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Restorations => Refinishing => Topic started by: BryanH on July 18, 2006, 04:48:12 pm

Title: Painting question?
Post by: BryanH on July 18, 2006, 04:48:12 pm
When I bought paint for my VMC56, I had a couple Pepsi machines...  so I bought enough paint to finish 2 machines.  I ended up only finishing one (sold the others), so I have some paint (light blue, single stage, Sherwin Williams) left over.

I'm finally ready to paint my slider but I want to do it in the darker Pepsi blue.  I'm wondering if I could use the lighter blue as the undercoats to a final coat of the dark blue - that way I would only have to buy a small amount of the dark blue?

Bad idea?

Title: Painting question?
Post by: MoonDawg on July 18, 2006, 07:41:29 pm
I'm wondering if Sherwin Williams would tint your paint to a darker blue for a fee?

Title: Painting question?
Post by: BryanH on July 18, 2006, 09:45:33 pm
They could probably get it close but I'd still need to buy more paint (not enough to do a complete job) and I know that I can't get from the light color to the dark color by simply adding tint.  When I bought the original lighter color (cross referenced to Dupont 95605), I asked for tint that I could add to bring it up to the darker color (cross referenced to Dupont 96581). Apparently they have very different tint recipes.

Title: Painting question?
Post by: loman4ec on July 19, 2006, 06:40:24 am
Either way the paint is cheep. You do not need to use high price paint on these machines as long as they will be inside or not in direct sunlight. I use sherwin williams 5th diminsion base clear on my machines. It works great and the paint costs about $30 for a quart and $15 to $20 for the clear. It is really easy to use and gives great results. Just don't use the fast dry clear. It dries to grainy and is hard to get buffed out. I like the base clear because it is so forgiving. It really is easy to paint. Are you doing the work yourself? I would just keep the light blue for another machine. If you do use the light blue as a base you will probably still have to shoot a few coats of the dark to get a good cover as the light blue will change the color of the dark blue with only one coat. When I painted my transition 56 I did a two tone red and white. I shot the white first and then masked it off and painted the red. Well about three to four inches into the red was white overspray. It took several coats to get it to cover correctly. Anywhere there was white the red paint was a few shades lighter. I think you will probably have this problem with the blue.

Title: Painting question?
Post by: BryanH on July 19, 2006, 06:34:39 pm
Yeah - I'm going to shoot it myself... I was afraid of the bleed through & coverage problems but I was hoping to try and use up my materials as it looks like we're going to be moving and movers won't take paint.

Title: Painting question?
Post by: zadd on July 24, 2006, 05:55:59 pm
A lighter color won't bleed through the darker color, so if you want to do that it will work fine. :)

Title: Painting question?
Post by: audiobeer on July 24, 2006, 07:58:11 pm
They look great Brian, fine job! :)