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The Coin Return => General Chit Chat => Topic started by: Pat Pixley on April 02, 2006, 05:19:38 pm

Title: I've never seen this
Post by: Pat Pixley on April 02, 2006, 05:19:38 pm
Ok I'm breaking down my Secectivend A9  and I came
 across some wire that came out of the wiring harnes
 and ran up inside the cabinet and all around the opening
 of the main door.
 I've never seen this before. Any ideal's ??

Title: I've never seen this
Post by: dr galaga on April 02, 2006, 07:03:16 pm
Is it a bare wire?
So it ran all the way around the opening?  Can you tell what it stopped at? ???

Title: I've never seen this
Post by: Pat Pixley on April 02, 2006, 10:23:20 pm
Well it not bare its coated  and it loops around back to the wiring harnes.
 Now I'm going to say sorry for the bad photo right now
 but trust me there is two ends in my hand.

Title: I've never seen this
Post by: collecture on April 02, 2006, 11:14:14 pm
Maybe it is standard wiring for the machine in case an optional lighted sign or something was  to be mounted to the top of the machine or something like that.
You got me????

Title: I've never seen this
Post by: cvb141 on April 03, 2006, 08:39:29 am
I would think that it is a mullion heater.

Title: I've never seen this
Post by: on April 03, 2006, 09:34:23 am
Yeah, I just hate it when my mullion gets cold. :D :p

Sorry, couldn't resist. :laugh:

Title: I've never seen this
Post by: MoonDawg on April 03, 2006, 11:08:33 am
:D    Kito,   LMAO  :D

        Jerry, what is a mullion heater?  I have found this wire surrounding the selecton window of the main door.

Title: I've never seen this
Post by: Jim on April 03, 2006, 12:59:15 pm
I'll through in my 6 cents(six sense)...

Although I cannot confirm this and this is in conjunction with Glen's statement
I have found this wire surrounding the selecton window of the main door
I think these strips are installed on machines in cold climates to keep from freezing the doors. These seem to be located in areas of the machine that are prone to condensation which will freeze in colder climates. This could prevent a paying customer from retrieving their drink...
On older machines, you may have seen a flat resister mounted behind or on the coin mech to keep from freezing up. I'm assuming this is a similar principal...

Title: I've never seen this
Post by: Pat Pixley on April 03, 2006, 03:38:30 pm
First thing Mark,Very good  :laugh:   second
this does run around the inside of the cabinet  for the main
 door not the bottle door .
Now there was a  mounting bracket screwed on top
 I just don't know if it was original or not, plus there was no hole for the wiring to come up though.
 SO I don't know if I should just pull it or not ?

 Pat    ???

Title: I've never seen this
Post by: collecture on April 03, 2006, 04:15:41 pm
An insulated wire wouldn't transfer any heat - would it?
I looked up mullion in the dictionary and a mullion is a divider of some sort on window panes. What it might have to do with a vending machine, I can't figure out.
If there was a mounting bracket on top, I will stick with my first guess. Unless you want to put a light of something on top, I would leave it off.

Title: I've never seen this
Post by: Yarochrehc on April 03, 2006, 08:00:48 pm
That is a mullion heater, It did come on some models and it does what Jim said.  The cable has a resistive wire inside and depending on the ohmage value this would create a certain wattage of heat per foot of cable. Some times the cable has a metal braid around it to protect it from wear and shorting out.

It was used to keep the door from freezing shut or keep the glass in the door from fogging up.

House hold refrigerators have the same thing around the freezer door and is also widely used on commercial cooler doors.

Title: I've never seen this
Post by: Pat Pixley on April 03, 2006, 08:56:03 pm
Ok I'm going to go along with everyone on this,
 so I will hook it up  when I'm done.
 Thanks every one for the help on this.
    Pat   :)

Title: I've never seen this
Post by: collecture on April 03, 2006, 09:55:25 pm
I makes more sense. I stand corrected...good knowledge to know as always.