simple squaretop ?  That Dr Pepper s/t only looks to be a small machine..  what are the dimensions ?

Title: Need some input
Post by: cormy on July 28, 2006, 12:51:01 pm
Pat, I get the distinct feeling you don't want to sell the machine and will feel bad even if you get your price. You may be able to duplicate the machine but it won't be the same. I say forget it if you feel down the road you may have any regrets. :down:

Title: Need some input
Post by: Pat Pixley on July 29, 2006, 11:37:56 pm
Well the guy stopped by today  with his friend
 and his wife , They looked over the Vernors machine
  Then this came out of the wife's mouth $2000
  is all your going to get from us and we want a one year
warrenty  , And her husband  stood right there
and did not say a thing...
(OK I would have come down to maybe $2500 but
 to ask for a warrenty NO WAY .)  I just told them it was off the market , The Machine works fine  and  you could push that warrenty any way you wanted to cover light bulb's or  something that you did to the compressor or what ever, And stick me with it, no thank you.
  His wife went back out to the truck and he shook my hand
 and ask if I would think about it.  My repley was, It is off the market . So him and his friend walked out to the truck and left.
 Then my wife and I went to her folks and hit the pool
for the day.
 Well so much for thinking big bucks, Oh well.


Title: Need some input
Post by: collecture on July 30, 2006, 12:56:28 am
I agree with cormy!
You will be much happier that you didn't sell it.
Just curious - what did they have the friend there for? Did he have any input?

Title: Need some input
Post by: MoonDawg on July 30, 2006, 10:47:15 am
Hey Pat, get a deposit from him and tell him you can build one for him, exactly like it with a brand new compressor.
       And then you can give him a one year guarantee on "cooling".

Title: Need some input
Post by: davethebirdman on July 30, 2006, 11:46:02 am
I gotta a feeling he's gonna come back... Minus his interfering Mrs.

Title: Need some input
Post by: Pat Pixley on July 30, 2006, 11:59:11 am
Well I have no ideal for the friend other than to help load & unload
 I guess, He just said it was a cool machine that it then just keep looking at it . Glen that is a great idea , I will see if he calls back, I don't have
 their number, But that is a real good idea.  
   Would any of you guy give a open warrenty for a year ???


Title: Need some input
Post by: dr galaga on July 30, 2006, 01:05:00 pm
Quote (Pat Pixley @ July 30 2006,12:59)
Would any of you guy give a open warrenty for a year

I think if you buy a new cooling unit from Eric, he will warrenty it for a year.

Title: Need some input
Post by: petey64 on July 30, 2006, 01:06:37 pm
One rule of thumb, the clients or customers you give the best price to turn out to be your biggest headaches and the ones that pay the most are usually the most happy......stick to your 3500.00 on that machine the right person will find you.