SMC Discussion Areas

Trouble-Shooting => Coin Mechanisms => Topic started by: dr galaga on May 14, 2006, 08:41:02 pm

Title: Coinco s75-9800b
Post by: dr galaga on May 14, 2006, 08:41:02 pm
I have a Coinco S-75-9800B changer (has a 1988 stamp in the top).  The manual that I have shows 5 dip switches behind the acceptor for setting the pricing.  My changer has 6 dip switches!  Anyone have a diagram for the 6 dip switch version that tells what each dip is for?

Title: Coinco s75-9800b
Post by: Jim on May 15, 2006, 10:15:44 am

Perhaps you could take a few minutes to check the pricing...
Set the unit with the first dip switch up and all the others down; it should vend on a nickel...
Check to make sure the values for each dip switch is: .05, .10, .20, .40, .80
If everything checks out with this, then you can apply the last(6th) dip switch into the on postition with all other down and check the machine to see what price will activate the vend cycle... To follow in the ordered pattern, I would guess the price to be $1.60. So, with this said, the mech may have a price range from $.05 - $3.15


The last dip switch may do nothing as this part may have been a substitution part and only the first five dip switches are utilized...

Title: Coinco s75-9800b
Post by: dr galaga on May 15, 2006, 04:22:29 pm
I need to go dig it back out and try.  At first I thought that it didn't work, so I tried a different one and it ends up that one of the wires on the vending solenoid was loose!

Title: Coinco s75-9800b
Post by: dr galaga on May 18, 2006, 04:22:10 pm
Got it back out.  The 6th switch is $1.60.  Anyone want to place bets to see when a can of pop will reach the $3.20 mark? :)

Title: Coinco s75-9800b
Post by: Ken Layton on June 16, 2006, 11:04:19 am
I've only seen the 5 dip switch version. I didn't know they made changes. It's good to know that the sixth switch was for $1.60 though.