SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: collecture on May 12, 2006, 01:29:13 pm

Title: Editing a classified ad
Post by: collecture on May 12, 2006, 01:29:13 pm
I just tried to edit my classified AD on SMC and it keeps coming back with

Top: Parts Wanted:
    This admin. feature available only with commerce script module (price $60) as it was informed at our Home Page.
    Click here to order on-line this module.

    Ater order you have only replace via ftp old non-commercial module by commercial one and all admin features will be available.

    If you need advanced features (search features, modarating ads before they appeare in the index, privacy mail ) you have additionaly order advanced module (price $100). ( in the free version of the script placed non-commercial module ). More details you can find at our Home Page.

I would like to change it as I have learned a little more info about the parts I need. I entered my AD# and Password correctly and it took me to the edit page and I could enter my changes. Every time I would click the  'Submit' button, it kept going to the page quoted above. I thought this feature was available to us since we have the option of established a password when we create the AD. I seem to recall doing it before, but I could be wrong.

Title: Editing a classified ad
Post by: dr galaga on May 12, 2006, 02:23:38 pm
I haven't messed around with the Classifieds, but can you just delete the old ad and place a new one?

Title: Editing a classified ad
Post by: collecture on May 12, 2006, 04:20:29 pm
Same thing happens when I try to delete.

Title: Editing a classified ad
Post by: Jim on May 13, 2006, 06:57:41 am
Hello Tom,

When I originally purchased the "Classified Ads" System, I was under the impression I would also get the features you're seeking... Unfortunately, that wasn't the case and I refused to spend additional money with this company. There haven't been many requests to delete or edit ads but the number of requests has increased recently, so, I may be in the market for a new Classified Ads System...

For now, you can email me the information you need to edit and I'll be happy to modify the Ad...