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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Monkey Boy on April 16, 2006, 03:00:29 pm

Title: Junkyard treasure? or waste of time.....
Post by: Monkey Boy on April 16, 2006, 03:00:29 pm
Augusta had a city wide clean up and I came home with more crap than I took. Well almost.... I ended up coming home with and old 4 foot tall refrigerator from the 30's - 40's. It's a Frigidaire made by General Motors. It's only got two problems the door hinge is broken and It doesn't work. I've always heard that these things would work forever. Because the came before the time of engineered obsolescence. Anyway does anyone know if there is a web site dedicated to replacement parts for these things? I'm sure if LUCK was on your side you might find something on E-Bay. However I would rather find something a little quicker. There is an old dump site just outside of Augusta and I was out there over the Christmas Holiday with my Brother-in-law. I saw a Refrigerator similar to this one out there and might be able to rob parts off of it. I'm going to wait till the fall to do that though because of the Ticks. I used to run around out in the bushes all of the time when I was in my twenties, but old age has made me paranoid I guess. My Brother-in-laws Brother-in-law has a real nice assault rifle that we went out in the sticks to go shoot two years ago. Well me and My Brother-in-law put on some OFF and his Brother-in-law didn't....Guess who got bit by a Mosquito with West Nile Virus? Anyway six weeks later he was better. Said that he felt like he was going to die, and at times wished that he would. SOOooo now the paranoia is worse. I just hope the don't clean up that area for the steel value any time soon. Anyway I'm sure antique fridge's arent a million dollar business so I might be out of luck. Anyone know of any if they do exist? Or does anyone know of a junked out one that I can rob parts off of. I need the hinges and door latch. I'm fairly sure it's from the 30's because of the Art Deco design. I really hope that I can preserve this little piece of General Motors history.... I'm a big G.M. fan anyway. I'm sure I wouldn't be if I worked for them though. Thanks for any help you may provide.

Title: Junkyard treasure? or waste of time.....
Post by: Creighton on April 16, 2006, 03:12:29 pm
Some of those are cool. Think Josh had one. How about a picture?

Title: Junkyard treasure? or waste of time.....
Post by: dr galaga on April 16, 2006, 04:38:50 pm
California still allows dumps? ???

Title: Junkyard treasure? or waste of time.....
Post by: Creighton on April 16, 2006, 06:39:35 pm
At about $50.00 a load for non-hazmat. Trying to get rid of a bunch of water soaked junk now. Gonna be at least $250.00. S*cks...

Title: Junkyard treasure? or waste of time.....
Post by: KreKol on April 16, 2006, 09:34:16 pm
Half that price you can dump a ton of trash where I live.

Title: Junkyard treasure? or waste of time.....
Post by: Eric on April 16, 2006, 10:21:57 pm
Post a picture... “BIG TRASH” is this week for our town just came from it got a buddy who picks
up old lawn mowers, chain saws, etc. rebuilds and sells... Always a old fridge sitting out.
About had another Easter find today drove past a recyle/dump and there laying on its side
was a Tokheim 39 gas pump.....Screeeeeeech (brake sound :) ) turned around, jumped
out in my good Sunday Easter clothes but of coarse rusted past the point of no return/restore...
when I drove back by tonight...gone.... somebody is gonna have to work some serious magic on it.