SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => Estimated Values => Topic started by: sneed21 on April 28, 2006, 08:14:52 am

Title: Vendo 126 7up ?  good deal?
Post by: sneed21 on April 28, 2006, 08:14:52 am
Hello,  I'm new to this side of the coin-op hobby.  I've mainly stuck w/ collecting/restoring arcade games, but when I saw this, I found it interesting, and since it was close by, I got it.  I am told it is a Vendo make, (possibly 126?) from the late '50's or '60's, but I have no clue.  The only experience I have w/ Vendo is my '50's Vendo Popcorn Machine (which is difficult to find info on also).  My main question, is, w/ it being non-working, and with no immediate plans for restoration, was $25 a decent deal?   I pick it up tomorrow.

Title: Vendo 126 7up ?  good deal?
Post by: sneed21 on April 28, 2006, 08:15:56 am
more pics

Title: Vendo 126 7up ?  good deal?
Post by: sneed21 on April 28, 2006, 08:16:39 am
final pic

Title: Vendo 126 7up ?  good deal?
Post by: Kevin C on April 28, 2006, 08:42:08 am

That is a great deal.

I have a Vendo 126 in my garage filled with soda, beer & water.  If you want to get it operational this is the place to be.

I have spare refregeration system if you want to get it cooling. You can set it up for free vend or coin vend.

I would suggest taking it home & plug it up to see what happens.


Title: Vendo 126 7up ?  good deal?
Post by: sneed21 on April 28, 2006, 08:43:35 am
Very cool, I'll let you know as soon as I get her home and plugged in.  Fingers Crossed! :D

Title: Vendo 126 7up ?  good deal?
Post by: sneed21 on April 28, 2006, 10:33:29 am
Update:  It's a Vendorlator, sorry for the bad info.

Title: Vendo 126 7up ?  good deal?
Post by: sodaworks on April 28, 2006, 10:42:11 am
Welcome aboard Sneed21,
  The coin door/mech. is worth more than you paid for the machine. How about a few pictures of the popcorn machine.  :drinkers:

Title: Vendo 126 7up ?  good deal?
Post by: sneed21 on April 28, 2006, 10:56:58 am
That's good to know on the coin mech! :D   I don't have any "dedicated" pics of the popcorn machine (I'll take some tonight and post), but I do have one of an arcade project I'm working on with the popcorn machine in the background.

Ignore the mess and games (works in progress), focus on the Popcorn machine!   :p

Oh, the P-corn machine is for sale BTW, works fine, unrestored, 10 cents, weights only accepts nickles though.

Title: Vendo 126 7up ?  good deal?
Post by: loman4ec on April 29, 2006, 12:26:13 am
I believe that is a Vendorlator 117. Nice machine. I am glad someone here got it. If I wasn't here in Singapore right now I would have bought it. Nice machine but boy is it tall.

Title: Vendo 126 7up ?  good deal?
Post by: sneed21 on April 29, 2006, 05:54:51 am
Thanks for the info!  I leave in about an hour to pick it up.  Should have her back here by noon.  I'll take more pics then.  I appreciate all the info and look forward to everybody's help in getting her going again!

Title: Vendo 126 7up ?  good deal?
Post by: zadd on April 29, 2006, 09:27:58 am
Very cool looking machine ,never seen one like that. Great score. :D

Title: Vendo 126 7up ?  good deal?
Post by: sneed21 on April 29, 2006, 10:44:32 am
Thanks, just got back home with it.  OK, you guys were right, it's tall and HEAVY!!  Haven't plugged it up yet, wires are frayed, so I'll rewire today.  I'm just still stoked that it's got all the shelves!!

Title: Vendo 126 7up ?  good deal?
Post by: sneed21 on May 03, 2006, 07:32:07 am
OK, rewired the pwr junction box and "IT LIVES"!!!!! :D   Fan works, blows cold, pwr to the coin mech, and I'm happy.  I do have 3 problems though.  1.  All coins (about 90% of them) seem to be falling straight through to the coin return.  2.  I can't get it to vend, the switch to vend doesn't do anything, 3.  I think the thermostat is grounded someplace, since everytime I connect it, it trips a breaker.  Other than those things, and I've got the service manual coming, I'm really happy w/ my $25.00 purchase.

Title: Vendo 126 7up ?  good deal?
Post by: Creighton on May 03, 2006, 08:51:50 pm
Welcome to the board and great score!!
1) Could be a dirty slug rejector. Lots of earlier posts on how to clean those. Just use the search function. Can't tell what kind of coin mech that is. Have a model number or a picture? Will need to sort out what price it is set to vend at.
2) Could just be gummed up as well or it is not getting voltage to vend. The wise ones in electricty here can help better than I.
3) Contact one of the venders here and order a new T-stat.
Any questions just ask.