SMC Discussion Areas

The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Saguaro on April 06, 2006, 08:00:00 pm

Title: Just wanna say thanks!
Post by: Saguaro on April 06, 2006, 08:00:00 pm
Hey y'all! Just wanted to make my appearance and say thanks to all of you who have shared your experience and advice. It has really helped me a lot as I work on my very first (and as far as my wife is concerned, last) machine. It is a Choice Vend CVC-223 that I picked up off of ebay and still needs some work. It's nice to know that there is a community of people out there to help us with a hobby some consider odd. I've always wanted a machine since I was a kid and I'm having fun fixing it up. Thanks again for your help!


Title: Just wanna say thanks!
Post by: on April 06, 2006, 08:40:32 pm
Wonderful to have you here. I'm glad that you introduced yourself.
As you have already noticed, this is a very close-knit family here. We all genuinely care about each other and help each other in many ways.
This is extremely rare in this brave new internet forum world. You never see a negative word here and we cheer each other on as we pursue the same addiction of soda machines.

Post photos of the machine and feel free to throw tons of questions at us. We love it.
Maybe your wife could join all of our spouses and they could start up a support group.

Glad that you have joined the club.
~Markito (a.k.a. 'kito)

Title: Just wanna say thanks!
Post by: dr galaga on April 06, 2006, 09:31:52 pm
Yea welcome.  Stick around and when you post pictures, make sure that there is a ton of junk on top of your machine! :p

Title: Just wanna say thanks!
Post by: MoonDawg on April 06, 2006, 09:41:04 pm
Quote (Markito @ April 06 2006,6:40)
Maybe your wife could join all of our spouses and they could start up a support group.

Welcome back Kito.      I think you're onto something wise.....  :;):

    Plus the girls make great swap meet partners

Title: Just wanna say thanks!
Post by: Creighton on April 06, 2006, 10:02:27 pm
Hello Saguaro,
Welcome to the site!! Ask away on the questions and I'll bet anybody that thinks this is an odd hobby will get a smile when they pull a cold one:-)
A "Suffering Spouse" would be a great discussion area but hope the main posts would be blocked for times when a great score needs to be hidden at a friends house:-)

Title: Just wanna say thanks!
Post by: Pat Pixley on April 06, 2006, 10:25:27 pm
Welcome  Saguaro, Glad you found us and we hope you stay around
 for a long time. Some of the folks are saying this is a hobby!
  It's a sickness it a very bad sickness :p

Title: Just wanna say thanks!
Post by: firemun on April 06, 2006, 10:46:59 pm

It's a sickness it a very bad sickness

and there is no only eases the pain for a short while... with each new purchase.


Title: Just wanna say thanks!
Post by: sodaworks on April 07, 2006, 12:08:17 am
Hello Saguaro,
Welcome ABOARD!!

Title: Just wanna say thanks!
Post by: BryanH on April 07, 2006, 06:07:39 pm
Hey Saguaro - welcome.  Where's home; AZ or NM? There's a few of us in AZ.  Don't think anyone's from NM (yet).  Check out the Frapper site for SMC members and this SMC link with some info on the folks active on this forum.

Title: Just wanna say thanks!
Post by: Saguaro on April 12, 2006, 01:56:37 pm

I live in AZ, which I gather is not a bad place for this hobby (or sickness)

I'm still working on getting this thing going. I'm not planning on creating a masterpiece like some of the restores I have seen on this sight. If I do that I will have to clean up the rest of the garage just so it doesn't stand out and I am not will to make that big of a commintment.

When I figure out how to post I pic I will.

Title: Just wanna say thanks!
Post by: BrianB on April 13, 2006, 06:26:42 am
Welcome aboard Saguaro! Great to have you here. You will learn in short order that everybody here is super-helpful and always willing to lend a helping hand or sometimes even an encouraging word!  :D