SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Kevin C on April 10, 2006, 02:04:43 pm

Title: Pepsi slider
Post by: Kevin C on April 10, 2006, 02:04:43 pm

One of my employee's came into my office today telling me his wife was offered an old Pepsi slider type soda machine along with some old candy machines for free. Just come pick them up.

He told me it looked just like my RC Cola slider. So it helps to share our fun with friends & employee's.

I hope to get it in the next few days. Yes I will post pictures when it arrives.


Title: Pepsi slider
Post by: Eric on April 10, 2006, 02:32:13 pm
AND the candy machines!!!!! MAN! You can't beat that Great score! And yes post the pictures!!!!!

Title: Pepsi slider
Post by: dr galaga on April 10, 2006, 04:31:27 pm

[mumble] Lucky little  :censored: [/mumble]          :p

Title: Pepsi slider
Post by: Creighton on April 10, 2006, 05:30:20 pm
Cool!! Can't beat that deal.

Title: Pepsi slider
Post by: on April 10, 2006, 09:43:43 pm
Wow! What wonderful luck!
Enjoy and yes, do post photos of everything!

Title: Pepsi slider
Post by: davethebirdman on April 11, 2006, 02:05:42 am
Specially the candy machines. I'm really hooked on the wallmountable ones
at the moment.

I'm bidding on this at the moment. Is anyone old enough to remember these on site??

Title: Pepsi slider
Post by: on April 11, 2006, 06:32:24 am
Nope! But a cool item. Great, now I will be hooked on a whole new coin op machine.
But Dave, wouldn't you rather it said "serviette"? :D

Title: Pepsi slider
Post by: on April 11, 2006, 07:18:03 am
Dave, have your heard of the "Ask Swami" 1 cent Fortune and Predictions napkins machines too?

Title: Pepsi slider
Post by: davethebirdman on April 11, 2006, 07:21:58 am
Kito - you are indeed quite right. You ask for a napkin here and you'd get some funny looks. Serviettes thanks to our French brothers are much more common.

Just a quick story to show the differences in our "shared language."

A few years ago I had to break up a fight between a young girl and an American on holiday, in a nightclub. The American had said to the girl that she had a "good looking fanny." In this country that is a rather crude word for another part of the female anatomy and quite rightly didn't go down to well with our young lady.

I've hi-jacked this post, sorry...


Title: Pepsi slider
Post by: on April 11, 2006, 08:50:14 am
Yep Dave, when I studied over in England, I had an American female friend who got into some trouble talking about her fanny too. Yikes!
Anyway, so that we don't hijack this thread any further, I have started a new thread for us all to discuss the cool napkin dispensers and anything else we wish to ramble on about. :)

Here it is:
Cool old coin-op diner napkin dispensers

Title: Pepsi slider
Post by: MoonDawg on April 11, 2006, 10:45:15 am
Well here in America, when we tell a girl she has a nice Fanny.......... we get slapped too!  :D

Title: Pepsi slider
Post by: Kevin C on April 11, 2006, 11:41:37 am
Fanny Who?

Ok lets get back on track.

The pick up did not happen last night but is suppose to happen tonight. There is a new twist. Now it is three items. Candy machine, pepsi slider & an old coke machine.

So now I am really spun up wondering what the old coke machine might be.

Check back on Wednesday!

Now someone help me with the English meaning to fanny!  Send me PM


Title: Pepsi slider
Post by: Eric on April 11, 2006, 12:22:03 pm
OK... lets get this straight... A candy machine, A Pepsi slider and a Coke Machine.... FREE
What a unbelievable year!!!! How cool has this year been (so far) for this group!
We need a thread (with images) so we can keep track of the free stuff for this year...
There's been Jukes, candy machines and now soda machines.....
Kevin....You gotta be going crazy!... I know I am for you.... hope all are complete and ready to go!
Best of luck!

Title: Pepsi slider
Post by: BryanH on April 11, 2006, 01:38:07 pm
I'm green with envy.  All my leads seem to be people that have that unique machine worth $3000 (like the VMC on ebay that had a plywood coin door). Good luck Kevin.

Title: Pepsi slider
Post by: firemun on April 11, 2006, 08:46:26 pm
Fanny Who?

OK, one more...

Bob's your uncle...Fannys your aunt...Dave, isn't that an English saying?


Title: Pepsi slider
Post by: Eric on April 17, 2006, 10:38:57 am
OK... I can't take it much longer... were are we with this!?...... You got 'em yet?
Since I haven't found anything in forever I have to live through all you lucky folks!

Title: Pepsi slider
Post by: Lulu on April 17, 2006, 02:12:25 pm
Man, oh, man....You better play the lottery!!  

Title: Pepsi slider
Post by: Kevin C on April 20, 2006, 09:18:36 am

Here is the update

Nothing yet!   Employee making phone calls to get the machines from his wifes contact.  You never know about these things. They sometimes take awhile  to come together or it could have been a false alarm.

The last report was still positive.


Title: Pepsi slider
Post by: sodaworks on April 20, 2006, 11:45:17 pm
Employee's wife's fanny? :D